I'm so thankful to see stacks gone!
I'm guessing that all these changes are meant to make the AH work across realms. Another step in getting rid of realms all together.
I can't get TSM to post auctions today. I get warnings telling me that unsold auctions will be returned on patch day, and I can click through those warnings, but the posting mechanic gets stuck at "confirming 1/x".
The Exact Match checkbox has now been removed.This is supposed to be replaced by using "" marks. For example, to search for coarse leather, enter "coarse leather" and it should only pull up the crafting mat, not coarse leather gear.Unfortunately, it's not working currently on the PTR.
Are there any changes to deposits? Specifically some materials like Dark Iron Bars have an extremely high cost to post.
Is TSM going to be broken now? I dread the idea of having to post all my auctions one by one using the new interface
i got this text too today it seems they are gona wipe put AH to the new systeems so all your actiosn before the reste weill be refunded
I always assume that add ons are broken for a major patch, especially if it relates to the use of the add on. People need to disable all their add ons prior to closing down before the patch and only reintroduce them when they show they have been updated.I suspect TSM will be the most hard hit by this as it relates directly to AH data.
While I'm glad to see something that should hopefully put a stop to some of the more tedious and plain annoying things about the AH, and hopefully it will make gold-making harder for those who don't actually work hard for it, I am pretty pissed to see all these amateur gold-makers right now all freaking the heck out and crashing markets because they're panicking to get stuff sold. Hopefully the patch brings back more people and more gold to be spent, get the markets where they should be again.
I had that problem too. I sent a bug report in with the "I know this probably isn't one but why put up the "accept" option so we can say "yes, yes, I know, I want to do it anyway" and then not let us do it." That's annoying. A better idea would have been just not give us a button but says "Ok, it's closed for deposits until after patch on Tuesday."You CAN buy out of there still, just nothing new goes in.
So now you can't just dump, say, a pille of cloth at just a starting bid to see how much you can get for it? That sucks. I also don't like that a later person will be getting the sale if I put something up earlier. That makes no sense. It needs to be market-driven, not time-driven, otherwise it's not fair to the original sellers. On top of that, I never liked people undercutting by a micro amount like one copper so I would purposefully buy the next higher-priced item to not reward the undecutter with their worthless tiny amount of savings. Now I won't be able to do that so it encourages people to undercut by just one silver. Bad idea blizz.