Why not just hand players 100% completed characters while you're at it. I mean you're already doing 70% of their work by leveling them to 90 with professions.
483 loot seems a bit weak but I guess the start content for WoD would have to be soloable for a 90 passing straight through pandaria into draenor. Everyone in SoO gear will pew pew through the dark portal
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.
Certainly isn't our job or place to be telling players, new or old, what they should or shouldn't enjoy. If they want to pay to play, then they will pay to play...
Excactly THAT... You pay for a game and you pay again for "cheating" the game? Next step is the one that most of the "free games" use out there , the more you pay the better the player....if this is the future of WOW , sorry but i will not be in it...
So, all I see are people %^&*!ing about the fact they are handing you a level 90 character that has POSSIBLE, (rtfm), 600 professions. This was meant to get new players to the new content asap. For many, itll go a few different ways.Us Vets get a free 90 toon. Woo, whatever. Returning old school player gets a current character to play with his buddy that convinced him to come back or his kid got old enough, wife or husband left him/her alone about it now, whatever.COMPLETELY new person to the game gets to play the game with his friends that have always talked about the game and finally got him/her interested. Doesnt want to be left behind, the games newly discussed system to go along with the free 90 (talked about at Blizzcon at the same time the feature was released, but OBVIOUSLY talked about much less.), and friends to guide them.Completely new solo person plays through the content one expansion at a time, or gets to around level 60 in the classic setup, likes it, gets the 90 boost to join the current content and gets the profession boost.WHERE IN THAT ENTIRE SETUP DO YOU SEE ONE NEGATIVE THING? Blizzard has stated on numerous occasions they have no desire nor NEED to go all Korean MMO in this piece. They wont be going pay to win for a number of years. They have a 10 year old, live, living (for the most part) game world to maintain. There will EVENTUALLY be a large gap to cross in order to live in the features and stuff they are selling NOW. We have all agreed that WoW is an end game mmo. Its not the best leveling experience because its basically a stepping stone now. Its storytelling is decent at best. I swear, why cant people just stop immediately jumping to the end of the world scenarios....
Going exactly how I thought it would after activision took over. Took a few years. But we are hear. Probably won't be coming back. And for all those saying new players don't want to level up. Why did they revamp the world. With all the level up bonus' provided this seems going over the top. If you don't want to level don't play an mmorpg. The lasting power of rpgs is the content provided. Not buy to upgrade.
Why bother having achievements for levelling multiple characters, multiple classes, multiple factions, multiple professions and even achievements based on completed achievements if you can just buy them?I guess the first time you log on you will get spammed with achievement toasts including the It's Over Nine Thousand!.How is forking over money a basis for earning achievements?Maybe there is no longer such a thing as hard work and effort resulting in reward and kudos.
That's because new kids are lazy. Can you imagine how this game will fail if new content will be as hard as one on TBC? Leveling character on TBC was longer and harder then leveling on Pandaria, and kids still crying cause they need 10 days to hit 90. I remember my second hero on TBC, it was Priest. I spend month on leveling (kill, mana break, kill, mana break, and so on). 15 days to hit 60, another 15 to hit 70. Now, with looms and guild boosts, 1 to 90 in 1day and 22 hrs (one weekend of No Life) ...
TL;DR long rant about the game getting easier and some facts behind itin TBC it took a decent amount of time to level to max level and also you had to go through EVERY SINGLE TIER OF RAIDS to get to the last tier. you HAD to go through Karazhan and the other t4 raids and farm them for a decent while to get good enough gear to raid the next tier. You didn't just go to an island, open a couple of chests, get full epic and then click a button to queue for a weaker version of Black Temple. This also means that you actually have to actually know your class decently well to get somewhere.I will also say this;It took the world first Magtheridon SIX WEEKS to fall after the TBC release. Compare that to the WOTLK release (where honestly it was even harder than it is currently) where it took 48 HOURS for every single boss released in the entire expansion to die, including leveling. I'm not saying WOTLK was bad, because nothing has been better since IMO, but except for a few instances (LK25HC, Algalon) everything has been getting easier ever since wotlk was released.Also, Black Temple was released even before anyone in the entire world had cleared Tempest Keep. Let that sink in for a moment and compare it to the current raids. I don't think anything's even been close to that the last 3 expansions.Remember when you had to CC entire packs of mobs and kill them 1 by 1 in heroics which dropped blues? Hell, half of the classes didn't even have AOE spells. Yeah.I can go on and on about faction changing not existing, not just having to click to a queue button to get to the instance, having to gather a group by yourself, couldn't create character on opposing factions on the same PVP server, attunements to instances/raids, etc etc. truth is, I miss some things being quite hard in this game even though I don't play it that hardcore anymore I wish for the ones that do that it would be harder and experience the epic journey we had in TBC.
Truthfully I like the idea of getting a free 90. However I don't think you should get a free one from level 1, I like the idea of getting to 60 and getting a level to 90 from there. Especially seeing as how all they ever revamp is the old world it always felt weird going back through the expacs just to get to the new content. I know cause I have a lvl 90 hunter (made during wrath), a lvl 90 dk who I made once I hit 55 on my hunter, a almost 90 druid (got a lvl left) made about halfway between wrath and cata, a 90 warrior and then a menagerie of other characters or various race class combos. For the races native to vanilla wow it wasn't so bad but then when I made a worgen and then a pandarian it was just a huge let down of "Hey we know you just went through this great opening sequence we've prepared for you but now you get to go through the old world, which will kind touch on what you just went through and then through 2-3 xpac that don't concern you what soever and are still stuck in the past." "Also here's about 80+ levels you can grind through that will absolutely suck because you'll be stuck while everyone else is experience all the great new content." Again though I think a boost from level one to 90 will have it's draw backs. Atleast to leveling to 60 you'll know if you like the class and how it plays and if you wanna waste your one boost to 90 on them plus you've gone through the old world which they will have revamped and skipped the irrelevant xpacs which I don't ever see them revamping. And while you're thinking "Well they've gone through the first 60 levels why not finish up the last 40 or so." Well that's cause the first 60 will fly by but the last 40 will drag especially if you know the coming xpacs have nothing at all to do with the content you are waiting to get to. Also with the coming visual upgrade for the old races, can you just picture how terrible all the old world gear will look on them till they get to at least Cata, maybe MoP. Also on the note of them also giving a proff boost. That will really clear up the problem you have now of end game characters going around in low level places killing all the enemies the people leveling there need whether it be for leatherworking or looking for cloth for tailoring. And flying around getting to all the ore and herbs much faster than the people there on foot can get to them. Mop has kinda helped with this problem but only kinda. So in closing all I know is I have a 60 worgen warlock waiting for this to go live so I can skip the pointless bc, wrath, cata xpacs and skip flying around in low level areas looking for herbs for my inscription. xD
Better idea would be releasing full set of heirlooms (for every slot possible) with exp boosts on every item. IMO it would shorten the grinding time. I personally have 9 90s. With heirlooms available at that time i could easly level toons from 60 to 85. from 1-60 and 85-90 it was a horror. A full set of heirloom would give a fine boost and wouldn't exclude a lore experience. 1 free 90 seems fine. If someone wants to pay for another, it is his/her problem. I personally would like more heirlooms with exp boost.