Why not just do away with skinning and let leatherworkers only get leather, or blacksmiths/engineers get ore.. whats going on here? Who thinks this is a good idea? In what world is it appropriate to allow a crafting profession literally be the only ones able to access its raw materials? WIthout a second profession? Wild, radical, ridiculous and obtuse change.
Yeah this change makes no sense at all.
trying to curb those 4x2 groups mindlessly farming cloth and stuff I guess
I know in the past Tailors could loot an item that increased cloth drops, why not just do that? do a slight tweak to the drop amount/rate for non Tailors and then have the item give more for Tailors
Interesting changes..I was not invested at all in the profession changes that came with Dragonflight, so I welcome any changes with this next expansion’s profession system.
I'm fine with this as long as after each kill they have to take out tools to remove the cloth off their victim sort of a timer like mining and skinning. Also it's a whole new profession as well. Meaning you need to take Tailoring and Stripper to benefit from it.
So Tailors, who already didn't require a separate gathering profession, are now the only source of cloth too... this is going to drive up the cost of cloth since it reduces the number of people collecting it, while also removing something that everybody could sell. Quite sure nobody wanted this stupid change.
This will only make items more expensive, it is assumed that if someone becomes a Tailor it is because they are going to use the Cloths and there will be shortages in the AH, I don't know how viable it is to take tailor just to farm cloth.
So tailoring is now also a gathering profession?The only crafting AND gathering profession?
A nice change for those that wants to be tailoring and still make some gold. Less stuff cluttering my bags, seeing as how cloth never sold for much of anything. Only downside would be the cost to level tailoring will increase if you buy the mats needed. But that again has the upside of tailoring profession actually having another way of generating gold. I agree with Apb89 on that you could just roll mining and skinning into the profession that needs those resources. Even if he finds it ridiculous.Issue there i guess is that JC also needs ore. But that's solvable by just allowing them to also mine.Found it a bit silly for quite some time that something as basic as mining, skinning and herbalism was ever considered a full profession, instead of being similar to fishing.
glad im not a clothie main. things are going to be even more expensive for them now
Yay, most of us are suddenly too stupid to disrobe enemies!