This sounds potentially problematic, because will it really be better to prio this buff? Doing it early and having that buff for the rest of your blacksmithing career sounds like the best option, but if you instead put your early points into gear that people are actually going to want to purchase, you'll make more money.And then some time down the line, when you're satisfied with your buff, you can finally start crafting gear that people already have.Doesn't have to go that way, but yeah.
Silly me, hoping they'd make professions less annoying than DF.
going from like afk crafting useless items to the new 100/100 to the complex crafting systems is rough
So another layer of time-gated crafting resource? Excellent. /s
whelp several profession / goldmaker creators made already videos about it. and i wont touch this at all.
I like Blacksmithing as it was, personally. This just looks like an extra mechanic for the sake of making it different. I have a lot of friends who still do not understand the DF profession system, so stuff like this is likely to make them just take herbalism and mining lol
This post is misleading.None of the affected stats - Ingenuity, Resourcefulness, or Multicraft - actually affect the quality of the crafted item.Ingenuity might affect how much concentration you have left, but if you're just focused on maxing out a single crafted item, it is not as critical. This tree is much more relevant to crafters making multiple crafts at once, or those who want to make materials for sale on the AH, than anyone who just wants to make themselves a weapon.The best way to guarantee you can make a good piece of armor or weapon is to follow the relevant tree and use high quality mats.
Looks like they didn't fire the anti-player manager yet. Ouch.