I like this guy's hair. It's very interesting, like a forest.
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.
I always enjoy, as Lore himself says, how he has a talent for turning what I initially percieve as simple questions (Duh, don't stand in the fire, next), and talks about them in length in ways I've never thought of.High five.
not sure but last time i checked the idiots that use pvp gear to get into heroics usually end up sucking and just pissing everyone off. so if u pve go for pve items, quest it makes a ton of money!
i made a female pally is cause i cant stand male blood elfs! but good response lore... lol
Male subcriber here. Always had female toons in every mmo i played for a very simple reason:- If I end up spending 1000+ hours staring at the ass of a toon, i much rather it be a woman's ass ;)
We have a deaf holy pally in our guild. He had just returned from time off from WoW, farmed his 346 heroic set, and several days ago accidentally got into our BoT raid. Well, the first boss he ever killed in Cata is now Halfus Heroic, and he got the Bastion achievement, like, 1,5 hours later. He is pretty much godlike in healing. He didn't have DBM yet, and didn't know the encounters, so he did have some problems with several mechanics, but he got it later.I guess being deaf in WoW is certainly manageable.
am i the only one who put the closed captions on after he mentioned them
I know this may seem stereotyped but I just like some of my classes to be a certain sex. Most of my casters are female. Most of my melee is male. That's just the way it seems to be.
Being partially hearing impaired it is possible to raid. I have raided multiple times.
My boyfriend plays exclusively female toons. He prefers the aesthetics of the female form over the male. He also has professed the "If I'm going to be staring at someone's ass..." POV.We have several male friends who play WoW: One of them has a mix of characters, though I think he skews slightly toward female. Another plays exclusively male toons. A third plays only female toons and projects himself as a female in-game to avoid the awkwardness he's run into because he "talks like a girl" most of the time. He is very "in touch" with his feminine side IRL, though not gay.As for maintenance, I'm glad they do have regular time to take care of the system. I do wish there was a single server that came up just for maintenance time with a few realms so people could still have something to do, similar to how when unexpected downtime hits certain battlegroups, lots of people will make alts on servers that are up.Anyone know if PTR is up during regular server maintenance?