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Life on the Farm - Earn Extra Hallowfall Renown by Recovering Quest Items
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7 dias atrás
Upon reaching Renown 12 with the
Arathi de Pouso Santo
, players will unlock the ability to find special quest items awarding even more renown and a special achievement!
The first five of these quests,
Sementes do mal
Siga Miral
Salve Temóteo
Não deixe a chama morrer
, and
Ovos em uma cesta
, can be obtained without the renown requirement. The rest start dropping after unlocking a special perk.
Lighting the Way IV: Lost Hillhelm family items can now be found from creatures in the Spreading the Light event. These items lead to quests that are objectives of the achievement
Vida na fazenda
After unlocking the perk, the rest of the quests are all simple turn-ins, which can be started by finding special items throughout Hallowfall.
Um Sapato Perdido
Ovos de Galinha
can be picked up inside the
Caverna Micomante
Batata Incomum
A Orelha
can be found by purchasing
Pegadores de Raiz Sombria
and pulling up
Cipó Radiumbra
throughout Light's Blooming.
can be found at 64.7, 26.5, but is only visible after using one of several items that reveals hidden treasures:
Pote de Bichos-centelha
Portador da Chama Tremeluzente
, or
Tocha de Patrulha
Olho do Tio
drops from
Invasive Lasher
Lâmina de Arado
drops from
Ceifador Enlouquecido
and various
Fatiador de Marés Kobyss
type enemies.
Turíbio, o Frango
can be found inside various treasures, such as the
Caixote de Colheita
Depósito de Ajudante do Campo
, and
Caixa do Topógrafo
Medalhão de Lírio
can be found inside various treasures, such as the
Baú de Suprimentos Desvanecido
Caixote de Colheita
Depósito de Ajudante do Campo
, and
Bolsa do Pescador
O Diário Perdido
can also be found inside several of the same treasures, however it currently appears to be
, starting the unrelated
A chama perdida
instead of the correct quest.
Turning in each quest awards additional renown, while completing all of the quests earns the
Vida na fazenda
achievement, as well as the cosmetic
Enxada da Fazenda Montelmo
Regador da Fazenda Montelmo
Finally living out our halfhill and hillhelm farmer dreams.
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