I'm glad these things are becoming more common. Look forward to running the raids in three or so expansions.
How tf is this worthy of a full blown news post to sent alerts to Discords that watch the API? This is nothing new. Literally just creating click bait posts to get people to come to the site, to generate income from ADs.
It feels a bit weird that this is for skipping to the 7th boss in this 9 boss raid. I would have guessed you directly get to Tindral and to get to the outside part.
Before anyone starts whining (and SOMEBODY WILL, I'm only waiting for it...), remember that in Hellfire Citadel we needed to raid up to 8 times in order to unlock the skips in there. This one again looks like it only requires three visits to the raid, but you can be guaranteed even that will still be too much to ask for some people.
Damn who could have guessed that a feature from WoD would be still in game, a tradition that's been going for nearly 10 years now. Should we be expecting these things to randomly stop? Why make this article.
So I'd like to know the lore implications on why the guy we literally fought to put into power to replace Ragnaros. Is now fighting against us. Wasn't he supposed to be a good boy firelord?
This really needs to be an account wide unlock once the xpac is over.
Oh man, hope those middle 5 bosses don't have any good loot. They'll get killed 3 times in each difficulty in the first 3 weeks and then be completely ignored for the rest of the expansion.But also, this is probably the least useful skip ever put in. You still have to kill 4 of 9 bosses, so almost half of the raid, even after you have the skip. Compared to stuff like BRF where you just walk in, kill last boss, done. Or, Hellfire Citadel, kill first boss and last boss, done. Or, Nighthold, last 2 bosses and done. It just kinda feels off to only ignore just over half the raid after your skip because in the past they've had bigger raids and the skip reduced the raid to 1 to 3 bosses of 10 to 13 boss raids.
Raids need more than one skip and like 50% of their trash deleted.