Grand Apothecary Putress could be pretty nuts if Brann was also on the board, since the text implies he´d double it; 4 face damage Leper Gnome anyone? And if you also had Rivendare (I think you´ve won if you get this kind of a board anyway), it´d be 8 damage on summoning a single Leper Gnome, and another 4 upon death? the 2 Leper gnomes would almost be a K.O. in themselves with 8+8+4+4=24 damage if you can kill them right away.
I love Grave Priestess. Really clever way to turn a minion into a 1 damage kill or 2 health heal depending on the target!
Transmogrifier OP, he should cost 6 mana at least for it text.Grave Priestess seems nice.Grand Apothecary Putress broken even without Brann, but sound like interesting idea need more balanced mana cost and stats like Brann have.
Grave Priestess would work miracles with creatures like
I think Putress would be too difficult to balance really. Deathrattles can be better than battlecries because the opponent has the chance to silence/transform/sap/entomb or play around them. Even as a combo, turning deathrattles into battlecries could easily be OP.