Personally I like the idea of it only being available in the main city. But I get that some people may not prefer this. Good change overall.
Love this!
Yeah I think I'm fine with this. Sure it's a slight pain but I do most of my crafting in a city anyways.
The only annoying thing i see for this is trying to make flasks in raid for cauldrons. We usually have people just pass flasks to our alchemist. Guess they will have to start mailing them ahead of time now.
That removes the comodity of crafting in the bank or the aution house when you are checking what you should sell. It's also a bad idea when you have to check other's orders, go to the bank, the crafting station and then come back to the AH.I think only reagents and rare materials should be the ones requiring crafting stations, not the items. We could have custom animations like grinding, weaving or enchanting as we have now, but more elaborated.
Nice little touch but I will miss making things in the middle of the desert by rubbing my hands together hahahahahaI loved the idea of this in WoD where you got a boost doing this in a garrison building of that type
So now how much longer until Blizz announces the next 5 million gold-sink mount. . . . . . . .which does nothing more than allowing you to craft out in the world.
cringe change.
"We're doing this for fantasy and immersion!"Dear lord, there's been so much BS put into WOW because of these "reasons". Immersion is subjective, yet Blizzard thinks it's something they can just plug into the game if they do enough stupid things. Don't you love the anima drought that had us earning 35 anima when most items bought with anima cost several thousand? What about the immersion of the Maw where our mounts were too scared to heed our call. There, there motorcycle, the Jailor can't hurt you!
This seems reasonable. I mean games like skyrim do this and no one complains about it.It seems fun and adds an additional RPG element to the game which I’m always down for.
I understand why people want crafting to be convenience >>> everything. I really do. However, I think the game needs more little injections of immersion like this. One of the things that gets lost over time with convenience and time becoming king is the magic that MMOs have. MMOs need that magic back, and that magic is usually comprised of the little things, like bustling areas of crafters, populated areas with people doing their daily activities, immersive travelling and exploration. I like crafting stations.
So, as enchanter I can not enchant a new piece of equipment I or someone from my group just got?Then this is not immersion but a time-sink.If getting better at crafting would be limited to doing it at the crafting stations while still beeing able to craft inthe open world what you already can craft, that would be different.
Guild wars 2 had crafting stations from the get go in the cities. Besides, there will always be someone with an AH mount in the area. Be happy its not a repeat of having to go into Scholomance!