간단 정보

[Call of Earth]

이 퀘스트는 블리자드에 의해 구식으로 지정되어 더 이상 받거나 완료할 수 없습니다.
[Bring the Rough Quartz to Seer Ravenfeather in Camp Narache.]
천연 석영 (제공됨) (1)


[Take this rough quartz from me and bring it to Seer Ravenfeather as proof of our meeting. She will craft a totem for you, and this pebble will be the heart of it. As small as it may seem, you will come to find that size does not matter, and that even the smallest of things can outlast mountains.

Be patient, <name>. Remain strong. And seek wisdom. This is what earth asks of you. In the end, you shall become one with the earth--respect it as it shall respect you.]


다음과 같은 것들 또한 받습니다:
Earth Totem


퀘스트 완료 시 보상:
이미 완료했는지 확인하려면 다음과 같이 입력하세요:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(1521))

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