Play Azeroth
Why should I play a game launched in 2004?
Since launch we’ve released eight expansions with Shadowlands being the most recent. The game is also continually updated and improved upon, so while World of Warcraft has been around for a long time it’s still as good as new.
Do I need to buy all the expansions?
You don’t need to buy anything if you just want to try the game out. Our free trial allows you to play all the way to level 20. If you then decide to really dig all you need is a subscription, which includes everything to level 50.
Is Azeroth flat?
No, it’s an ellipsoid. Like earth.
Do I need to play all the expansions to understand the story?
Every expansion is its own story and can be experienced without prior knowledge. But playing through the previous content is a great way to level up while also getting the backstory.
If I start playing now will I ever catch up to experienced players?
Since World of Warcraft is continually evolving and every new expansion offers new content and systems all players are on an even footing. There are also so many different things to do that you can find your own niche and master it.
What’s east of the Eastern Kingdoms?
You’re not yet ready for the answer to that question.