Auction House is currently down. Waiting for a post to say when it's estimated to be back.
Warbank down as well
No patron orders either.
no crafting orders of any kind not just patron
The lag is insane, everyone is complaining. Anyone who DOES NOT have a lag problem atm?
stop !@#$ing bringing the servers down for %^&*ty unfun patches that have delays and when they do come up they are bugged and ruined
Warbank is working for me, but crafting orders and AH seems to be down
and now stuck on character load screen for 5 min
Some realms are MIA for me. RIP Dragonmaw.
Can't even retrieve character list on OCE
This is getting a bit annoying to be honest - I know, I know - "go touch grass" but some of us took time off work to play and enjoy playing ;)
Says no realms available.
None of my toons are showing up the servers are their just my toons are not
What is annoying is it works for some people and not others.
Was in game for a little bit to do some quests. Needed to get off to start a meeting, but, Log Out and Exit Game from the menu do nothing. Had to alt F4 to shut the game down.
No it not it was working fine before it went down I can't even log in now stop fixing stuff that not broken
They posted that its being looked into on the forums. This is the 3rd time though they have had this issue since launch.
Are they, though?