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Very interesting. I can't put my finger on whether it will be a DPS trinket or a Healer trinket.
Both, perhaps?
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I'd say a caster trinket in general, considering it benefits both types equally and doesn't have anything that gives one an advantage over the other in preference.
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1 min CD, 4200 mana return max.
4200*5/60 = 350
350mp5 assuming you use it every CD and spend at least 21k mana in that minute.
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One of the rare tier items in Night Elf Archaeology.
Requires 150 Night Elf Archaeology Fragments.
Highborne Scroll
Common tier Night Elf items:
Scandalous Silk Nightgown
Highborne Pyxis
Green Dragon Ring
Inlaid Ivory Comb
Coin from Eldre'Thalas
Cloak Clasp with Antlers
Shattered Glaive
Kaldorei Amphora
Hairpin of Silver and Malachite
Delicate Music Box
Chest of Tiny Glass Animals
Cracked Crystal Vial
Silver Scroll Case
Scepter of Xavius
String of Small Pink Pearls
Umbra Crescent
Necklace with Elune Pendant
Carcanet of the Hundred Magi
Rare tier Night Elf items:
Highborne Soul Mirror
Druid and Priest Statue Set
Queen Azshara's Dressing Gown
Bones of Transformation
Tyrande's Favorite Doll
Kaldorei Wind Chimes
Wisp Amulet
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Lawyer says: Ok, now show the judge on the doll where the bad man touched you.
Detonate mana deals 4200 arcane damage to Judge.
Judge dies.
Edit- grammers.
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Why use it as an arcane mage?
1. +321 Intellect. It's the best dps stat.
2. The possibility of restoring mana. It is useful, however 4200 is a bit too low for level 85standards.
3.The damage factor. 4200, maybe more if
Arcane Specialization
Mana Adept apply
. It can get to 6-7k so yea somewhat useful.
4-The lack of a better trinket to use. After all this one comes from Archeology.
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Just got this last night before one of our first Raids.
Was slightly confiused initialy, as when i crafted it i got a buff and a debuff that gave me health and mana regen. But turned out to just be somthing that happens when you craft. Similar to the Tailoring crafting buffs.
The regen is helpful but the AoE spell is debatable.
In one case i used it in a 5 man, got low on mana at one chaotic moment and accedently used it breaking a sheep.
But for the most part it is helpful ofc. Using it on Magmaw in 10man. During the spiked phase, especial if there are adds up. Boss takes 8400 dmg, plus every add takes 4200 dmg if you possition yourself correctly. Helped us our a little.
Plus, it doesn't use a GCD, if anyone is wondering
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I am kind of you need to have 525 arch to be able to get this? cause have guildies with th raptor mount and not at 525 arch....( wowhead says 525 but idk, plz help :D )
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Got 101 common nelf artifacts already & 6/7 rare ones. Still can't get this one though. I hope that I'll be able to get one tomorrow...
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I believe you need to have a minimum of of 450 Archaeology to have the opportunity to discover this and the other rares requiring 150 fragments.
What I am wondering is if there is a character level requirement to
this item (and others requiring level 85 to
). I'm currently level 83 and have discovered all of the Night Elf rares except this one and I'd hate to solve a bunch of commons without the possibility of seeing this until I'm level 85.
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Got this today with my Mage and after playing around with it the aoe definitely seems to scale from any one of the many dmg boosting skills of an Arcane mage. On a target with no debuffs, nothing beyond self buffs for myself and a 17% dmg increase at maximum mana from mastery a fully charged trinket would consistently hit for 6350 which is roughly a 51% increase over the 4200 it hits for normally (tested in fire spec to confirm that it did hit for 4200 with full charge).
Haven't tested it to see if its affected by aoe dmg caps but the 3 dummies I consistently struck all took the same damage so its not worded incorrectly and spreads dmg amongst all targets equaling 4200, its just 4200 for everything it hits.
P.S for those wondering I had found all other rare NE artifacts prior to this as well as 67 total NE common artifacts. Cheers.
edit: the buff has no duration so you can stack it before hand and have it ready to go fully charged at the beginning of whatever fight you deem necessary,
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Keep at it, I finally just got mine after 4-5 days of grinding. Best of luck guys!
Common tier Night Elf items:
6 Scandalous Silk Nightgown
11 Highborne Pyxis
9 Green Dragon Ring
6 Inlaid Ivory Comb
7 Coin from Eldre'Thalas
5 Cloak Clasp with Antlers
4 Shattered Glaive
4 Kaldorei Amphora
4 Hairpin of Silver and Malachite
7 Delicate Music Box
5 Chest of Tiny Glass Animals
7 Cracked Crystal Vial
3 Silver Scroll Case
7 Scepter of Xavius
6 String of Small Pink Pearls
8 Umbra Crescent
5 Necklace with Elune Pendant
4 Carcanet of the Hundred Magi
Total 108
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This was my 102nd NE artifact acquired, several days after making 525. I had previously acquired 95 common and 6 rare NE artifacts.
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Small clip of using trinket:
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I collected every night elf rare before getting this one last. Good news is there plenty of night elf dig sites.
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Got it after 79 Common's and 6/7 Rare... and ofc, Archaeology on 525 ^^
Teu, Kazzak
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Even if 150 skill is minimum required, its impossible to get it at 150.
The amounts of picks and other solves you have to do before it comes avaliable isnt physically possible.
18 commons x 5 skill : 90
7 rares before you get it: 35 skill
+ 100 skill to gather before things turns gray. Atleast 225 skill. If that's even possible.
I have every rare and epic the profession Archeology can give a player, and I have never, ever recived a lv 85 epic before every other rares had been found in in their respective fragment type.
I have made 85 commons and still going. The chance to get it seems extremely small.
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Any special locations to dig? Or you have just to complete everything you have until it arrives?
got it. 9 rares, 6 of em are NE, 160 common total. Been digging in Kalimdor only since skill 1.
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I linked it on guild chat when I found it and my guildie prompty said:
Tyrande's Wall of Text
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The damage from the use effect is affected by the shadow priest's
Shadow Power
passive. Crits for up to 10500!
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I just finished completing this trinket on my Resto Druid, 525 Archaeology and my 91st NE project total. Anyways, I noticed that it applies a buff called "Recaptured Mana" which also says in its subtext " x mana recaptured. ", I am curious as to if anyone knows of a simple addon to track the amount of mana stored. With these raid encounters, spending 21k mana in a minute's time probably is bound to happen 99% of the time but it would still be nice to be able to track it.
Edit: An interesting discovery I have made while testing this trinket is that spells cast while under effects such as "Omen of Clarity" as a Resto Druid that should supposedly cost no mana still contribute to the "Recaptured Mana".
Edit#2: The 4200 max AOE damage also appears to be able to crit, it did so for 8400 when I managed to do so, I am unsure if the crit chance is based on your own or something else.
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I got it yesterday, was the only Night Elf rare that i did not have.
Took me very long ot get it, was only farming Night Elves digsites and Uldum Digsites. but finally gut it.
Ye, 150 fragments, and room for 3 of the scrolls.
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I just got this now and did
Total artifacts
Dwarf: 9
Draenei: 2
Fossil: 50
Night Elf: 168
Nerubian: 1
Orc: 1
Tol'vir: 15
Troll: 34
Vrykul: 2
Common tier Night Elf items:
6 Scandalous Silk Nightgown
9 Highborne Pyxis
10 Green Dragon Ring
7 Inlaid Ivory Comb
13 Coin from Eldre'Thalas
10 Cloak Clasp with Antlers
7 Shattered Glaive
3 Kaldorei Amphora
20 Hairpin of Silver and Malachite
13 Delicate Music Box
9 Chest of Tiny Glass Animals
8 Cracked Crystal Vial
9 Silver Scroll Case
8 Scepter of Xavius
8 String of Small Pink Pearls
5 Umbra Crescent
8 Necklace with Elune Pendant
8 Carcanet of the Hundred Magi
I'd advice anyone to stick to doing this as yes it does take a while ( some times ) but well worth doing :)
" History "
This is a simple night elven doll. The hands and feet are made of porcelain, painted with flaking purple. The garments are fine but fraying. The doll's long tresses are the most remarkable and could possibly be real night elf hair.
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I got it now...
Total Artifacts:
dwarf = 2
Fossil = 30
NE = 115 (7/7 rares)
Tol'vir = 7
Troll = 18
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Still farming for this..
Have the other 6 NE rare artifacts.
12 Scandalous Silk Nightgown
8 Highborne Pyxis
13 Green Dragon Ring
5 Inlaid Ivory Comb
8 Coin from Eldre'Thalas
10 Cloak Clasp with Antlers
7 Shattered Glaive
12 Kaldorei Amphora
7 Hairpin of Silver and Malachite
12 Delicate Music Box
7 Chest of Tiny Glass Animals
6 Cracked Crystal Vial
10 Silver Scroll Case
9 Scepter of Xavius
7 String of Small Pink Pearls
13 Umbra Crescent
5 Necklace with Elune Pendant
4 Carcanet of the Hundred Magi
155 Total
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Don't give up!
After 109 projects i was about to give up.
Just got enough fragments to finish yet ANOTHER nightgown.
I completed it and BAM it showed up in the solve box. I was so happy i almost screamed.
In the end I'm kind of glad it took so long to make. It really feels special and the thrill i got while solving it was awesome.
Keep at it! It's an awesome trinket.
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I had started out in Eastern Kingdoms but around 225 I switched to Kalimdor to pursue this trinket. I got up to around 405 and stockpiled 2097 shards (adding 12 per scroll to this number), then got tired, finished getting to 450 in Eastern Kingdoms, and then used them all.
Total of 64 nightelf commons. Got 6/7 nightelf rares before unlocking this trinket. 3136 fragments total.
- 1
- 2
- 4
- 4
- 4
- 5
- 2
- 5
- 4
- 1
- 2
- 2
- 4
- 3
- 6
- 6
- 3
- 6
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
- 1
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My 191st night elf arch project, was beginning to lose my mind grinding it.
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This archeology proffesion while its meant as a time sink , it can be all about luck. I lvled it to 525 just in eastern kingdoms, hoping to get the staff from the dwarfs, after 6 common night elf artifacts i get the project to get this trinket.... pure luck.
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I'm currently on 133 Nelf projects (incuding rares)
It's starting to get annoying!
..Would be easier just to steal her current doll.
Update: On 162 artifacts. Still no doll.
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this one can be quite a grind. im up to 241 commons and i still haven't gotten it :( its very demoralizing. had i know what a long grind it would be i would have never started it. im in a bit too deep now to quit though
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Farming this trinket is a pain in the a** already got like 100+ NE commons and still nothing. Wouldn't mind to grind it but most digsites i get are fossils >.<. That's what we get when people with severe brain disorders are hired as blizzard developers :/
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is there a certain archeology level you need to get to have a chance of creating this?
from what i'm seeing it may be 450 or possible 525?
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This is my next project! I had been farming it for days, doing housework during flight paths, and finally got tired of Kalimdor.. so I headed to Northrend to finish my last scepter for the achievement. Before I could get a few more nerubian sites, I got a night elf sight and solved my 105th common.. and voila! I am overjoyed. Here's what I made:
6 Scandalous Silk Nightgown
8 Highborne Pyxis
5 Green Dragon Ring
2 Inlaid Ivory Comb
5 Coin from Eldre'Thalas
5 Cloak Clasp with Antlers
6 Shattered Glaive
8 Kaldorei Amphora
4 Hairpin of Silver and Malachite
1 Delicate Music Box
8 Chest of Tiny Glass Animals
5 Cracked Crystal Vial
7 Silver Scroll Case
10 Scepter of Xavius
6 String of Small Pink Pearls
6 Umbra Crescent
9 Necklace with Elune Pendant
3 Carcanet of the Hundred Magi
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and here I thought the doll's icon would be a mini Malfurion...
