Smell a lot of RNG videos.
Holy hell what an awful brawl.
random brawl is best brawl =)
So far almost every minion I've played has killed itself... and the ones that didn't fireballed me in the face. This is not going well.
Note that when you play a spell that Discouvers a card, you don't get to choose the card, it does it for you.
I must correct the second Tip:
With absolutely no control over neither the minions in your deck, nor the spells they trigger, this has to be the most frustrating Brawl yet. (for me at least)And while I'm aware, that bad luck will even out over enough games, I'm not going to stick to it until it does.
IMO if you can't deal with it and still have fun even while losing due to RNG then you're playing the wrong game. Nothing about this game (ESPECIALLY Tavern Brawl) is supposed to be taken so seriously that you can't have fun with it. I lost 15 of the 20 or so brawls I've played so far this week, all because of crazy RNG, but I had a lot of fun in all 20 games. Hell, I Pyroblasted myself in the face twice in a row to lose one game and I couldn't stop laughing the whole time.I agree with ikkusu wholeheartedly, random brawl is, in fact, best brawl. :]And, to be clear, no disrespect to anyone was intended. Just my opinion.
Wow. Try to do your "win 5 tavern brawls" daily on this one....Whenever I play a minion, most of the time one of these things happen:- damage or kill one of my minions,- hit my face,- buff the opponent's minions,- heal the opponent or their minions,- draw cards when I already have a lotI know I am not very good, but the RNG in this brawl.... I think I am like 3-42 or something. WHY AM I PLAYING?LOLEdit: my luck ain't changing.... Last 5 games opponent has turn 1 or 2 call of the wild....
The trick in this brawl is never to concede even if they have lethal on the board. On turn 9, I was down on 2 health and had a 4/5 on the board, hunter had a 5/4 and 5/3, lethal with hero power. Argent Commander proc'd Tree of Life, both minions traded leaving me with a 4/2 with no divine shield. Next 2-drop played gave me Call of the Wild (perhaps THE BEST spell in this brawl to get).Granted, this was only one game out of about ten others, but it's important to know that with the spells, you can always get a DOOM, CotW, or something similar that can spin the board around.
when you use keeper of the groove on a minion to kill it, but vanish is casted, damage is casted to opponents hand...and the minion is at full hp...okay :/played lord of the naturalized by me, so opponent got 2 cards...yay
Effects take place before battlecries, so yes. I was just disappointed that the 'when you cast a spell' effect doesn't apply.
Normally, I like the RNG brawls like Crossroads, or Portals. I even liked Cart Crash at the Crossroads. But this is just too much random to be enjoyable for me.
I won something about 40 games only today... Best brawl ever!
I'm loving this one. About 60% win rate but 100% laugh rate while my wife looks at me strangely. I've never said OMG so much in such a little time frame. Last match. Both of us in fatigue casting one card a turn from what's left in our hands...Tree of Life at near fatal. Lol.
BEST BRAWL EVER, seriously had a ton of fun with the RNG, lost most games, still had "WOW"-emotes after most plays.