I'm pretty sure my Kyrians won't be able to finish a level 20 gold mission, even though they are above that level. I don't think this helps the disparities.
So... that means there's a limited number of times or it stays that level until you unlock the next level?
No $%^& they didn't feel good. When they're eternally several levels out of your reach, you're not gonna do them without a broken strategy.
Hmm interesting, I think it may depend on your troops, or perhaps which Campaign missions you've done since I just got a level 30 Soul Ash mission that gives 125 Soul Ash and 250 Stygia called 'Maw: Ghelak's Revenge'. I didn't get the level 20 one. I had already done Breaching the Planes a couple days ago, so maybe that might be it? Dunno.
No sense doing missions as Kyrian until they un-break it. The followers are horrible.
To be fair I did a mission on my Ven, where my followers couldn't hit 1 guy, and since he was eventually the last target he became "the farthest target" and I won the mission.And on my druid who is Kyrians I am like 19-23 and haven't failed a mission in a while. you do know you can use more than one of the "troops" and Pelagos is great coverage if you level him up with lower missions.
The Venthyr static level 20 soul ash mission is still impossible with level 26-27 companions. Do they even test this @#$%?
This is what Ion said on the interview linked in this article: "Some of the missions scale with your level like Soul Ash missions, that doesn't feel great. They are talking about changing it to be static mission levels: a system like a level 20 mission and once you beat that you unlock say a level 30 mission that awards more Soul Ash."So... probably yes.
What's the point of calling this a level 20 mission when the numbers in it are still higher than the 24 gold elite campaign mission ^^
Have level 27-28 followers with level 27 basic troops, but since they're Kyrian, I'll still fail this level 20 mission. Such excellent design.
Did they even test this? Those new missions are still impossible as Kyrian even with much higher level followers than mission itself...
Hopefully my level 32 people will be able to complete this. Really sick of not even attempting because of how obvious the failure is.
So still no fix on Kyrian troops? :-(PS: my Soul Ash mission on my table is still level 25 Elite and unbeatable by my Kyrian troops.
Wait, it was dynamically scaling? No wonder I kept failing it even though I was pumping my follower levels as high as I could. Good grief.
Ion didn't really address the disparity between the different covenants except to say that it will get better later with more companions. It doesn't. Unless if changed from the beta the Kyrian mission table only has one healer who can heal all allies and you get him at the very end. Most of the companions can only attack one or two targets at a time. Even with the max level followers on the beta I would fail missions regularly as Kyrian. I don't think anyone looked at the balance between covenants or even really made sure this system was working. Adding a healer troop type for Kyrian might be a big help but with how opaque the system is it's hard to tell.