Now lets hope These new weapon enchants DO work on bows/guns/crossbows etc
The plasma shield enchant on engineers seems a bit OP.
Looks like more of the same, which is not necessarily bad but professions really need a revamp. Something like more cosmetics craftings and transmog gear. I hope they do this revamp soon™.
The net "Roots a target by 3%"? Is this just an alpha typo?
Hmm, I'm looking forward to seeing what the new enchantments look like.
Blacksmithing seems a bit straight forward but I'm not sure what else I was expecting at this point. Only so much you can do with a hammer and anvil I suppose! ^^
We don't know the duration yet, and they may add a maximum amount of damage blocked. But it's interesting, even if it was a 1sec shield.
I just want weapon enchants to be "chance on hit: fires a fire bolt that deals X damage and and additional Z damage over 12 seconds" Searing Blade, or just oldschool crusader enchant :(
I don't see any of those belt enchants replacing my rocket belt any time soon.
Way to rob my rogue of her honest job even more, Blizzard..
C'mon belt-buckles! Bring 'em back Blizz! #MakeBlacksmithingGreatAgain
why are they ALWAYS belt eng items? i'm not giving up nitro boosts. >_<
I'd probably give up nitro boost if the grenade belt scaled again. There was a wonderful little period in MoP where that grenade belt saved my butt more than the boost. But I doubt that'd ever happen again. These new belt tinkers are far too niche and I'm half-certain that the shield won't work in boss encounters.