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As a Holy Paladin, this is my favourite doll, too.
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140 crafts into nightelf... no doll. Will update if I ever get it.
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Just got my proc, havn't completed the item yet.
74 NE commons
Collecting took years, so so so many fossils saved
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156 common NE done, 6/7 rares, still no doll
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I'm on my 87'th night elf project, (with 525 skill) and still no sign of the doll.
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got mine after 192 nelf artifacts.
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Queued after 95 NElf solves, took 4 days from 1-525 and getting the trinket grinding in kalimdor, used all keystones.
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I have every rare and epic the profession Archeology can give a player, and I have never, ever recived a lv 85 epic before every other rares had been found in in their respective fragment type.
This wasn't the case for me. Actually the Ring of the Boy Emperor was my very first Tol'Vir Project (yes even before any common, couldn't believe my dumb luck), and I completed Thaurissans Staff still missing the Innkeepers Daughter. I do however have 6/7 NElf rares and have been grinding an eternity for the Doll.
I would be inclined to say the Doll is something special, but it seems to be just bad luck in this case, as other People had the Doll very fast.
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205 night elf solves and still no trinket... I might die of boredom before I get it.
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210th night elf solve but I finally have it. Anyone reading this that thinks this trinket might be worth trying to get, don't. It's seriously not worth your time.
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just had a 14H non stop farm session and nothing...
it's like crazy, spent 10K on scrolls, and only crap... 2 old friends got it at 480 and 525 after 5 common... wtf with droprate...
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ive just completed my 200 common artifact, 6/7 rares, i lvled 0-525 on nightelf.... kinda a joke now, when ppl who arent evan lookin for it get it, or after so few artifacts.....
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My previous post got downrated, but here's the update anyway:
It took me 165 commons while being at 6/7 rares for it to show up.
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After 132 Common its here :)
Rare 6/7 ( now: 7/7 )
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Based on what people have said it appears to be a 1% chance to appear.
Same as the other Rare epic level 85 items.
243 Ne, About to go insane.
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I just queued this trinket at level 85, with 507 archaeology. So it does appear that you can get this at less than 525.
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Tyrande must have had an extremely violent childhood to have an exploding doll.
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I've just gotten my own Tyrande's and I am pleased to see that there's a helpful buff icon that shows you how much mana, exactly, has been recaptured.
The buff appears the moment you cast something, the duration is infinite, disappears the moment you use the trinket or die, and comes back again when you spend mana.
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Made an account just to contribute this:
Been spending the past 5 days purely doing nelf artifacts, still have yet to get this trinket. In a content patch's time it's going to be obsolete. Unless you have a lot of time on your hands, I strongly recommend not farming this.
EDIT: 107 artifacts..
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Just got mine after 157 NE commons and leveling the profession in eastern kingdoms, Qeued after I was ready to give up, not worth the grind if you dont have alts to send the trinket to. However, if you're 50+ completed into the grind for it, stick with it, its random and annoying, you might get lucky at get it at 60 or wait untill 240 but its generally worth the grind to send to multi-chars and current end-game use.
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I recieved this trinket today. I don´t have much info about it yet but I will add more once I try it some more. So far however:
- The DMG portion can crit for 100% more damage.
- The DMG portion benefits from + DMG buffs such as Avenging Wrath.
- You get the mana from every spell with a mana cost, even if there is a proc that removes the manacost. (Such as the Art of War for Retribution.)
Feel free to tell me if there is anything else - All this was tested with Ret cause I don´t have Holy gear yet.
Edit: Just specced Holy to try this out and currently appears to be bugged. I don´t get any mana stored after using Holy Shock.
Edit2: Beacon of Light also stores mana, even with the glyph that reduces the cost by 100%.
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Alright it is worth mentioning that this is an unusually rare artifact to proc in your archeology book. This particular one seems to be extremely difficult to attain. First off let me state I completed the Seven scepters, kings under the mountain, blue streak, the harder they fall, what was once yours is now mine, diggerest, diggerer and digger.
All of this just for one trinket to proc. No luck yet but perhapsHere let me share with you what i have completed:
All six of the other rare Night Elf projects!Total 179 no trinnket yet. Count the days lost doing other things as well.
173 night Elf common projects to involve:
-necklace with alune pendant x 11
-cloak clap with antlers x 7
-shattered glaive x 7
-inlaid ivory comb x 11
-coin from eldre 'thalas x 10
-highborne pyxis- x 9
-hairpin of silver and malachite x13
-scepter of xavius x 10
-cracked crystal vile x 9
-kaldorei amphora x9
-green dragon ring x 9
-scandalous silk gown x 10
-chest of tiny glass animals x 11
-string of small pink pearls x 10
-delicate music box x 7
-silver scroll case x 7
-umbra crescent x 12
-carcanet of the hundred magi x 11
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I got this after 36 NE solves, and that includes the stuff I used to level up from 100. I guess I got lucky with this one... GL!
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Got mine today after 35 solved nightelf artifacts. So cheer up all my fellow archaeologists out there, you can in fact get this thing early if you are lucky enough.
I saved around 300 nightelf parts + 6 scrolls to level 450 and used them then. But I only got the Doll quite a few parts and rolls later.
I had 525 archaeology and these artifacts solved:
Bones of transformation 1
Kaldorei Wind Chimes 1
Wisp Amulet 1
Highborne Soul Mirror 1
Druid and Priest set Statue 1
Green Dragon Ring 2
Highborne Pyxis 4
Scandalous Silk Nightgown 1
Cloak Clasp with Antlers 1
Inlaid Ivory Comb 1
Necklace with Elune Pendant 2
Coin from Eldre'Thalas 2
Shattered Glaive 2
Hairpin of Silver and Malachite 1
Kaldorei Amphora 2
Delicate Music Box 1
String of small Pink Pearls 1
Cracked Crystal Vial 1
Scepter of Xavius 1
Chest of Tiny Glass Animals 2
Silver Scroll Case 2
Umbra Crescent 1
Carcanet of the Hundred Magi 2
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"Show me on this trinket where the Burning Legion touched you."
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Every time I hit "Solve", there's small bit of excitement followed by the continuous let down.
and WTB the removal of the Fossil Dig Sites.
EDIT: Got the Trinket the next solve after I posted this. The Wowhead Gods heard my prayer! haha
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I am now at NE 254 commons and still counting. Approaching the highest in the thread. No clue my luck was this bad. Will update when I get it, or get to 300, which is where I am stopping.. period.
UPDATE - Proc'd at 275 total NE solves (269 commons + 6 rares) Yeah!
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The damage that it can deal is capped around 35,000. I tried it today in Tol Barad, running into a large group of enemy players and popping it, splitting the damage between ~18 targets, and only dealing 33,000-34,000 depending on absorbs/resistances, so my guess would be that it caps at 35,000. Also, it should be noted that the Mana Detonation *can* crit, and is affected by damage modifiers such as Shadow Form's 15% increase to damage.
It might be useful to bind this trinket to all your abilities as a healer during raids, and just use the trinket 30-45 seconds before the fight begins so it is off of its cooldown by the time you've actually used 4200 mana. The only problem I see with this is the possibility of aggroing adds and such if it comes off cooldown at just the wrong time.
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I have never struck any luck in any of my grinding endeavors. I'm only at 114 and Elune is working against my belf blood already so I seek the luck of a wowhead post.
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We apologize because some say 21k mana ay just says 4200 orders per minute does not make sense, if someone could explain me thanks. Greetings =)
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I leveled Archeology simply for this trinket. After alot of farming today I finally I got to see
As you can see my 250th Night Elf solve will be the trinket.
Good luck maets!
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For those interested, I did some simple calculations and estimations based off people's comments. Assuming that people who do
get the artifact quickly are more prone to post here, this seems to be leaning towards a 1% drop rate provided you have the required 450+, but anywhere from .5-1.5% is reasonable. There's really no way to tell whether having 6/7 actually reduces this rate or just prevents you from having to solve more 150 fragment items. So ignoring the other rares, a 1% rate would provide the following:
Less than 50 tries: 40%
Less than 100 tries: 63%
Less than 200 tries: 87%
Less than 300 tries: 95%
Keep in mind that past completions (other than getting the other rares out of the way) will never have an effect on future attempts, so even if you've completed 300 projects you're still sitting at a 1% rate on your next artifact.
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Got it today, took 6/7 rares and about 25 commons for me
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137 night elf done 'till now. Posing for good luck!
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Just hit the 200 solves mark with no luck - bright side is that the Tol'vir Hiero's are selling for around 900g each and I seem to have plenty of luck with them.
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<---at 190 crafts, no trinket yet :(
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<-- 294 NE crafts, no trinket.
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just past 260 commom with 6/7 rares, still no luck,
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I know that this is hard to find, but as my character is still leveling toward 85, can anyone confirm that this requires both 450+ skill AND level 85 to find? I have been 525 skill since level 75. I'm wondering if I should just save all my fragments I find until 85 and then use them at level 85.
If it is not possible to find an 85 BOA before level 85, it would be wasteful to use the fragments until then.
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135 NE commons and it finally queued for me... thank god.
Not sure if it helps, but I did about 20 artifacts per day, and today after two commons, it queued. Maybe there's more of a chance if you do less per day? I dunno. I just know I hate RNG both as a shadow priest and an archaeologist.
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122 total Nelf solves to get this one, if you wanna know droprate that is. All nelf solved after 450.
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Isn't it a little funny that Tyrande's favorite doll, is a doll of herself?
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Yeah im lvl 525 i have 6/7 Rares 171 Comman Artifacts and still no trinket so this is my lame attempt tp pray to the WoW gods.. Been Farming Forever and cant wait to finish the grinding..
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My advice for anyone attempting to get this trinket and is also just starting out on archaeology is to stay in Kalimdor untill you have about 2000 nightelf fragments total, then move to eastern kingdoms and level your archaeology in eastern kingdoms to 450.
This whole process took me about 4 days of 8 hour grinds and in the end I had 2261 nightelf fragments and 56 highborne scrolls. During my solving spree, I had gotten all 6 rares by the time I was down to about 1000 fragments, and got the doll shortly after. I was left with 531 fragments and 0 scrolls, so it went through a total of 1730 fragments and 56 scrolls before getting the doll and all the other rares from nightelf archaeology.
Hope this information helps for anyone grinding specifically for this trinket, gl.
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205 NE now going mental soon
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I just got this tonight! :D This is what I suggested to a few of my friends and it seemed to work well for me.
- Stayed in Kalimdor the entire time.
- Always went to the closest site until all were located on the opposite side of Kalimdor for me (so either all north or all south). Used my hearth for these points.
- Always solved ASAP. I didn't save scrolls either, as they all went towards an end goal and by the end I still had a few left over.
I basically leveled nearly all the way from 1-525 in Kalimdor, although I did make a little journey to Outlands to just see how it was there. It wasn't too bad. I ended up getting all the rares and the trinket was the last one and usually there were 5-8 commons in between each rare. It was also nice picking up some Uldum digsites in the process, as I hope to get the staff eventually.
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4200 mana per minute equal 963 spirit for 20sec per minute. So this trinket is just like
Core of Ripeness
except 1 minute cooldown and damage effect on it. So this trinket is good choice if you dont wanna spend valor points for Core of Ripeness.
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If you're desperate for a drop rate like I am, I did some quick math on the info posted within these comments. Here's a data set of solves until doll queue'd:
This averages to be 107.5 solves until . But built into these numbers are a handful of solves (prior to 450) that cannot queue up the doll. Since blizz probably put an even number on the drop rate, let's say it's 1 out of (100 minus the average number of solves prior to 450 which would be about 20-30.
