간단 정보

[Revered Among Thrallmar]

이 퀘스트는 더 이상 게임 내에서 받을 수 없습니다.
[Nazgrel at Thrallmar in Hellfire Peninsula wants you to become revered with Thrallmar by fighting the Fel Orcs inside the Shattered Halls of Hellfire Citadel.]
스랄마 (매우 우호적)


[You've proven yourself time and again, <class>. Yet more trials await you.

Continue to fight the Fel Horde inside the Shattered Halls of Hellfire Citadel and your name will be known to all of Thrall's followers in this land.]
이미 완료했는지 확인하려면 다음과 같이 입력하세요:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(10559))

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