I remember the good ol days when Blizzard would promote WOW to the masses. Now, it is only promoted to current mmo players and console players, while hundreds of millions of computer owners either have not played WOW or have no idea what it is. Instead of promoting the already jaded and bitter players busy with other mmos, lets promote like we used to and get NEW BLOOD into the game! P.S. - every expansion was AMAZING and still fun to experience in Retail (aka REAL WOW).P.S. 2 - no matter what comments you read online or on forums, they only represent 1% of the game's playerbase, as the high majority of WOW players are too busy enjoying the game to complain and cry. P.S. 3 - when you create alts that you rush through content to max level, you are effectively sabotaging your own fun playing WOW in the future. Try sticking to a main character and do EVERYTHING you havent been able to do across all your characters. It might be AMAZING!
Slow news day, I guess? Whats so special about 5.4, other than it lasting way too long?
speaking of SOO, WTB a SKIP
what a stupid article.
What do you think will be happening in WoW 3,213 days from now?...Everyone plays Riot Games MMO.
First poster is right on.<3
Who would have expected from dealing with the fire elemental lord, old god & KT to the realms of death after the legion is destroyed & N'zoth defeated.Truly seems short.
Siege of Orgrimmar, best raid ever!
And there still isn't a skip quest to Garrosh.
Thank you for making me feel so old and also miss MoP that much more. Damn, i loved 5.4
Good times were had.. ;(