I estimate the probability of Tyrande's doll queue'ing to be 1/75 per solve.
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Amazing trinket, the 321 int is beautiful and the on use is pretty nice at times and gives me around 7~ more fireballs. Specifically I've made good use out of it during magmaw add phases, & omnitron when gas/arcane are out. It also benefits from ebon plague I think. Not sure about others.
Took me 131 solves after 450.
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I estimate my NE solves to be exactly 353 atm, and still dont have the trinket.
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Just got the trinket, 162 artifacts solved. One problem tho, I'm a holy paladin and I dont get any recaptured mana by Holy Shock :S
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Just had this show up and I've done 66 Night Elf solves.
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even if the wowhead gods answer my prayer and i get it the next solve, this is absolutely not worth the grind, and i have 3 healing characters at 85 on this account.
at 187 ne solves and counting. the depression generated after every failed roll and the trudge of having to dig up literally thousands of useless fossil fragments is beyond comparison. it's basically a rage-fueled vendetta to get it at this point.
everything in wow has become completely un-fun trying to get this trinket.
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Got this my 78th nelf solve.
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the depression generated after every failed roll and the trudge of having to dig up literally thousands of useless fossil fragments is beyond comparison. it's basically a rage-fueled vendetta to get it at this point.
everything in wow has become completely un-fun trying to get this trinket.
i understand the depression that you are going through and you are correct, but it will help you a lot more if you just forget that you are hunting this trinket -- try to put on some music, its very important that you free your mind off the pain of digging, watch some youtube while you fly back and forth for digsites.
Don't forget that during the process you can make a lot of gold with selling tolvir hieroglyphic at AH, so thats a plus side to it. Also dont forget to take breaks, dont just stay 8hrs a day in front of the screen trying to get this trinket, it will only become more painful. Good luck
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60 Solves, 6/7 rares, and I yet have to discover this lovely trinket.
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Got this trinket at my 60th solve. Ive never left Kalimdor until i made the trinket. Before making it i did about 10 solves and Bones of Transformation proced. After approximately 10 solves the trinket proced for me. I was always stacking fragments before doing solves. 200+ each time.
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Found out about this trinket and began grinding Archaeology specifically with this in mind. I strictly leveled in Kalimdor hoping to get lucky. Sadly and predictably enough I maxed out the skill before I could get it to pop. Specifically soon after I got the achiev for 50 common artifacts 'Diggerer', and receiving this item gave me the achiev for my tenth rare artifact. I had a lot of luck with the other Night Elf rares, this one being my last NE rare to pop. Just to give people an idea about the grind. Hope this is helpful. Good luck!
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GOD.plz. i have combin 300+
plz give me~~~~~~~I wish i will i can i would i should plz
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This trinket is bugging somehow. When i cast holy shock, it doesnt gather any mana. Any other spell works but not holy shock for some reason.
Also when i cast beacon of light (it's mana free with glyph) It gathers mana from it. So i can just spam mana free beacon and trinket gathers up free mana.
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I'm @ 170 commons with 6/7 rares, my patience is starting to wear thin but I will get it dam you blizzard ;o)
That being said it is also a means to an end to try and get my Vile of the Sands from Tol'vir sites an the jars, fingers crossed!
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It appeared for me when i had solved 192 common Night Elf artifacts. I was also at 6/7 rares. This took quite a while to get but stick at it and you'll get there.
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Found and solved my Tyrande's Favorite Doll just few minutes ago. Got mine after 3 weeks of casual to semi-intense farming.
Total artifacts
Dwarf: 29
Draenei: 16
Fossil: 59
Night Elf: 337
Nerubian: 3
Orc: 19
Tol'vir: 56
Troll: 90
Vrykul: 13
ps. Total Crafted rares: 21 (yes I got my Professor before Tyrande's Doll)
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I am at 117 Common NE solves and I shudder to think that it might have to be 337...
IMO this is a really fail idea by Blizz, unless their intention is to piss us off... Having to farm mindlessly for this item at the expense of having actual fun is really draining the life away from the game... They need to tweak the drop rate such that people who put in a decent amount of time get it without actually quitting the game before that...
Edited: 1 hour after I posted this, I unlocked the trinket... =) Wowhead gods are really out there! Happy as I am, I do not recommend anyone try this unless they are really bored and don't mind hours of disappointment. Awesome trinket though, and its going to last me a long time! Total of 140 completes!
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I spent 3-4 hours a day for the past few days and am at 177 solved with no sight of trinket yet... and DAMN to that 337... I would definitely given up by that point. Good job.
Update: Got it to proc at 206 solved. THANK YOU WOWHEAD.
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Just got this trinket at 170 solved NE's (including rares) Damn what a $%^&ing feeling it was. I feel sorry for those of you having done over 200 and still doesn't have it :( And weirdly I got Ring of the Boy Emperor as my 2nd Tol'Vir project as well, so I'm pretty happy at the moment.
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Ok, after over a week of intense digging all the while checking this forum for updates and stories of this elusive trinket in hopes that this would keep me motivated to stay on the hunt have realized that Archaeology is a very dark rabbit hole where people are contemplating getting a box of kittens and a hammer in hopes that the RNG Gods deserve blood! At 200 solves now I can't just give up as messed up as this drop rate and profession is I plan on cutting back but still keeping my ears and eyes open in hopes for this to pop.. This is my post to pray that these WoW gods are listening and for others that want this as bad as me to not give up!
Update: It's been 5 days and at 230 NE commons and still no trinket as of yet..
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Using Druid shapeshift's will
add mana onto the buff this trinket gives.
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171 Commons 6/7 Rares and nothing yet. Posting for drop rate compilation and good luck!
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I myself am currently at 180, and seeing that 337 makes me frown because I know that'll end up being me. My last sign of hope is for the wowhead gods to grant me this trinket soon!
245 , and still no trinket. Will update if I ever receive it.
Finally received it as my 271th artifact. A little extra information to anyone who may find it useful.
I stayed in Kalimdor the entire time, never surveying anywhere else. I did receive every other nightelf rare first and I found buying highborne scrolls on the auction house a great deal of help if you can afford them.
Total Artifacts:
Dwarf: 7 (I have a rare queued and am at 115.)
Fossil: 73
Night Elf: 270
Tol'vir: 39
Troll: 33
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Mine finally popped today. Exactly 250 completed night elf artifacts.
Complete breakdown:
Dwarf: 14
Draenei: 9
Fossil: 17
Night Elf: 250
Nerubian: 1
Orc: 6
Tol'vir: 30
Troll: 42
Vrykul: 8
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212 Night Elf commons and counting... not really sure if the trinket is worth the trouble, but since I've gone this far, might as well keep going.
Update: 291 Commons was the charm for me. The trinket finally popped up. Best of luck for you all and don't give up!
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grrr i'm at 265 combos (6/7 rares) and i am slowly becoming insane. i swear if i see
Chest of Tiny Glass Animals
pop up one more time i'll explode.
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Just found this on my 98th solve. I have 6/7 rares
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260 so far... prolly bought at least 60-70 highborne scrolls at 85-125g each... Getting to the point where I just want to quit, but far too stubborn haha.
Too many freaking fossil sites... theres like... 13 in kalimdor alone.
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Just popped for me after 139 NE solves. Been following along here at wowhead throughout my grind. Best of luck to you all, especially those in the huge number of solves!
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196 nightelf commons total 6/7 rares! well worth the hunt :)
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I came here to see if this is really a viable trinket since the AoE is questionable, only to see that I must be hyper lucky.
If only I could be this lucky with the Tol'vir mount. :(
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It took me 102 finished night elf commons to get the trinket queued.
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Show me where on the
Tyrande's Favorite Doll
did this bad profession touch you?
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completed last NE rare (except the trinket ofc) like 5 days ago...i did more or less 30-40 common every day to date... nothing yet but how do I know how many artifacts I have done?
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Total artifacts
Dwarf: 3
Draenei: 2
Fossil: 35
Night Elf: 161
Nerubian: 1
Orc: 1
Tol'vir: 14
Troll: 15
Vrykul: 1
Still no doll, I will edit this post if I ever get it. On a sidenote, I don't think I've ever been so prepared for raids watching kill video's while doing archeology...
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Over 500 solved and still no trinket ~
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Total artifacts
Nain: 1
Fossile: 33
Elfe de la nuit: 177
Tol'vir: 15
Troll: 22
Finally popped ... Don't give up all, keep hope all :D
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finally got the doll after 184 artifacts, 9 rares and at 525 skill.
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Please Wowhead and RNG gods grant me this one request I love you more if I get this :)
300NE commoms
UPDATE 1/09/11-12:57pm est
I figure I do a little more,at 300 this should be a give me all the time and work and end results may be for nothing
I cant take to many more let downs.
Watch me break the record here :(
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Got this on my 95th combine, which shocked me when I saw it. It was also my 19th rare. Before you shake a fist, keep in mind that I'm *still* trying to get the dwarf staff, which is my heart's desire ;)
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I´m currently on 174 solved Night Elf artifacts >_< still keeping strong but i do die inside me everytime someone in the guild gets the trinket on their 30-50 solve
Will repost if i get it soon >_<
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So far I've solved 69 common Night Elf artifacts, and 6/7 rares. I know it is nothing compared to my fellow posters with 200+ completed artifacts, but I'm slowly being drained after seeing "Necklace with Elune Pendant" appear back-to-back, and 3 fossil dig sites up at once.
I beseech you, Wowhead Gods. Watch over me as I continue to dig up more crummy jewelry and tokens of love. The GM's have forsaken me, as I'm still waiting for them to respond to a ticket after waiting a week -.-.
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I'm at 296 night elf solves. I'm about to hit the big 300, maybe I will get it within the next 50 solves.
*Edit* It's the next day and it finally queued! At 311... I thought I would beat the guy who had 337 solves ><
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I'm currently trying to get this trinket, with 131 NE solves. I also am also level 83 currently, so for all of the people out there asking the same question as me, "Can this be discovered before being level 85?" I will let you know/update if I do get it pre-85 and post with pic.
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Let's see...
Tons of Intellect? Check.
Works on-use, rather than relying upon a totally unreliable proc? Check.
Blissfully short cooldown on that on-use? Check.
...somebody please write Blizzard a letter and tell them that THIS is how you design a healer Trinket.
Took a long time to get, though...255th Night Elf solves.
But considering that the H Abacus took me 6 solid months (24 Gunship fights) to even see one DROP... well.
Those of you still chasing this, don't give up! It is absolutely worth it. Best of luck to ya.
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Hey guys, I have been reading all comments here and was terrified how my Doll hunt will end.
Today it finally popped.
Here You can see the screenshot of how many solves I did. (118 NE)
Happy hunting!
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78 Solves and still no Trinket. going to sleep now, please let the wowhead charm shine upon me when i wake up and farm the first 400 fragments of the day :P
Gl to all who still havent gotten it.
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Got it after about 80 Common NE solves and all NE rares. Thank God. I'd probably off myself if I was in the position of people who have solved over 200 NE commons.
PS I think this is scaling with SP in some way, I swear it.
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I hate you! 102 common solves and no luck yet. Hoping the wowgods will show favor. Congrats though!
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226 Nelf completed and finally popped for me.
Probably 50 or so pre- 450 level.
Also last Rare for Nelfs for me.
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I'm at 160 NE solves and starting to get discouraged... especially seeing the people who have done 300+.
Every time I finish a fossil digsite and it spawns another fossil digsite, I die a little inside.
