Im starting to see Patron orders appear. All have min ranks which are requiring having to pickup higher level mats. This is...going to be expensive to maintain. lol
Are there going to be random knowledge drops from mobs in the world?Are we not receiving Artisan’s Acuity every time we gain knowledge?What skill level do you need to be to pick up the quests and/or start receiving NPC patron orders?Knowledge and Acuity gains still seem to be severely lacking compared to DF. The issues seem worse rather than better so far.
The War Within in general has less sources of Knowledge Points compared to Dragonflight.Blizzard most likely wanted players to progress slower at the beginning of the expansion, so they reduced it all.Here's a screenshot of the current sources for some of my professions: WeeklyKnowledgeWeekly:
As a side note, the Engineering work Order quest only rewards 1 Knowledge point, instead of 2 like the other professions.Edit: and all my Patron Work Order are for Level 2 and Level 3 quality items. LOL
skinning is bugged, i have opened all chests and skinned everything and i have only 8 points in total, while with herbing and mining i have like 50+, same with all crafting
Do we really have to take items out of our warband bank to use them for crafting orders? This is a huge QoL fail.
I'm not seeing a weekly enchanting quest. What figures? 68/100 enchanting. I was able to pickup a blacksmithing one no problem
It seems that some of the treatises have incorrect KP values too (I'm seeing the Inscription and JC ones as offering 0 points)
Potential bug with the Tailoring quest - I picked it up, swapped to an alt to post some orders for myself, as you do. Logged back into my main and did them, and then realised I didn't have the quest any more.Picked up the quest again, posted the orders again, and when I swapped back, I had indeed (again) had the quest dropped from my log.Was able to pick it up again and finish the 2nd time around, thankfully.Did not occur for my 2nd crafting skill
Level 72 on BS and I didn’t have the craft order quest at all.
not seeing a quest from the enchanting trainer(im 67) nor am i getting any knowledge items from i doing something wrong here?
The cost of gathering vrs crafting professions is 100% unbalanced.I did my miner, just give me 10 bronze ore that looks like a gem.JC/CS - Make me a MIN silver star item, which means unless you have a fortune to get the better ores is next to impossible right now, PLUS provide your own mats. One is basically free, the other is basically impossible. Even just crafting the ignots that were asked for are silver quality, and you can't get that without min silver quality ore which is rare and expensive. (My miner has hit level 50 in mining, and found 0 silver quality ore.)
Not seeing any gathering quests for my herbalist/miner. Are there any prerequisites to get them?Edit: Need to be skill level 25 to get the gathering quests.
You also can get at least, by my count so far, 6 crafting profession points through patron orders. You need to look at the rewards for fulfilling the orders; some of them explicitly reward specialization points. I assume this is once per week.