Supremacy is spelled incorrectly in the picture
First? What a crazy race so far
"Halondrus has taken two minor nerfs but the question is being asked if more are potentially deserved in order to keep the race moving and make sure that we get to Anduin and Rygelon before they're outgeared"You should need some of the current gear to progress further into the hardest content. The gear you get should make it easier over time.
Hats off to these top guilds progressing on this fight. I would 100% bail on this, as the frustration is just not worth it for me. Such a bad boss design this is, I can't even... Numerous perfect attempts, that get failed in a milisecond of someone not paying enough attention. Incredible nerves and performance by top 2 contenders though, hope you guys kill it soon!
Bring back the cringy Dratnos/Tettles intros like on the podcast :)
@Phatymcdaddy true. They do have mostly 4set though and quite a lot of heroic gear, i think we all would agree we rather see them struggle on Anduin and beyond instead of this mid boss. The 1 mistake = wipe doesn't feel ok, rather it be doing around half the raids hp in dmg than a complete wipe.
If these guilds require current gear the rest of the world will never kill it before 10.2
Crab dance~
Last bosses are being adjusted,and they are getting time with this boss like with sludgefist,change my mind
Seems the First Ones build their stuff to last.
not sure how this boss works on mythic, not checked videos, but one thing I noticed on heck normal was that when the balls came, and you had to bounce them back, if you had any kind of lag, the ball whent strait through you at times, meening you had to run to stop it, loosing dps in the process, depending what class you had.
This is exactly as it should be. Content should never be cleared in 1-2 lockouts or what’s the point of waiting so long for it.Warcraft is a marathon not a sprint.
This fight will not look like this for the average CE guilds which makes me question the difficulty and the design of this boss.If Blizzard wants to make raiding in wow an esport, then they should shield the game from negative stuff they put in to cater for less than 1% of the player base.1: Create a dedicated realm for World First. with vendors etc.2: officially endore the race and give the raiders prizes.3: design a difficulty for the world first and keep things within reason for normal realms
RTWF watchers: Raid bosses go down too quickly/easily, Blizz sux!Also RTWF watchers: Nobody can down M-Halondrus after a week of trying, tuning is broken. Blizz sux!"There's no pleasing some people.""That's just what Jesus said, sir."
I imagine the main thing that's still missing from the equation when it comes to boss difficulty is double leggo. I expect that the bosses will become markedly easier with the performance boost that double leggo gives, as for some specs it's a huge boost.