!@# that looks good
But the Dark Heart didn't even do anything in the story besides get barely mentioned and then blown up?
"Iridi-who?" -Everyone
-fire a bunch of people after your game launches-moral is down bad-cake party!
I wonder if they stuffed the cake with all the items MISSING from our guild banks, that have been missing for over a month, and of which they barely said a peep about.https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/guild-bank-missing-items-what-happened/1918643/2443With BARELY ANYTHING restored from their "partial restoration." We are all hoping that this is the START of restoration, not the end. https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/guild-bank-missing-items-what-happened/1918643/265That's not to mention the bugs upon bugs some of us have experienced this expansion. (And I'm not talking about the Nerubians).
Post the cocktail recipe please, I want it! :D
Okay, that looks really cool....! Even though I agree with the person who pointed out it was really just there to be blown up.The BIG question is, what kind of cake was it? It had better have been something like dark chocolate -- or better, blueberry! If the answer is vanilla and the cake was not at least dyed blue, I'm disappointed. LOL --- EDIT: Aww... I read too fast! It was vanilla! But at least it had Oreos. ^_^On the other hand, looking at that frosting, there were a LOT of devs walking around with blue tongues that day. LOL
This is what the 100 dollar beta test paid for
Dark Heart did nothing after Dalaran's fall. Iridikron just went *poof*. And the Council of Six are just MIA aside now from Khadgar. On another story thread, the Thraegar story with Magni also abruptly cuts off. Mentioned like twice and never again. Not even a curious Earthen questioning what happened after Fearbreaker's given to Moira. The Titan arc also also has been left unfinished, but that's likely to come back around sooner rather than later. The Haranir are MIA. Thrall was shown as a main character in promotional material and did nothing past the intro. Where's Aggra and their children? You'd really think Aggra would sit on her hands during all of this, and their daughter was prominently focused in a short story yet doesn't appear? Jaina seems to be around for something but what? The only other prominent Dalaran mage around is Aethas and he's gone *poof* aside from a daily or two where he does a voiceover. Isle of Dorn is just so barren with large areas with very little which is rather strange in of itself. You'd think Anduin and Turalyon should have had a "stay a while and listen" conversation and yet the two don't even acknowledge each other. The focus has been Turalyon and Alleria. Arator got a spotlight in a short story with his mother only to not even be in the expansion. You'd think Mathias Shaw might have arrived with the fleet and Turalyon if for nothing more than Flynn Fairwind and to see his king again. Then why no Greymane, Tess or Genn, with the fleet? But that's just MIA characters they could have had pop in and not really loose story ends. Seems the story is starting to have as many loose ends as WoD did cut content. Question is if/when they'll circle back around to things since this time they have 3 expansions to come back around to something compared to like 2 patches. Maybe the Dark Heart will return in some capacity in a future patch, possibly the ethereal raid? Then Iridikron is floating about somewhere. If they weren't going to return to him, they may as well have just shown him dead like the one bronze dragon that took Garrosh back to past Draenor. If Iridikron returns, would make sense for the Aspects to return as well, but that may not be this expansion. Granted, maybe Xal'atath will use him as her next host if her body got destroyed by the breaking of the Dark Heart. I don't see her being the hot knaifu she is/was now when she comes back next time. With Anduin talking about wanting to apologize to Wrathion while questing in Hallowfall with Faerin, seems Wrathion's due to have a reunion with Anduin at some point. Would make sense for the other Aspects to come with him.On that note, cake looks yummy. Would also be curious on the Dalaran Sunset drink. Maybe the recipes will be included in the next cookbook or they'll put them online. Granted, the cake is probably a pretty easy to recreate oreo and vanilla with the only fancy part being the fondant.
Looks cool! :)
Did they hide a tiny Khadgar in it like one of those king cakes? That would've been funny.
ah yes go cut and eat your xalath cake. celebrate what how successfully you destroyed guild items because you sold beta invites and didnt test your expansion properly.
Dalaran Sunset! Too soon Blizzard!
Is there a Khadgar inside?
Wow celebrating one of the messiest and buggiest launches of expansion. Since launch there are lags in evening, LOS seems to be joke to most M+ mobs. But bruuuhs celebrate. I mean, sure - commercial success at cost of players having to pay to test again.