Not going to lie, this mount makes me very excited. It will be like riding a transformer, which I am very okay with.
too bad we cant join them together and form Voltron Defender Of The Universe!
Okay the description for the mount does not seem to match with what I am seeing...But definitely a cool mount. Love the copper colour.
Description might need a correction
Of coures you have to pay over 120k for it. As we dont have enough gold sinks in this expac. I'm sure that the drop rate of the epic reagent will be low enough just to make people buy them.
So to sum it up. It is 1 mount total correct? But ur able colour it?Not 35K gold x 8?Ofc as being somewhat a vendor mount, i guess 8 quick mounts for 35K each woudnt be to bad either but yea..
Activision right now: Chroma mounts without monetization? NOT ON MY WATCH!
Please, tell me this music is a new one from the 8.2 :O It sounds so elfic, "magnificent".This mount seems to be interesting with all these chromas. I will probably farm all the chromas to get the meta-achievement and the blue one.
And they aslo have gas organs :)
Arg....They HAD to make the blue color an achievement....Lovely....Nice looking mount regardless though.
love the idea of this, 8.2 is shaping up to be a really good patch with lots to hunt & collect!
Hey guys, some Mechagnomes effed it up and changed the mount description. We sent them back to Mechagon and its fixed now!
The comments here are a prime example of why blizz is stuck in a no win position with the community. Cool mount is added into the store, people are triggered that it should be earned in game. Cool mount is added to the game but requires work, or some gold to cut corners, people are still mad. I feel like anymore the gaming community salt levels are near the dead sea anymore.
I'll rather take the long path and wait for all those rare parts to drop :D
A rare mount material that can optionally be purchased from a vendor if you're unlucky with drop rates?God I wish they'd do that for Kua'fon's egg and Abyssal Fragments.
So how does this work account-wide? Does every character have to unlock the tints or?
These are the mount of the powers rangers! hahaha