That's cool but can your fix the double dipping nerf you did to shams pets and totems as well as making tempest work with lightning rod please and thank you. Before raid <3
I would love to see some fixes to BM's AOE damage to not have us hard black listed in m+ once it comes out.As we are struggling to keep up with tanks outside our CD window.
That's cool and all but can we get a fix on the demon hunter talent precise sigil combined with the fel scarred hero talent tree which make it impossible to use sigil of fire / doom after activating metamorphosis for the full duration of the meta?Make you loose one demon surge proc and a student of sufffering proc while not being able to sigil.( i know the @cursor macro exist i don't like it (yes i know i'm stupid)).
They also hotfixed some of the hunter pets! wth
where are rogue bugfixes? we are less than a week from s1 and deathstalker is still broken
The only Evoker change I really want to see is making Warp a choice node and optional on the blink. It's incredibly awkward to use due to the long wind up and is completely mandatory to play Chronowarden.
"Added a visual 1-hour timer to Hallowfall Fishing Derby quests."Oh my people having trouble reading a buff are they?
Hero Templar paladin ability Hammer of Light being a holy power spender doesn't consume a judgement proc. Is this also a bug?
Shaman: Ancestors no longer shoot at random targets that might not even be in combat with your character.Awesome, thanks for fixing that one Blizzard!
I just reached level 70 with the Terrane. I went to Silithus for the mission. When I want to talk to Thrall, he disappears.US - Area 52
It'll be nice when Rogues are fully-fixed. Actions straight out of stealth are still bugged, woo. (yes, already reported)
Multiple posts-reports have been created for the BANE OF HAVOC pvp talent for Warlock,it's bugged when you talent Mayhem from normal talent tree and what blizzard does is fix a damn pointless disgusting useless portal visual from a legit disgusting useless pointless nerfed by 80% in pvp hero talent tree Diabolist.Is this a damn joke or wtf is going on?
Almost every single interaction frostfire bolt is supposed to have is bugged, are we getting fixes for that anytime soon or are we just out of luck?
thats cool and all, but can we fix outlaws 12 or so regularly occuring bugs. Oh also fix deathstalker. Oh also fix killing spree bugging out and throwing u off the DB ship. Smile