M+ Affix:- Overview of how it works
- Idea really good
Trigger design needs improvement
Implication of routing (PuGs will probs just slam the haste one all the time)
Mists example where you’re now forced to do the hardest pack in dungeon to activate the buff
Target caps: +3 mobs
Relic killing issue - rng kills
- Chain harvest crit = 70% of a mob
- Fix: explosive treatment? Squad leader treatment?
Auto power not so fun. Items? Extra action button?
- Buff will always be on the opener of bosses
- Interactable relics?
- Necrotic wake buttons?
- Stackable relics + harder robot?
- 1 relic per pack would make everything easier but reduce the playmaking potential
DR relic kinda shit and likely skipped like sogg
Kiss/curse not so good - making packs already harder can backfire
Buff “preference”
- CDR really good to a breakpoint
Maybe not a good affix to do after 2 seasons of route stagnation? Do people want the routes to change?
Dungeon design has shoehorned affix design (mists labyrinth. Let all the doors be openable in combat).
If activatable you can put relics in weak packs to make them stronger and risk-reward people into killing harder packs with the buffs. MASSIVELY increases scope and potential, deepen routes, and allow tactical plays to shine
Putting all the relics in the hardest packs to encourage people to play them means people will just skip them even more
Mobs worth 0% tend to be skipped. Incentive
Generic M+:- Tazavesh funsies (8min so’leah)
- Cycle of content should not be tied to the raid. Taz was ready months ago.
- SL already had the lowest number of dungeons out of any M+. Stale and weak for M+ fun. Trickle-feeding a dungeon per patch would be better.
- Add 2 legion dungeons to the season for score maybe? Allows you to recycle old fun content
- Legion M+ was really fun but wasted potential
- All it takes for a season to be memorable is 1 more dungeon
- https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/dungeons-designed-for-m/1163196
- Less railroad dungeons pls
- Challenge mode M+?Generates communities.
- Take scenarios and turn them into dungeons (and then M+). Don’t like to group? Take NPCs. HUGE amount of extra content for everyone
Raid:- Random boss name generator? Impossible to pronounce
- 3 bosses not testable - one boss very among us (LFR/normal killer)
- Lots of reused hexagon platforms
- Boss variance is good enough to have different profiles for encounters
First boss: lots of trash -> boss
More thematically cohesive than sanctum
Less emo, more vibrant than sanctum
GIGANTIC boss arenas + lots of movement (telegraphed, not random)
Get at least one warlock
Bosses keep changing between tests
- Good thing. You get to see the fine-tuning and refinement process by looking at spell data/dungeon journal, gives a glimpse into the intent of bosses. Also refreshes tuning week on week
- Brand new mechanics being added compared to previous raids. Little recycling
- More focused?
- They were tweaking mid-boss tests - watching and with actual devs, not just GMs
9.2 feels like a much more iterative process rather than having a rushed, half-baked and essentially directionless patch such as 9.1. Devs watching, iterating, talking to the community like they have this patch cycle is amazing.
Retroactive trinket changes. SoD ress trinket is now a cheat, not a ress (allowed you to break mechanics). Go grab it before it goes away, stronger version of al’ar with shorter CD.
9.2 is a patch they clearly care about. The initial version of 9.2 PTR was about the same as 9.1, but it was iterated on really aggressively.
Shoutout to scarizard
RWF double leggo thing, disappointment because different comp class stuff
- Balance up the wazoo
- Relief v. happiness
- Losing dom sockets => double leggo straight into the new raid
- Makes so much more sense to not have to auto-gimp yourself for 3-4 weeks because it’ll suck less later
- Solution would be to just go into mythic week with it, not 3-4 weeks into the raid
- Some covenant leggos enable damage profiles as well as just damage. Without those there’s some real weakness before it.
- The raid gets more fun when you have more fun immediately
- PITA to have to instantly have to rework guides 4 weeks in or disclaimer “btw you’ll be shit”
1 year trickle sucks
Why not take a dungeon from next xpac as “teaser” content during current xpac. Instant break to monotony and nothing new: UBRS between mop and wod, theramore scenario during cata etc. Good way to get people hooked