What would be replacement for sylvanas?
I'm sure Faceless would have a similar utility.
Faceless wouldn't be a bad sub. Especially since there's a Big Game Hunter in the deck for a big swing.
Haven't played lock since GvG, looking forward to trying out this deck.
Wait, so Implosions's RNG element when adapted to your play is great, but adapting Crackle's RNG to your play is the worst card ever? I don't understand. Lack of creativity with Crackle? Or lack of understanding? Perhaps just hard headed? lolDouble crackle to face same turn as dropping Thalnos is pure beauty. 8 dmg you can depend on for 6 mana is average, sure. But an average of 12 damage...maximum 16? You can adapt your strategy to that...And that is unparalelled in efffectiveness. Especially since nobody sees it coming from Shaman. It is what allows me to beat handlocks with regularity. They haven't even considered their Lord Jaraxxus yet, then they die.
This has been very helful thank you :)