간단 정보

[Begin the Assault]

[Begin the assault on the Broken Shore.]
[First Legion Spire destroyed] (1)
[Second Legion Spire destroyed] (1)
군주 칼고라스 처치 (1)


[The battle for our world has been hard fought, but with the power of your weapon and the combined forces of Azeroth, we have driven the demon invaders back at every turn. Now we stand once again upon the Broken Shore, poised to do that which we previously failed to accomplish. Let us not forget those who sacrificed everything to give us this chance. Our first objective is to take the hill before us, so that we may build a stronghold. Steel yourself, <name>. The assault on the Broken Shore begins now.]


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퀘스트 완료 시 보상:
  • 80 유물력
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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(45102))

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