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Just got it as my 96th nelf solve(made 5-6 before 450).
My toon is level 84, so you don't need to be 85 to get this.
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It took me 138 NE solves. Good luck everyone!
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I'm at 180 NE solves, slowly losing interest and patience.
Posting here for maybe some good luck.
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150 NE solves ... hope vs stress
Please Wowgods hear my pray ! ... ok, back to work X_X
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Couse no one mention it, when You solve the trinket it counts toward the Guild achievement
Master Crafter
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167 NE commons along with 6/7 rares and still no trinket. Will update if it ever ques
200 NE solves and still no trinket.. come on wow gods...
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214 commons, 6/7 rares, this trinket will not appear for me. I'm going to just give up I've wasted so much time trying to get this trinket because it seems like it would be so good for my resto shaman.
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Yay! 133rd Nelf solve was the charm for me.
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269, no trinket.
Edit: 302, no trinket
Edit 316, no trinket.
Edit 330, no trinket.
What game is this again? Everquest? For a trinket that will be obsolete in the next content patch? Hmpf...
Edit 341, no trinket.
With the upcoming changes to archaelogy, we won't even get fossil fragments for the future if/when they invent more rares to craft (200 cap)
Edit: 367, no trinket.
Edit: 401, no trinket.
Edit: 414, no trinket
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This was my last rare for the Night Elves, also after 84 commons, wasn't expecting to get it, pretty useless to me as a Warlock though, -_-. Time to level a healer. Keep going, it'll show up.
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Update :
406 NE solves .... no trinket :)
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Total artifacts
Dwarf: 6
Draenei: 1
Fossil: 55
Night Elf:
Orc: 3
Tol'vir: 15
Troll: 22
This grind is totally demoralizing. 206 solves and still no trinket. Starting to think it just doesn't exist. To be fair I leveled with fossil/NE, but even at that, its a ton of grinding. To all those who are 300+, see you soon lol.
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246 common solves + 6/7 rares.. still nothing... agony.
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over 250 NE common solved..but nothing..
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for what i´ve been seeing (maybe due to the undergear stat of most people) it´ll be preferable for a healer as they have MUCH more mana issues than dps
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Dwarf: 17
Fossil: 71
Night Elf: 215
Tol'vir: 23
Troll: 43
Finally got it on the 215th solve. It really does exist. Based on the numbers I've seen, and knowing a lot about probabilities, I'd guess that it looks like it's about a 1% chance to proc.
The bonus is that I also got
Scepter of Azj'Aqir
Ring of the Boy Emperor
along the way. :-)
It's a grind, but well worth it in the end when you consider the fact that it's BoA, as long as you have multiple toons that can use it. I have a fire mage, 3 priests (2 horde, 1 alliance), 1 affliction locks (1 horde, 1 alliance), holy pally, resto shaman and a resto druid, so this 1 trinket knocks out 9 epic trinkets for me. What can I say, I like casters.
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Still fairly early on for me. 47 NE solves and 5/7 rares. Been grinding for 4 days straight now. I have the worst luck when it comes to this games RNG monster so I'm sure I'll be on here in a week crying to the WoWhead Gods. But on the bright side, I've made about 6k from tol'vir and since I;m not desperate for anything from them, it's a nice little break seeing an Uldum site queue.
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Does the arcane damage produce threat?
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Got it after 103 NE common solves and NE 6/7 rares. Awesome trinket and yes, it can be abit demoralizing after digging up many many fragments and getting commons, but do not give up.
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191 Nelf solves and im pulling my hair out!
wowhead gods,please hear my plea.
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122 NE all rares, no trinket yet! Started this project on the 7th, so hopefully it'll be soon!
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182 ne crafts and counting. If I see "carcanet of the hundred magi" again, I'll break something.
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Dear Blizzard,
180+ solves and counting. 6/7 Night Elf rares. I did solves on the Eastern Kingdom until 450 skill. This is, without a doubt, the worst thing I have ever done on World of Warcraft. It is not fun. It is not rewarding. On the road traveled to your goal, you receive nothing but bags full of valueless vendor trash, several insipid, space-consuming rares and hundreds, no thousands, of unused fossil artifacts. Did you forget this is a game? What bothers me most is the incredible disparity in time spent between those solving the trinket at 100 or less artifacts and those at greater than 300. This is uninspired RNG content at its worst. Many of us who started the profession having fun, lured in by new content, are now despondent and continue only because we wish to make it feel as though the many days spent farming are worth something in the end.
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I think I may have stumbled upon some information to help us all.
In my guild 6 people have gotten this trink and
All six had the Trink proc between their 3rd and 5th rare.
They also all had the ring proc as their first Tol'vir rare.
I asked around in trade chat and have heard similar results. Also, reading the forums I've seen similar results.
I'll posit that:
The trink must proc
completing the other 6 rares. Otherwise, your chances sink into the horrible RNG. I.e, if you don't get this trink within your first 50 solves, you'll probably solve +200 before you see it.
For the ring, it must proc as your first Tol'vir rare. The useless scarab trink proc'ed for me, and I've solved 10 more tol'vir commons since then, and no other rares have proc'ed.
My advice. If you really want this trink and/or ring,
use your alts!
It'll take you 20-30 hours to lvl an alt's arch see if the ring/trink procs. It could take 100+ hours to get this trink if its your last nelf rare.
Just my theory/idea. I hope it helps.
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6/7 rares and 53 solves later.
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You know any healer looking to get this it really isn't worth it, your better off spending your time raiding and getting even better trinkets. I still am trying to get this but that would be more sensible
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Got this as my 251st Night Elf project and my 14th rare.
I don't know if this was a coincidence or not but I had a 150 fragment dwarf rare in my log for ages and didn't queue any other rare for almost 2 weeks of casual farming. After I had finished this rare I queued Zin'rokh, the mechanical gnome and Tyrande's doll within appr. 20 solves. Probably just dumb luck to end a long and frustrating grind.
As far as the Tol'vir ring is concerned I must disagree with roasts speculation. I got this ring after the scarab pendant and before I had completed more than 20 Tol'vir projects.
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218 and im about to go crazy =/
please please can i get it soon so i can focus on other things
edit: finally got it! 249!
WOOT! made my day!
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Hoping to receive the blessing of the wowhead gods...
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Alchemists, you might want to reconsider wasting time farming this trinket:
Vibrant Alchemist Stone will be added in game in the patch 4.0.6
It has 301 intellect, a red socket (+40int gem anyone?) and a 10 intellect socket bonus. That's 351intellect for a trinket which is absolutely AMAZING. ALSO it increases the effect of potions , so it will easily be a much better choice than Tyrande's crap doll.
Last but not least, the alchemy trinket, apart from the huge int amount, ALSO gives a stunning 194 haste!
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Noticed a weird thing with this trinket... when I have equipped it in one gear set then switch specs/gear, I get a huge icon of the doll appearing on the bottom of my screen. It is not an interactive icon, and it doesn't go away. Is a mod causing this to happen or is this something with the doll itself?
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322 Solves and still no Doll, really? I mean REALLY? If you need me, I'll be at the casino cashing in on my abysmally bad luck : /
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Wow, those are some horror stories, glad I was a lucky one!
Just queued this - 43 NE Commons, all the NE rares, and a total of 65 completed artifacts.
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68 Nelf solves and I got it! Lucky I'm a priest heh.
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well i've been at this for a few days now just a few hours here and there and i swear if your hunting for it you wont find it lol. its a real big time sink, thats for sure. currently at 102 nelf artifacts completed. not gonna give up, and just might update daily to let u allknow how the grind is going. cant wait to get this trinket.
as stated willupdate i dont grind it too hard im up too 132 now. wonder when it will drop for me.
well up to 159 now on the upside got the ring cant beleive some of the numbers im seeing posted for this thing i will have my trinket
up too 184 starting my farming marathon again. hoping for some good luck here.
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I've been grinding this for a whole week, 177 NE solved still no luck.
I'm losing my nerf now T.T
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Posting for luck at 145 solves. /crosses fingers
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Guess I have nothing to lose in posting my status.... 295 NE Solves ATM and still trucking :) Hope to see it soon!
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546 COMMONS! Sweet mother of god theres no hope for the rest of us
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I just got this as my next project, after finishing bones of transformation this trinket popped up, at a totalt of 10-15 solves :P
it's just annoys me cus all i want is more damn digs in uldum.
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As a healer the aoe damage on this trinket it actually a pain in the butt.
Popping this for mana return around CC'd adds breaks them or if you have this trinket macro'd with a heal (and forget about the macro and cast the heal) the aoe from this trinket will pull a boss.. Ya I've seen it happen..
To prevent this trinket from going off in combat but still having it bound to a heal i use a macro like this:
/use 13
/cast Holy Light
This assumes your trinket is in slot 13. If your in combat the trinket will be used as usual, if not the trinket will not go off. This will prevent you from pulling bosses when your just trying to top people off after a wipe.
Although you will still have to make sure your not close to a CC'd target while healing if your using this trinket in a macro like the one above.
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I got this trinket right after completing
Bones of Transformation
. So if anyone was wondering, there isn't a cooldown between rares like this and they can be solved one after the other. It took me about 40 solves to find this trinket, but I've heard of people who have gone past 200 and still have not found it.
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Sorry if this was already mentioned, but the Arcane explosion damage effect is off the Global CD. It's great when you need roughly 5k dmg and can't wait the one second.
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I've done 40 solves so far, all commons, all rares except the wisp amulet and this one. I have a feeling 100ish solves for tyrande sounds about right.
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Took me 75 Night Elf solves until this popped ... I learned 6/7 previously and my skill's 525
I feel bad for the people over 100 :( i wouldn't be able to do that
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just got this trinket today and went into halls of reflection and activated it on a bunch of mobs...68kdmg :D
awesome for aoe but it wont do much on a single target!
other then that the int is yummy and being an arcane mage the mana bk is always helpful
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This trinket refuses to pop, nearly 300 artifacts made past 450. Blizzard you've made such a good profession, why did you have to ruin it with RNG like the rest of the game.
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Would just like to point out that for some reason it
will not
store mana for spells such as
Mark of the Wild
Teleport: Moonglade
. It also
does not
work for any druids shapeshifting abilities. I gave it to my mage to test out what it works with there, and it
work with
Arcane Brilliance
Molten Armor
Since it worked with mage buffs but not druid buffs, my guess is that it is supposed to but is just bugged atm. Hard to know what exactly blizzard had intended for it though.
Also was wondering if someone knew of an addon that would let you know how much mana was stored in the trinket without having to mouse over the buff? If so that would be amazing :)
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Inlaid Ivory Comb x2
Scandalous Silk Nightgown x2
Cloak Clasp with Antlers x3
Shattered Glaive x2
Highborne Pyxis x1
Kaldorei Amphora x1
Bones of Transformation x1
Kaldorei Wind Chimes x1
Got the doll 10 days ago when my rogue was only 76. The bracket indicates when I just caved in and used all of my fragments at once and I got REALLY lucky. It was my 21? artifact solved. So yes, you can get the doll before level 85 as long as you have a skill level of 450 in archaeology.
Good luck everyone!
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its prob more along the lines of random loot is random, one person will run strat once get his baron mount, someone else could run it hundreds of times and not get one to drop, gonna be different for everyone
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I just had this come up right now after 18 solves:
I found it interesting considering I told somebody specifically not to expect too much from Archaeology.
Anyway I don't think it will be that useful for my Warlock so I might give it to either my Priest or my Mage for when they hit 85.
Good luck to everybody else trying.
EDIT: Dunno why this is rated down, there's 200+ comments on here with similar comments. Sure I got lucky here, but I've been unlucky in other places.
