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Honestly if they think the raids aren't hard enough they are out of touch with reality. Everyone else concluded that stuff like Uunat or KJ were far too overtuned and unfun in the end. While Sanctum had a weird curve with Painsmith beeing harder than Guardian/KT the overall tuning was fine in SoD Mythic. Actually it was so good that they didn't even had to tune the bosses for months, unlike older tiers.
1. Tier and the creation catalyst2. Encrypted affix3. The new raid4. Legendary5.?
Anything Dratnos say Blizzard should listen to, heck they should even hire him.
honestly SoD wasnt even that hard so idk why people in the comments are complaining about it, if you want an easy to prog mythic difficulty raid then you really shouldnt be raiding in the first place. majority of raids have difficult middle number bosses then the ones after are easier like ra'den from ny'alotha and council from CN, its to stop and separate the good guilds from the bad instead of having 100 8/10 guilds when in reality they are way farther behind and cant compete but comments like these is literally whats wrong with wow, raids get nerfed after world first, thats how it is and if your guild still cant get CE then get a new guild, no one who actually spends time in this game wants stuff handed to them, a challenge for the good cosmetics and titles/achievements are what make the game good. that being said though i do believe there should be good cosmetics in other content to counter the difficulty of getting the raid's cosmetics and gear/mounts but still earned rather than putting 1000 hours and not getting the "good stuff" because you as a player are physically and mentally unable to just get good, like a wise man once said "its a skill issue"
9.2 will be absolute trash with some tiny QoL changes WOWEY. The raid will be cool for two weeks max. Why waste your time running on Blizzes treadmill so you can be useful for CE? Nobody cares literally. I mean if you play PvP or M+ solely fair I guess, if you really enjoy doing the exact same thing 1000x every expansion, but bruh the gearing systems are absolutely atrocious in this game. Outside of your boring daily / weekly grind there is like two cool things an expansion they add, MAYBE, that are legitimately unique and fun and rewarding, IF THAT. Stop asking for "harder raids" because nobody gives a f*** how hard a raid is, except for WF raiders, if it's boring as f***, with a terrible storyline, and the way you gear up to get into it is like peeling your toenails off over the course of two months. I hope WoWhead censors my comments like they do their entire website just so people have some semblance that the game is in an okay state.
People seem to forget how M+ rewards were on Legion, that was a beautiful system that really rewarded your effort and time spent.