Just to provide a little more information - the Wowhead team is always looking to create new awesome features for the site, and keep up with the rapid-fire PTR builds. However, since Wowhead is a very old site, we also need to pay attention to our technical debt and make sure the backend of the site remains healthy...which in turn makes our features easier to create. So that's why we're looking for a Lead Engineer - someone that can supervise the technical side of Wowhead. As the job listing states, due to the management/supervisor role, this position does commute to the LA office. Most positions at Wowhead do not (I commute in a few times a month, everyone else is remote) but the nature of this Lead role kind of demands it.We're just trying to get more organized with the site over time - I don't think we've had an actual "Lead" supervisor role before - so hopefully that explains some things! Looking forward to getting some resumes :)
Are moderator jobs available and can they be done from the east coast in the US?
Most other jobs (full time and contracted) can be done from anywhere (I lived on the east coast for 4 years with this job). If you're interested in moderating I would email - Sas handles the moderation team.
You guys looking to outsource? I happen to own a company that does stuff like this.
Hey Perculia!Are you folks looking for full time only, or are there part time slots available too? Thanks!
Hey Perculia, I have applied and participated in a previous interview and test, but I wasn't ever given a response. Would I need to send a new application, or is the old application still valid somehow?