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Finally got it to queue, also got the AQ mount.. Took a break for 4 days, and then did about 20 NE today, 179 total.. It was the last one before bed, but now I'm staying up to complete it.
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just posting for luck from the wowhead gods! up to 156 nelf commons now and posting this for a bit of motivation :D
also goodluck to everybody else attempting to get the doll
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211 ne commons solved 6/7 rare and still no trinket found. I'm pretty sure I'm not a bad person so why does probability hate me so much :( I want to give up really badly and lose all hope, but a stupid part of me keeps telling myself that I've ALREADY went this far and gotten so and so fragments. In reality, I'll probably never find the trinket. I'll be worse than the other guy who's already at 500+. Word of advice: DON'T farm this trinket unless you're used to winning things all the time with luck like slots or bingo or whatever. I've always thought my luck was average but apparently I was disillusioned. And now I've entrapped myself into continuing eternally to farm for this trinket. I'll post again a week from now when I stupidly continue farming and surpass the 500 guy. Fittingly, one of the words for my captcha confirmation happens to be regret (it looks like it anyway). Even the internet can feel my pain.
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Giry crafted item Tyrande's Favorite Doll (Miscellaneous, item level 359). 12 hours ago
Got it last night after 100 (101-doll) ne solves , for who is farming :
1. Get wow in window mode
2. Play a movie on the other half of the screen (or if you got 2 monitors then your lucky :D )
3. Farm
Till the movie is over i farm like 200-300 ne fragments then i solve them , the time is going away much faster
Good luck farmers ;)
Btw i`m done with arche , i got the ring on my way to trinket and i don`t realy wanna get started with any staff :D
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Just got it. FINALLY!
On my main, I had solved > 375 Night Elf Artifacts with no luck. I logged into my Paladin Alt and I'll detail the process I followed. But, I will say it is pure luck.
1. 80 Paladin sitting idle since WoLK.
2. Trained Archaeology (of course).
3. Farmed Kalimdor for whatever was available. NEVER SOLVED Night Elf artifacts. Saved Highborne Scrolls.
4. Got Archaeology to 300. Archaeology leveling was very slow due to saving the most common fragments. I knew this was going to happen.
5. Had 2500 Night Elf fragments and 80 Highborne Scrolls,
6. Went to Eastern Kingdoms.
7. Farmed anything available and solved anything but Night Elf.
8. At 450 Archaeology, started solving Night Elf artifacts using every keystone slot.
9. At 296 fragments left, Tyrande's Favorite Doll popped as next one up.
I was getting really pissed when I started running out of Night Elf fragments. I mean really pissed. But, it is pure luck. I got every other Night Elf rare on my alt (as well as on my main) when it came up.
You can only do this method until the 4.0.6 patch as the number of fragments will be capped at 200. I was running out of time, so I tried it on my alt. Oh, and by the way, got to level 82 also.
Here's hoping you have luck on your side. Honestly.
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Just solved my 100th Night Elf project, 6/7 rares (I sense a common theme)
Hoping I hit the golden spot, judging from previous posts. Oh, and a quick prayer to RNGesus, amen.
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Currently at 331 solves, all of them were done at skill level 450 or higher. Getting very frustrated, I want to focus on other things in game but the hunt for this doll is consuming me. A guildy claims she got hers at just over 500 solves but I can't confirm that. Worst rng ever for this crap
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152 Nightelf solves, No trinket.
...and I'm done. I tried farming it for my level 85 human priest.
There's a lot of people on here saying "don't give up, you'll get it in time, blah, blah, blah." Not true, don't get your hopes up.
DO NOT try to farm this trinket if you are a healer.
I understand some people get lucky, and some people don't (like myself). But why put yourself into a position where you will spend countless hours and might walk away empty handed.
This trinket is good. But there are two other healing trinkets right now that are just as good if not better, two of which you are guaranteed to obtain through your efforts:
Core of Ripeness
Run your heroics and raids for valor points and you're guaranteed this trinket.
Darkmoon Card: Tsunami
Farm gold and buy the cards or even the complete deck in the AH. (perhaps overpriced, but nonetheless your time spent farming guarantees you will own this card)
The third trinket,
Jar of Ancient Remedies
, is not guaranteed. But through raiding you will have a decent shot at this trinket early on.
I did a fair bit of research on Tyrande's Favorite Doll before I began archaeology by reading through hundreds of forums:
- Trinket has approximately 1% drop rate per project.
- 99% of people obtained this trinket after 450 archaeology skill.
- About half of all people who obtained this trinket, obtained it between 100-150 NE solves.
= Of those who obtained the trinket, about 25% of them saved all artifacts until they reached 450 archaeology skill.
- The other half of all people who obtained this trinket, obtained it between 150-300 NE solves.
- There were a very few extremely devoted individuals who obtained it after 300+ NE solves. (EFFFFFF That)
- You can solve between 5-10 NE projects per hour. (I'd say I probably put in about 25-30 hrs for 152 projects, I slacked a bit as I watched some NFL highlights and things between dig sites)
A couple tips for those looking to obtain this:
- Save all of your NE artifacts and highborne scrolls until you reach 450 skill.
- Perform archaeology on a character that you are currently leveling.
- Make sure you have 315% flight speed.
- Do ALL of your archaeology on Kalimdor as it has by far the most NE digs and is also the only continent with Tol'vir.
- There are multiple pieces of epic gear from Tol'vir in addition to this trinket, so go in with the mentality that you are just trying to get one of these epics while you farm for Tyrande's Favorite Doll. (I got
Ring of the Boy Emperor
- Once you get one of the epics, STOP. Hopefully it is TFD. Do not farm individually for TFD.
- You can make a bit of money selling Tol'vir Hieroglyphs in the meantime depending on your server.
All in all, I walk away empty handed having spent over a day of my life going for this trinket. I'm done. Perhaps I'll level up my rogue from 80-85 doing archaeology later on in life, but for now. I got burned, don't be like me.
Good Luck
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I've discovered this Beautiful Doll on my Restoration Druid 5 minutes ago.
Think I'm really luck considering I've read all the posts and people did farm this for weeks, with high amount of Solves and didn't get anything.
I've found this beauty exactly with 34 Solves. And now comes the funny part!
from those 34 Solves, 4 are rares and 30 are common.
Proof for 4 rares
Proof for Doll
As you can see on my chat, there is all the information about my Archaelogy. Basically, open your Arch tab, go to your discovery page and run this macro:
/run print("Archeology Artifacts"); for x=1,9 do local c=GetNumArtifactsByRace(x); local a =0; for y=1,c do local t = select(9, GetArtifactInfoByRace(x, y)); a=a+t;end local rn = GetArchaeologyRaceInfo(x); if( c > 1 ) then print(rn .. ": " .. a); end end
Also, if you think I'm lying, please see this:
This is my Armory Link
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278 Night Elf Commons.
6/7 NE Rares.
All achievements but It Belongs In a Museum.
Still no trinket.
I used over 900 fragments and 35 Highborne scrolls last night alone in one push.
Slightly demoralizing.
*edit* my character is a gnome who loves night elf stuff. Combined with him being a priest and this item being useful makes it trigger "It Must Be Mine!" in my head. Ugh.
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I have farmed this trinket since I learned archaeology. I have been lvl 525 Archaeology since January 1, 2011. I have 10 rares, all the Night Elf rares, All the Fossil rares (which aren't very rare), a Dwarven rare, and even the server first Tol'Vir Ultramarine Qiraji Battle Tank bug mount, but alas no doll.
Total artifacts:
Dwarf - 9
Fossil - 34
Night Elf - 86
TolVir - 5
Troll - 27
Vrykul - 3
Most of those solves were duplicates (up to 5-7 of each.) I've tried Northrend, Eastern Kingdoms, but mostly stick with Kalimdor, of course. As I am clearly obsessed, I usually only do Archaeology when logged on the game. RNG is not my friend in this quest, but I dare not give up!
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Time for a new experiment. Starting tonight, I plan on collecting NE fragments for the next 5 days. I figure the final amount should be around 3000 fragments when it comes time to solve. If this doesn't work, I'll disenchant all of my gear and give my gold to the first person I see in Org. Then I'll open my front door and rejoin civilized society.
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Got it and the Professor title as my 253:rd Night Elf project, pretty much all of them post 525...
...and it's just my luck to get nothing but Tol'Vir sites when trying to solve it!
For now I'm done with this little rat race until they give it some fundamental purpose besides the fringe epic benefits (and an admittedly cool title).
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Im sitting at 89 NE Solves right now and still no doll, I got the wisp ammy and the bones back to back at like 500 skill... Hopefully this shows up soon............
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giving up means you definitely won't find the doll.
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172 Night Elf solves with no trinket yet, although I have gotten the Tol'Vir ring. Posting for luck...
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Stupid to whine at 60 solves i suppose ... But here's one from me to the WoW God! :)
P.S. Never give up guys... Just live for the moment of the "Solve" and always hope that that Doll icon will pop up :)
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This feels just like farming the baron's mount back about a year ago.
That took 113 for me.
I'm at 84 Solves, got 2 Uldum rares
The battle tank and the dumb scarab toy.
and all the other NE rares but the one i really want.
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Tonight after raid, a mage from my guild said in guild chat:"well I got the doll but I have better trinkets now... Funny because I got 3 rares in a row" ... my reaction : "DAMN YOU SON A ........" x100, then he gave me his remaining scrolls (3) ... I start the solves, 550 frags + 10 scrolls ... The damn doll proyect (NE 246) appear with the last 3 scrolls (mage´s lucky?)
True story, now I can go back to ... mining/herbalism farm lol ...
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I feel your pain, a mage in my guild got it and she felt so back because i've been farming it for the better part of a week now.
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For anyone who is wondering like I was (+ if I did the math right, as simple as it is) this trinket equals out to
350 mp5
for the on-use-effect.
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/pray to RNGesus
"Dear RNGesus,
I know that I have 6 of the 7 night elf rares already and for that I thank you. I also know that I have only completed 118 night elf commons, far less than others that are also asking for your assistance. I also know that the first (and only) tolvir rare that you gave me was the caster ring, which I am grateful for. But PLEASE, PLEASE let the trinket queue for me! I have been dedicated enough to stay in Kalimdor and I would really like to ~try~ other factions!
Thanks for listening,
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I was able to get this pretty quickly after I hit 525. Actually, I had no idea what it was - I was just going for the "10 rare" achievement.
I sent it over to my elemental shaman...which turned out to be amazing. The damage scales with nature damage so my ele shaman gets about 4600 in the aoe rather than 4200. I macro'd it into my Lightning Bolt for the most efficient use. Rarely, if ever, is there CC going on in a raid situation so I'm not too worried about it.
#showtooltip Lightning Bolt
/use Tyrande's Favorite Doll
/cast Lightning Bolt
Be sure to /use before /cast otherwise the macro won't work.
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Is it possible to farm this trinket even if you farm it on lets say a dk or do I have to be using mana to be able to get this one? (I dont have archaeology on my mana using chars).
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Want this trinket on my priest so started faming it, already got 6/7 Night Elf rares so thought would get this pretty fast but after reading most of the comments here looks like im in for a long grind.
Im only on 72 Night Elf solves so hopefully will get it soon...
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This trinket is not worth it. Unless your extremely lucky, farming for this is the biggest waste of time. I've got 155 Nelf artifacts post 450 with 6/7 rares. It simply isn't worth the frustration of investing so much time without any reward. I'm about to give up but i think i'll try a few more. RNG is the biggest PoS i've ever seen.
/pray to RNGesus. Good luck to those that continue the search. As for me i'm almost done with this waste of time.
