| In terms of Gameplay, Deathstalker has a clear advantage. While some find the gameplay rightfully annoying, it is by far more interesting and involved than Fatebound, where coins flip themselves through regular rotational gameplay and can't be controlled much. There is a clear payout on Deathstalker upon consuming all Deathstalker's Mark by triggering a powerful Envenom through Darkest Night which is exciting. The only downside of this gameplay is that it can be exceedingly challenging to keep track of the multiple debuff/buffs added from the hero talent, most likely requiring additions to a nameplate addon or Weakaura. There are also still issues with Deathstalker's Mark or Darkest Night dropping, which is EXTREMELY frustrating as a player and almost makes me not want to play it sometimes. More on that later.
Regarding "fun" gameplay, I don't think it's fair for me to claim something as more or less fun since it will be subjective for everyone. Neither tree personally strikes me as "fun," but they each have moments. Fatebound can feel fun when you get a long chain of flips in a row, and you keep flipping further and further in a row. Deathstalker, on the other hand, has okay base gameplay but quickly frustrates me when Deathstalker's Mark disappears off the enemy. A good example is Droman Oulfarran on the first boss of Mists of Tirna Scithe. Droman Oulfarran turns friendly during this encounter, which removes all debuffs. Deathstalker's Mark is therefore removed, disallowing finishers to work towards getting Darkest Night. But because Droman Oulfarran doesn't die, Darkest Night does not automatically trigger either. This causes the entire Deathstalker's Mark gameplay to soft-lock itself. Of course, there are ways to plan around it, such as waiting to consume Darkest Night. That doesn't feel particularly good to me as a player, and in my opinion, having to focus on my gameplay on how to not soft-lock my Hero Talent tree is an extremely negative moment rotationally that shouldn't exist. I want to be excited to engage with my talents, but instead, I worry about how to make sure I can use the tree.