Prophet Velen: His valor inspired us all, even in death. His spirit will be with us, always.
Lady Jaina Proudmoore: King Anduin, the hero of the Broken Shore approaches.
Anduin Wrynn: Good And carrying a message of some sort, I see.
Anduin: My father was a seasoned strategist, yet his army was shattered on the Broken Shore. How can I hope to succeed where he failed?
Jaina: I trust you mean united against both the Legion AND the Horde, Prophet!
Anduin: Velen is right. We must focus on the Legion. Now is not the time to—
Jaina: The Horde betrayed your father and left us to die! To fight beside those cowards would dishonor everything he stood for.
Anduin: Agreed. I’m sorry, Jaina, but vengeance must wait. I ask that you prepare the Kirin Tor for battle against the Legion.
Jaina: My mages will be ready to face the demons…but we won’t fight alongside the Horde! Never again!
Anduin: We must not splinter like this…not now. Please, Jaina!
Jaina: You disappoint me, King of Stormwind. But sooner or later, you will see the truth. You all will!
Anduin: My father dead…disaster on the Broken Shore…Jaina fixed on revenge…Everything is falling apart.