I commend those of you who have 200+ artifacts found without the trinket thus far. You guys must be on crack.
161 Artifacts and Jack @#$% Nada. I'm starting to believe this trinket is a Myth.
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195 NE solves 6/7 NE rares. No trinket yet. Friend is guild got his to pop at 110 NE solves.
/bow Dear RNG gods bless me with the luck to get this to pop before i throw my pc out the window and jump out head first onto the pavement.
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254 and counting... RAGE
popped at 281 for me dont know if im more excited about finnaly quiting arch or getting the trinket LOL
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Gave up on it after 400~ researches , if i could return time wasted i would , imo broken profession that needs serious fix.
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65 ne artifacts 7/7 rares
its just all about RNG
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I am currently at 135 night elf solves, with 6/7 rares found.. I come here read the comments and now I can't even make myself farm for this, its so depressing seeing people still not having it after 200-300+ solves.. Oh well gonna try and keep going..
/pray to RNGesus
hopefully that works..
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dear RNG gods, I'm sick and tired of farming this trinket.. please let it proc with me so I can continue with the rest of my life. thank you.
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Well after 71 Night Elf discoveries Tyrande's Favorite Doll finally popped up. I put in about 40+ hours after arch 525 so keep on pushing yourself you will get it eventually. And for the people that are in the 300+ zone you guys kept me going thanks for not giving up.
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I made this macro to track the amount of nightelf solves and the estimated find chance by that many solves (based on a 0,5% chance to find it, which is a guess):
/run local a=0; for y=1,GetNumArtifactsByRace(4) do local t=select(9,GetArtifactInfoByRace(4,y)); a=a+t; end print("Nightelf: " .. a .. " solves! ("..floor(1000*(1-(0.995^a)))/10 .. "% chance to have found the trinket by now.)");
Please note that the macro may bug (give lower solves/percentages) after just solving a nightelf item. If this is the case, go to the archaeology panel, then the second tab (showing you all your solves done) and then run it again and it will be ok.
For statistics: it procced it as my 98th solve, I did solve nightelf before 450 so I guess its about the 90th solve.
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Well Ladies and gents after reading this for a Longg time and crying myself to sleep i figured i would post. I'm at 200 even Nelf commons made and i DID complete before 450 so who knows what its at ? 150 ? 6/7 Rares since i started looking for this trinket. The only thing Good ive found was the Boy emp ring from tolvir. Posting for luck and stats !
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worse case scenario for this trinket, if you are on a 5 minute fight and only make use of it 4 times before the end of the fight, it will net you 280 mp5. In practice this will land somewhere between 350-280 mp5 on shorter fights, but the low end will even out with longer fight durations.
for a 5 second fight: 4200x4 uses/60 seconds = 280 mp5.
for a 10 second fight: 4200x9 use/60s*5 /10 = 315 mp5
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Greetings fellow seekers of this beautiful artifact :)
I have had my sights set on this for a long time now, still no luck. It originally started with just wanting the recipe for the vial of the sands (still no luck either) but after seeing this possibility I decided to chase both. Reading all these comments, gives me mixed feelings and so I too will post here and wish you all the best of luck in your search, and hope too that I will get it sooner rather than later. 110 NE solves, just a shadow of some of you, don't give up mates I know I just can't! Play in windowed mode and do other stuff while flying - take breaks so you keep your sanity! Good luck all, I'll edit here with my progress. I'm standing next to someone in Orgrimmar right now with it equipped, as well as the Boy Emperor ring... This gives me hope! ;)
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85 Solves 7/7 Rares. Good luck folks :)
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218 NE solves and still nothing. Slowly dying inside.
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same here man, im not giving up i hope it comes up soon for me repost if you get it and how much common crap you went thru before it came up
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I'm up to 250 Nelf artifacts solved, almost all of them after hitting 525. This is some of the worst RNG I've had in 6 years of playing WoW.
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It finally happened.
I got this as my 225th solve.
Here are my total stats:
Dwarf: 8
Fossil: 68
Night Elf: 225
Tol'vir: 27
Troll: 29
So long Archaeology!
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I got the doll at my 44th NE solve, this being my 6th NE rare.
I got my ring from Tol'vir too since I was digging so much in Kalimdor!
Good luck guys!
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Yes getting closer too 100 NE Solves and beginning to cringe thinking it could take me 100 more to get this trinket. This is Blizz really makes me hate them at times.
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Worked on archaeology for the day and i came up with 550 fragments and nothing but commons : ( Sigh
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295 NightElf solves
6/7 rares
Ring from Tol'vir
Scarab Trinket
Fossil Pet and Mount
And if the Doll doesnt drop in the next 7 days of farming i am going to give up.
301 Nelf Solves still no sign of anything remotely looking like RNG luck :)
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This is just crazy, I've done 58 so far, with at least 5 - 6 of each even up to 7 per each common, a guildie was at 515 with maybe 15 and 4 rares and got it. I got all the rares and all the commons at least 3 times each. This is just stupid. Not to mention I got the Dwarf pet, fossil pet and mount, and all the nightelfs rare this is just beyond.
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402 Nelf Solves after 450, no trinket. no words.
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This was my 100th NE solve after getting every other artifact for them. My arch was capped at 525.
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i swear this is bugged! if you solve before 450 it might que up then itll never que up again bc server thinks it que'd alrdy and you have it but you dont. gg
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Got this at 525 archeology after 6 NE rares and 18 common NE artifacts. So you can get lucky, Holy Pally karma I guess.
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229 common solves and this was the next and final rare for night elf. Long grind and gl to others
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320 NE solves and still nothing. I am one of the VERY unlucky ones, it seems.
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150 Night Elf solves. 6/7 on the rares. Still searching.
Edit: 5 solves later after posting this and I got it. Now time to work toward Zin'rokh.
Good luck to everyone on here who still haven't found theirs.
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221 solves so far, 6/7 nelf, no trinket. slowly losing hope :-/
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What a #$%^ing joke this is...... posting for luckz....
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131 Night Elf solves post-525 and counting. RNG is a !@#$%. Posting here for good luck, will update if I ever find this elusive doll. Best of luck to all, hope your sanity is in a better spot than mine is at the current time ~_~
Up to 177 Night Elf solves, giving up at 200. I have better things to do in my life than spend hours on end flying all over Kalimdor to click a shovel for one minute. This fruitless grind has killed WoW for me. I might not have the amount of solves some people do (and seriously, I don't see how some of you do it), but at least I'll spare my dignity if I quit before I lose it.
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Don't give up!
Finally got mine to proc, after everyone had been laughing at me for wasting my time.
Here are my stats:
Total artifacts
Dwarf: 2
Draenei: 5
Fossil: 32
Night Elf: 107
Orc: 4
Tol'vir: 11
Troll: 10
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By the time you loot this item, you will be an expert at flying through trees. Bloody Ashenvale.
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Ok so I know I'm not nearly anywhere near what other people have been grinding but I heard this works! Please oh WoWhead Gods heed my call! I even dreamt that I found this trinket which was pretty sad! Hope this holds me off until Shard of Woe T_T
It's actually really sad because if you're in a decent raiding guild there are better trinkets that drop, but to try and min/max you have to go that extra little mile. This is about the worst design Blizzard has come up with so far as anyone trying to min/max as a healer will most undoubtedly be forced to grind this crap for the trinket. 350mp5 is a lot higher than 400 spirit for pretty much any value of Int obtainable atm so DMC Tsunami is only so good, and Jar of Ancient Remedies does not give Int.
As a good healer, you want to aim to be OOM at the end of the most mana intensive healing fight because any regen past that is wasted. Rest of your stats should be gearing towards HPS so the Int is very useful.
Oh well wish me luck and in return I wish you all luck on this craptastic grind
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Oh you elusive trinket... How I have wasted my past 3 or 4 weekends and many hours throughout the week solving your precious Night Elf artifacts.
I have obtained all rares except for the trinket of course and all of the commons. I am going on about 175 Night Elf solves so far. I am hoping that RNG will be kind to me after posting this to wowhead.
Why must you tease me Tyrande? My druid self needs you T-T
Wish me luck too and I hope others get theirs much quicker than some of us unlucky ones. This grind is disheartening.
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Just to give you the other side of this RNG Nightmare...
I've been 6/7 Night Elf Rares for a few weeks now.
169 Night Elf Common Solves, so 175 Total Solves.
No Trinket.
I have the Ring of the Boy Emperor along with a few other Tol'Vir Rares... I have all the Fossil Rares, tons of Dwarf Rares... And all I really want is THIS DARN DOLL!
I even buy the Highborne Scrolls off the AH to increase my Night Elf solves...
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Trained archaeology for the sole purpose of getting this trinket. Took me maybe 2-3 days of intense farming/grinding to get to 525 (as well as this sexy trinky!).
Got it on my 74th night elf solve (6/7 rares). Was my 10th rare overall (yay title!). Solved 28 or so night elf solves before 450, then solved them as I gathered from 450-525+. I have no patience so I never saved any fragments and always used (and purchased additional) Highborne scrolls.
By the way, I got 4/6 rares < 450 (with less than 28 n elf solves) and my 5th rare (Bones of Transformation) at around 31 solves, 6th rare (Kaldorei Wind Chimes) at around 43 solves. So for you people who seem to be getting all the rares rather quickly, you might get it fairly quickly, as I did.
For those with the trinky, an awesome guide to use it with power auras:
Good luck!
If anyone's interested:
5 Dwarf
8 Draenei
22 Fossil
74 Night Elf
5 Orc
6 Tol'vir
11 Troll
0-250 Kalimdor
250-300 Eastern Kingdom
300-375 Outlands
375-525+ Kalimdor
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I'm starting to lose hope :(
dwarf: 18
draenei: 12
fossil: 87
night elf: 263
nerubian: 2
orc: 10
tol'vir: 46
troll: 61
vrykul: 6
sitting at 15/20 rares
thought i'd go finish up everything in outland to break the monotony and got last rare i needed out there. was hoping that something new showing up in the books would help the RNG god be nice to me but no luck...
I don't know if I should just give up on this thing and work on the dwarf rares I don't have to finish up professor...
frustrating :(
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about 100 NElf ones but nothing. I don't know how u people are able to do 350 of this, but i am about to give up...
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The mana storing doesn't proc from Holy Shock.
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I finnaly got the project for the doll. Here are my Night elf finding's before I got it:
1x Queen Azhara's Favorite Dressing Gown
1x Wisp Amulet
1x Bones of Transformation
1x Druid and Priest Statue Set
1x Kaldorei Wind Chimes
1x Highborne Soul Mirror
10x Scandelous Silk Nightgown
8x Chest of Tiny Glass Animals
9x Highborne Pyxis
13x Necklace with Elune Pendant
11x Coin from Eldre'Thalas
11x Shattered Glaive
10x Inlaid Ivory Comb
10x Green Dragon Ring
12x Cloak Grasp with Antlers
8x Delicate Music Box
10x Kaldorei Amphora
7x Hairpin of Silver and Malachite
10x Scepter of Xavius
8x Cracked Crystal Vial
5x String of Small Pink Pearls (rare!)
7x Umbra Crescent
10x Silver Scroll Case
7x Carcanet of the Hundred Magi
Total 172 Items (57.7% change to have found the doll).
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EDIT: Dunno why this is rated down, there's 200+ comments on here with similar comments...
and all of THEM are in the process of being downrated, too. The information isn't useful at this point, but it's reached a critical mass - people see other people posting their progress, figure it's okay, and add fuel to the fire.
Given a month, most if not all of these types of comments will end up hidden by people who don't want to trawl through 6 pages of this stuff to get to the nuggets of helpful information.
wowhead != thottbott. A lot of us came here to get away from that nonsense.
