간단 정보

[Patience, Please]

[Help Belastrasza learn patience by defeating a turtle in a pet battle.]


[Visit Wurallie in the Waking Shores] (1)
[Defeat Wurallie in a Pet Battle using both Princess and Iggy] (1)
[[DNT]Tracker: Started Battle With Wuralie Once] (1)


[Belastrasza has learned much through her vorquin foal, but I have thought of one more lesson that should be excellent for her. Her lack of patience has been stumping me for quite some time. Recently I was reflecting by the water, watching the turtles go about their day. Then I was hit by a revelation! Wurallie has the perfect battle to test Belastrasza's patience, but poor Princess Vorquistrasza doesn't have the endurance. Can you meet them in the Waking Shores to lend a hand?]


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(72995))


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