RIP warrior dps lol
Please stop buffing Sanlayn its awful degen playstyle that prios heartstriking over everyother button, even to ur own defensive detriment. Its horribly punishing, and not at all fun to play. Either delete it entirely, or rework this trash into something playable. Static buffs to make it competative is the actual opposite of fixing this awful hero talent tree.
Wonder how long bm hunterd will have to eat dirt before they fix the aoe dmg. Its not funny anymore :(
whats the reason of these nerfs ? fury already has low ST and getting back to back aoe nerfs ? the only reason you can get into keys as fury warrior is your dmg being high which is gone now Nice job!
How long gonna blizzard nerf warrior? We had several nerfs already while having a $%^& t-set. Seems like fury never being allowed to be on top. Maybe instead of destroying classes try fixing the game, because rated solo blitz bg still doesnt provide progress towards seasonal mount in the second week now. Just embarassing.
Can i get a translation for the afflic changes? lol
why is blizzard buffing spellslingers but not giving a single f about frostfire lmao
Locks and mages can be allowed to be OP for several patches even expansion, but once warrior is top it gets nerfed.Still with almost 0 utility.
I guess we will have to see if those buffs to Mountain Thane are enough to make it interesting and help balance the never-ending nerf of Bladestorm...
GJ Blizzard! Nerf warrior even more, its not like its hard allready to get into m+ group with a class that cant even deal with some affixes. The only thing we had going was damage and now they take that away too. GG. :D
Blizzard won't be happy until warriors are back to doing tank damage, these nerfs are NOT needed. The raid just makes the warrior look good because of the burst damage and low ad health. These nerfs just mean that the fury warrior is just going to be another C / D tier dps class in M+ which is annoying considering they left DH's to be OP for the entire season 3 and DH tanks were also OP for season 3 and 4. Additionally the tier set bonus for the warrior is ABSOLUTELY SH*T so that's going to put warriors even further behind. Start balancing based on the content, you always balance from the shi*ty raid and just f*ck classes over in M+. You balance for PVP separately so do the same for M+ and the raid ffs
So rogue both feels like ^&*! to play AND we're getting some nerfs too? Awesome tysm
Tell whoever is in charge of resto druid to just leave us alone already. He's done enough damage.
Guys calm down. Its just the buffs and nerfs from the latest tuning round. Its not a NEW nerf or buff.You guys are whining if wowhead puts a spoiler but dont read it now. The answer is in the title.
As a warrior main I feel like I should hate these changes but I can’t read
Blizzard! STOP KILLING MY CLASS. My lord we were top dps for 2 weeks... not even in season. Whoever is incharged of these warrior nerfs is actually killing the class. FURY has no throughput you nerfed that anyway.. and now we got no burst how we gunna get into groups when all we had to offer was big cleave dps...