간단 정보

[One With the Ground]

이 퀘스트는 블리자드에 의해 구식으로 지정되어 더 이상 받거나 완료할 수 없습니다.
[Through the One With the Ground ritual, discover the location of the Middle Fragment of the World Pillar.]
[Middle Fragment of the World Pillar located] (1)


[I know a ritual of the earth that will make you one with the ground. Because I have already handled the fragment, the spirits of the ground will take you near to it.

Keep your mind focused on the World Pillar and let me know when you are ready, <name>.]


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이미 완료했는지 확인하려면 다음과 같이 입력하세요:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(26851))

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