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Just got mine as last NE rare.
Total: 402 solves
NE: 240 solves
Good luck!
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While reading other posts I was getting a little discouraged, but now I see it was unneeded- 54 solves and I got the trinket today, after only 2 days of grinding.
This trinket was one of the major reasons that made me pick up archaeology. I started lvling my profession in Kalimdor, ocassionally switching continents in the progress. I got all the other Night Elf rares before the trinket showed up - all of them at a similar pace - 6 or 7 commons then rare. I wasn't really saving any artifacts to solve them after 450, I was solving everything as soon as it was ready.
I got the rares in this order :
Druid and Priest Statue Set
Highborne Sould Mirror
Queen Azshara's Dressing Gown
Wisp Amulet
Bones of Transformation
Kaldorei Wind Chimes
Tyrande's Favourite Doll
I was wondering if the trinket or the sword from Trolls might have smaller chance to appear than the other rares (pets,tranformation items etc.), but even if it's true, it all still basically depends on luck. Just keep going and don't give up and the item will come :)
btw, next patch will increase prices of common artifacts so don't throw them in the progress, some will be worth even 200 gold ;)
Good luck!
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The good news is that you CAN have 2 rare projects going on at the same time
. I was working on the Tol'vir "Ring of the Boy Emperor", and, about half way through it, the doll popped up from a Night Elf dig, making last night a lot of fun!
I am an Arcane Mage, so I was in hog's heaven, still am. I have not yet mastered using the doll, but with a little practice, I'm sure I'll be able to get full use in my rotation, or possibly make a macro.
Ring of Boy Emperor was my 13th rare find, the Doll was the 14th. Previously, I had completed 92 non-rare artifacts.
I had found all the rare Night Elf artifacts, except the doll, and found zero Tol'vir. Most of my initial Arch was done in Eastern Kingdoms, searching for the infamous Dwarven caster's staff.
My advice is simply to grind, grind, grind. I think we all agree that Arch is about as fun as watching paint dry, albeit better than fishing. Since we all have different techniques and patterns in Arch, it makes it very difficult to pin-point any useful formula to figure out drop rate etc. Its like the lottery, you have to play to win :)
The tendency seems to be that you get the "fun" RP items like Bones of Transformation, Inn Keepers Daughter, Raptor Mount, or epic items that are useful for lvl 50 or lvl 70 toons, before you get any useful 85 items. Thats just based on my observations. Since I have found many "fun" artifacts, I hope all of that grinding leads me to the good stuff :)) Seems to be that way. Happy digging my fellow Arch's and GOOD LUCK!
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124 NE solves with no trinket. This profession needs some work. Time sink or not this is rediculus
Fossil spawns are the bane of my exsistance. Will update when i finally get it.
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Here is to posting for luck, 213 solves... starting to go crazy....
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I've been losing my sanity like most of you. I finally got it, my 10th rare after 109 Night Elf solves and at least 30 Fossil solves. Keep at it!
Can confirm:
it doesn't capture mana from Holy Shock
it does proc (mine was at 525) if you've solved Night Elf artifacts before level 150
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Please rng-gods give me this item!
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This is ridiculous.. I'm at 298 solves and no doll still. RNG hates me :(
Gogo wowhead gods now I need your help! :P
I stored almost 3,5k fossil fragments during that process btw.. Fossils ftw!11
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Just got the doll after 28 NE solves, 101 total solves. I'm pretty lucky
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Trinket, Trinket, you fill me with woe. So many solves and you just wont show.
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193 NE solves and no trinket. Wowhead gods, help me, please!
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415 nelf solves and still nothing - honestly some of you guys are pure lucky getting it with less than 200 nelf solves.
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204 nelf solves and nothing. Been at 6/7 rare's the last 100 solves.
Started gathering and solving 500 fragments a go, 'cause one at a time was depressing.
Wtb some luck.
Edit: 235 and counting, still nothing.
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Posting hoping the wowhead gods will let me get this trinket
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As a boomkin in lunar eclipse and with every +spell damage & +arcane damage up, I can do 8492 arcane damage out of 4200 mana restore. (Can go higher with more mastery)
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235 solves and counting. Also, six tol'vir jars without the recipe. I am the worst archaeologist ever!
ETA: ... wow, 250 solves and it finally shows up. Whine and ye shall receive, apparently. (Please don't. That's always awkward.)
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Recently went over 300 NE solves without this trinket and decided to quit Archeology. Seems there are some people who have ridiculously good luck (under 100 solves) and some who have horrifyingly bad luck (over 300 solves).
To all of you complaining about how terrible it is not having gotten this when you're at about 150 solves--perhaps read first how worse off other people have it.
In any case, Archeology as a profession is mind-numbing with zero guarantee of getting the extremely useful items (aside from Ring of the Boy Emperor, which seems to be pretty easy to get). I would recommend you instead go grind for gold and buy the near equivalent pieces on the AH. In this case, the Tsunami card is the only 359 trinket option if you're a healer--but it's a great alternative. Grinding for gold via primary professions may take time, but at least you know you'll get something at the end of it.
Chasing this trinket is like playing the lottery, but instead of paying with money, you pay with hours upon hours upon hours of your life. It's a lose-lose unless you're one of the rare few who beat the odds. Take it from someone who's been to hell and back with this profession. Stop now before you feel too invested.
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I know a lot of druids farm this, so just a few tips which made this faster for me, but some tips applicable for everyone:
1. Farm Kalimdor - higher NE drop rate.
2. Set hearth for somewhere mid continent.
3. Use your Moonglade port.
4. Use a method to return to Stormwind (like guild cloak) and then enter Uldum portal.
5. Use misc port methods (Tol Barad tabard, misc...)
With these methods you can dramatically reduce the time flying around the continent by porting to a location which is closer to the active nodes. Helped for me at least.
Good hunting!
P.S. I see many posts complaining about the brutal grind. This process is really not designed to be powered out. You can also just grab a few nodes here and there - excellent thing to do when waiting for a heroic/BG queue. What's the rush? Much more "enjoyable" if you don't try to power it out in a few sittings.
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250 now, gone over to the point where I've stopped hoping for it and just do arch for fun while watching 2 seasons of Leverage : D
That and I've got about 5k worth of greys in my bank for patchday.
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Just got the plans for it today, will be my 125 solve when its done.
Yesterday I grinded up to 1k fragments in one day....didn't get it then...
Today I only gathered 124 fragments out of bordom and on my last solve befor reaching zero fragment it Q'd up as my next solve. What a mind screw this profession is.....
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I think that this trinket only comes after you get the achivment for 10 rares.
i had every single nightelf rare (except trinket), both fossil rare and even the tol'vir mount which makes 9 and i had a dwarf rare queued up but never got it since i stayed mostly in kalimdor.. for the last 5 days (10+ Hours a day) i did this.. and still no trinket or even duplicate rare so i did what everyone else did.. complain in guild (which 4 people have the trinket.) and they all told me they did not get the trinket till they got the achivment for 10 rares.. so i thought to myself fine im going go back to eastern kingdoms and finish off this dwarf rare.. so i did and got achivement than i quickly went back to kalimdor and after a few sites solved my current nightelf artifact and boom! trinket.
i could be totally wrong but that seem to help..
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326 NE solves, still nothing. Had 6/7 NE rares before 56 solves. Have had 4 Tol'vir rares since then, go figure.
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To the ones who say "it resets" when you get an 85 rare. That doesnt make any sense when I see the people on my realm with the tol'vir ring, the tol'vir staff and the nelf trinket. All within 200 nelf artifacts. I made a ticket about the trinket 3 days ago asking (as I'm 10 artifacts off 300) if there was any chance I'd been grinding with a less chance on it. Answer was no, 's random. Allthough the guy wished he could proc it for me xD
Ohwell, 10 artifacts left to prove that friend I won't get it before 300.
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got this today finally ! 109 night elf fragments and a giant headache , but it was all worth it in the end ... now for that tol'vir staff .
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I've a sneaking suspicion they increased the 'drop rate' on this trinket. I got mine on my 230th NE artifact, and someone else in guild got it shortly after me (within the hour) at 162 artifacts.
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Just started farming for this on an alt and wanted to add some information here. There was a question regarding whether or not this could be obtained before reaching character level 85 that was unanswered on this page.
Zin'rokh, Destroyer of Worlds
as an analogue... There are comments on the item page by Agrotarion indicating that multiple people have acquired the sword before 525 Arch or level 85. This would stand to reason that this too can be acquired before hitting those caps.
Wish me luck... Gonna go back to grinding this now. <3
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112 NE Commons
6/7 Rares
Just got the doll to queue. Very exciting!
Now the long (I'm assuming) grind for the Tol'vir caster staff.
Keep at it!
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Got this as my 259th Night Elf solve, my final Nelf rare, and my 460th artifact overall. Man, what a rare indeed!
The buff you gain is called
Recaptured Mana
. The tooltip will change to reflect your mana gain as you heal: "X mana captured." Once you reach 4200 mana, it'll cap. The buff does not expire, so you can run around with it stored up at your own leisure. (Partners nicely with
Holy Nova
for the
Critter Kill Squad
priests out there, if nothing else.)
Note: when using trinket, I found it helpful to stand on a mage so the unnecessary, constant, irritating and noisy arcane explosion-type animation was attributed to their apparent fat-fingering noobishness and not a CD happy healer.
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Okey, so I'm finally on my way to get this one.
I've got:
6 rares.
18 commons.
Skill, 525.
39/150 at the moment, will recieve it soon, I hope. :)
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Well, I promised myself I would post here when I got it, and I just did. 76th NE solve, 140ish total! What a crazy grind.
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Finally got this after approx. 95 NE solves and well over 300 total solves. I have almost all the rares from the Dwarves, Tol'vir and Night Elves..Initial tests look promising for this holy paladin, we'll see if it was worth the month of farming.
Like most people, I hate "Use" trinks, I'll probably macro this to one Holy Light so I dont have to remember to click it in the heat of battle.
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at 168 commons, still no trinket. About to give up. Have got absolutely good rares (Sword, Staff, Mount etc.) yet. Archaeology hates me!
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As of Patch 4.0.6, Holy Shock does proc the mana store from this trinket. I got this today after only about 3 days farming for it. 8th rare overall. I got pretty lucky I'm seeing from all the comments. Either way, this is wonderful for holy paladins. Just be careful not to pull aggro or break cc's with it. :)
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This profession is majorly flawed, to base rares off of RNGing is just idiotic. No other profession uses this in its design, basically its all luck to get what your aiming for, RNG is utter failure. For those of you that are healers aiming to get this you can rep grind Hellscream's Reach and get a Tsunami card, the trinket from Hellscream's isn't as good but at least your effort is defiantly rewarded unlike a RNG system that does not reward your effort, unless you happen to get lucky or you dedicate away your social life. Next time use a different system blizz, I dunno a vendor that I can turn in my fragments/artifacts to and receive a reward for the effort....maybe even require rep for the higher level items, at least you know for a fact you get the reward you want instead of hoping. Hell even farming for gold to buy the epics is guaranteed reward, RNG equals big time failure! Also I think the dig site system is very bad, why would I want to go to other dig sites if I am interested in NE only or any other faction for that matter, you don't see archaeologist's wanting to discover Egyptian history going to dig in Antarctica (unless they know there is a connection), next time lay off the fluoride blizzard. Having to dig up other race fragments, just to get the race I prefers dig site to pop is nonsense.
