Ok, cool. So where i get a refund for my prime sub?
Cash is king
It’s pixels. If some idiot paid thousands of dollars for it it’s on them.
Some people have literally spent thousands in real life money on getting a spectral tiger mount. There is likely a large overlap between this type of player and the whales that have a ton of throwaway money to spend on in-game services. Blizz can't afford to alienate the whales.
Aww nice, dupe enjoyers can still feel special with their duped little mount. I thought this mount was worthless back when dupers sold it for less than 10k gold each and I didn't buy it, and I still think it's worthless right now when fools pay thousands of actual real money to get it.
So its okay to devalue the cheaper ones? How about putting the Black Qiraji Battle Tank on there then?
Their own fault if they spent hundreds of dollars on pixels. Just put it in a promotion and let the babies cry.
Best $1200 I've ever spent. Gave the superior quality one to my brother, kept the epic one for myself. I don't even use it, much rather use a Gladiator mount.
That's kinda dumb, because they're very arbitrarily choosing this one to be special. These were all toys and mounts that could only be gotten through the TCG, but they still made them available anyway.I don't personally require them as drops through Twitch or Prime, but they should be made available again in some way. It's really not on Blizz or the rest of the playerbase to feel bad for someone who spent a ton of money on a card/code. Not to the point where something remains exclusive forever because of a promise Blizzard never made in the first place.They never said those cards would forever be the only way to get those things, it just happened to be the only way for a long time.I don't expect them to change their stance on this, however, knowing how stubborn Blizz is. I guess the rooster is off the table too, then.
Yes, cater to the fraction of players who can afford to be that stupid with their money. Also, as much as I love tigers, I fail to see how that's different from the Feldrake.
Maybe they should first of all delete all the hoarding accounts for all those dupes a decade ago. Specifically wannabe-charitable guy Magicuz. The guy has been hoarding billions of gold in dupes for the last decade.
Okay we are not getting SWIFT spectral tiger but im sure we will get the normal one ;)
Am I the only one that doesn't see what the big deal is about this mount? I got this from a TCG pack I opened when it first came out and sold it on ebay, haven't cared about getting it since because it's just not that great of a mount.