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81 NE commons, 6/7 rares and it popped up for me. Very exciting to see that icon appear on the screen! It will also be my 10th rare. :)
I know my number is relatively low compared to most other people here but I will say that I really think it would be a lot less stressful to just work on arch sparingly (perhaps waiting for a queue, raid invite, an hour here and there if you get bored) than to keep grinding. That's what I did after getting bored to death from non stop grinding at 60-70 commons in. After all, you have to remember that it's pure RNG - you have just as much chance getting it in between a arenas/bg queue as you do into the 10th hour of a mind-numbing grind.
I am disappointed that I did not get the Tol'vir caster ring along the way (stupid useless scarab pendant) but I can't really complain. Good luck to you all!
And since you will be getting Tol'vir sites while farming for this trink, might as well keep an eye out for the rare grey camel mount in Uldum - here is the macro I used.
/tar Mysterious Camel
/cast Survey
NPCscan should also detect it, but it doesn't hurt or slow you down to use the macro. :)
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I'm over 361 Nightelf solves and no trinket. This random system is ridiculous. If I had lucky I would play poker in real not WoW :)
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Im at 6/7 NE rares and 97 solves. No trinket yet but ill forge ahead. Also, im only at 9/10 rares for the achievement. Ill post here if I ever get this thing to update.
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172 NE artifacts completed, no trinket, this is ridiculous...
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510 NE solves without getting the trinket. This is complete and utter BS.
Update: 600 NE solves without the trinket.
Update #2: Finally showed up as my 695th NE solve.
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My trink just proc'ed. 16 rares done (no sword, no staves). No clue how many solves I've done total but it sure FEELS like a ton.
edit: I had all of the other Nelf rares before this proc'ed and did 53 common Nelf solves. Total solves for all artifacts is around the 450 mark.
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Let me clear some things up.
A few days ago this trinket proc'ed for my husband. My husband plays a Death Knight and has not a single mana-using character anywhere on his account.
Some facts about my husband's proc:
- It was his 3rd rare. You do not need to have the "10 Rares / Associate Professor" achievement to get this.
- It was his first Night Elf rare. You do not need to have 6/7 Night Elf rares to get this.
- He had less than a dozen Night Elf commons. You do not need to have a high number of Night Elf commons to get this.
My husband had ground from 1 - 525 Archaeology skill largely on Dwarf and Troll fragments, looking for Zin'Rokh --- the latter did not proc for him in spite of using ~1400 Troll fragments in search of it.
Or in other words, the RNG is a cruel, capricious mistress.
Happy farming; I'm still doing the same.
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Finally I got it after 398 NE solves...I just can't believe it :)
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please everyone stop whining already :<
i just got it on my 327th solve... got the feeling i farmed it for weeks...
dont give up ^^
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@ draenen
This is either a very stupid response or the guy whos trying to make himself smart. If you did just a little research of the world you are living you would know that no machine can generate numbers in random order, thus every line of numbers generated by a machine is followed by a certain pattern and that same machine can see and tell you exactly which pattern it is, the only randomness is hiden in living beings, humans for example, and the only random number is pi, considering it has no end and there is no pattern in it, its the number on which the whole world is built. Now I was just trying to help a guy who has wasted a lot of his time and didn't get his reward for it by explaining my theory. you are off.
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UGH, im around 200 solves and no luck yet, hopeing the WoW head gods will hear my prayers and get me this trinket on my next solve like they have others!
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Been grinding this off and on for 2 weeks now, and I've got to say it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the the stupid fossil dig sites. Maybe it's just bad luck on my part but that's all I seem to get.
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Just had this trinket proc for me. Its what I've been going for this whole time, along with the ring and staff from the Tol' Vir... needless to say i was very excited to see it finally drop :D
I'm at 525 Archaeology with 10 rares; 6 of those being all the other Night Elf rares.
And with 48 total Night Elf common finds, and a %^&* ton of other commons from everything else lol
So yes be prepared to dig ALOT for this, but this is a very nice trinket for casters and my holy priest :D
Good luck to all you other diggers!
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Seeing these comments makes me sad. People getting this after 400 NE solves. I just got this item, and actually, I don't care about gear at all. I was just leveling to 525 and at 520 I finished (what I thought would be my last NE project) and I got this. Have around 80 solves totally, 4 rares.
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Just picked this grind up again. Starting back up from 300 nelf artifacts :3 Would like to see it within the next 100.
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It seems like I find all the rares I'm not looking for XC (128th nelf artifact) Got this while farming Vial of the Sands receipe. Since my warlock rarely goes oom I would've liked some other kind of use/chance ability for this trinket...
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I'm rather curious about how early people are getting to 6/7. Being fairly new to the grind myself, I'm wondering if having gotten to 6/7 in 42 Night Elf solves is at all meaningful. Guess at the very least all of the 150 fragment sinks are over with.
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Took the trinket after 94 solves. Ez &*!@. Need the ring now
Total artifacts solved
Dwarf: 4
Fossil: 20
Night Elf: 52
Tol'vir: 7
Troll: 11
RNG is fine. People always complain about everything in this game.
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160 solves after 6/7 and 450. Still no doll...
Edit: Up to 220 solves and still no luck. Though I have managed to get the mount from Tol'Vir.
Edit2: Just broke 300 NE solves. Got the Tol'Vir ring, yet the doll eludes me. Blizzard, you fail hard.
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Got mine after 141 solves and it sure did feel great when I saw what was about to become my next NE solve! Good luck to everyone else out there and to all of you who are past 200 solves; please accept my condolences.
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504 n811 solves ... check
837 solves total ... check
doll ... check
update: finaly i got the doll, after 541 solves
i got it on my deathknight, i think that class has an build in luck-factor .. the doll appears after 140 solves, while my druid still have nothing, after 400 solves
the deathknight also got 3 tol'vir rare (incl staff), with 10 tol'vir solves total
@BoRdo it took me more than 5 weeks of grinding (about 4-8h/day)
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Seems that blizzard have run out of ideas on how to make game more exciting. Archeology is one uber example on endless Grind you have to go through.
It is nice that they have made those Bind On Account 359 iLVL`s but time you have to spend on getting them is way to long.
I have started to grind for trinket but reading some comments it seems i will stop doing so.
Lets count a bit. Some lucky fellaz get this trinket in 120 solves. With 310% speed flying mount and descent luck on digsites it takes ~ 20-25 mins to solve one common artifact. it makes 50hrs gametime to get it if you are really lucky.
Lets see the last comment before me. 837 solves and no Doll. ~348hrs of nonstop grind and still nothing?
Ok lets say he got really lucky and all digsites where close to each other. so 10mins on solving each it is still ~150hr of gametime and not even getting it...
Kinda sad.
When i first heard about archeology and those items you can get there i was so excited. Finally something new and nice to combine with exploring, but now i realize it is too boring and time consuming.
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Sorry, but your comments are riddled with inaccuracies.
First, you state that the profession shouldn't be linked with 'real world' examples as it is a game. Yet, in your original post you drew a perfectly clear analogy between WoW archaeology and members of the 'real world' profession. Does " don't see archaeologist's wanting to discover Egyptian history going to dig in Antarctica (unless they know there is a connection)..." ring a bell? Making the link and then criticizing me for following your lead is just silly.
In fact I used two 'real word' examples that meshed with 'ingame' examples. Also my retort showed both sides of the coin, but funny enough a troll would take advantage of the objective response and attempt to alter the perception.
Further, your comment "...Furthermore I'm pretty sure people have unearthed significant finds with the help of others in their field, wouldn't that kinda be like what I presented........" is nothing to do with the discussion at hand, and nothing whatsoever to do with your original post. You were complaining about the fact that you can't get the items you want by simply accumulating enough credits (e.g. points) and handing them in. Your subsequent comment was/is entirely irrelevant to the subject matter of your original complaint.
stop pretending to be smart and pull your head from your ass, criticizing and complaining are two completely different things. I pointed to flaws and gave examples that were both 'real world' and 'ingame', I would love to see bosses RNGing gray vendor loot for 900 tries before you saw any epics or get lucky with the first down and get epic(s) drop, but sadly that is not the case they ALWAYS drop epics.
As for this:- "I have said it many times before, I have NO problem at all with making things take perseverance and fortune. Either do it all the way around the game or don't do it at all. Epics and Rares should be far more scarce then they are, but what do you know everyone has several epics, I have an issue when its only subject to a small amount of content...."
I call your bluff on this one. Your comment makes no sense at all. The fact that the game makes many of its aspects so easy would have you embracing the few challenging, RNG portions of WoW all the more readily, if in fact you are being honest about your approach to matters requiring perseverance and fortune. On the basis of your first post, however, I can only infer that you DO in fact have a problem with making things that take perseverance and fortune, because that is exactly what your first post was all about.
Don't be a troll out to flame people and search before you make an ass of yourself. How am I bluffing? I'm saying stop being a hypocrite and make rares and epics scarce or don't, but if your going to do it then do it to every legendary/epic/rare in game and not a select few.
You clearly have a problem with the profession, and that is your right. However, I have replied to you solely on the basis that your subsequent remarks do not accurately represent your original stance, and you weren't therefore being fair in your response. Bottom line: if you are going to complain, have the bottle to back up your original argument, rather than twisting things around to better.
Do you see anything in game work similar to archaeology cause I would love to see bosses drop more vendor grey's and less epics/rares/lengendary loot, even if you downed that boss 900 times and still didn't see 1 epic/rare that would be fine by me, but the game is NOT like that. So why is it like that with a small portion of content? you want to look like a hypocrite? As i have been saying (all you had to do is search my posts and you could have found them, but you just rather look like another troll out to flame people), make all epics and rares fit there definition, hell make legendaries one per server I could give a crap less, do it all the way around or don't do it at all.
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250+ solves in night elf but still no trinket . damned rng :@
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RNG hates me, I have around 150 NE solves and no trinket. :( I also need 2 more rares for the Professor title. Im thinking of giving up :/
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It queued as Nelf solve # 274 for me. I had 6/7 Nelf rares.
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I have to say that I am very disappointed in Blizzard for the randomness associated with obtaining this trinket.
I am a massive advocate of useful items in WoW requiring a high amount of personal effort to obtain. It creates a sense of achievement and makes you value that item.
However, what we're seeing with this item is some players having to invest an unfair amount of time in order to obtain an item which will become obsolete in the coming months (trivium80 on 14-Feb-11, 6/7 NE rares, 298 common NE solves and no doll).
Of course I don't expect people to get this item after 1 or 2 solves. What I do expect though is for there to be some sort of mechanic which says "Ok, I can see you've been really unlucky. You've solved 200 NE commons and you've still not obtained the last rare. For every common you solve past 200, you'll get a 0.25% increased chance to get the last rare."
This would ensure that players invest an acceptable amount of time solving. A few may get lucky and discover all the rares early than others. For those who don't have as much luck, it means there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
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I just got this as my 111 Night Elf solve. I was trying to get the staff but this is definitely an awesome addition.
These were my curent solve numbers at the time of spawn:
Dwarf - 2
Fossil - 45
Night Elf - 110
Nerubian - 1
Tol'Vir - 22
Troll - 21
Vrykul - 4
With a total of 205 solves.
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I was one of the lucky ones...only took me around 125 NE solves (prolly around 175-200 total solves) to get this trinket.
Two pieces of advice for those still working on theirs:
1. Stay in Kalimdor
Highborne Scroll
. Just suck it up and buy these off the auction house. Made my grind go a lot faster than it could have gone.
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Let us send it back to her... piece by piece.
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Procced as my...
th Night Elf solve while mostly farming Tol'Vir.
Dwarf: 27/27, 3/4 — 41 total
Draenei: 7/8, 2/2 — 9 total
Fossil: 12/12, 2/2 — 137 total
Night Elf: 18/18, 7/7 — 397 total
Nerubian: 5/7, 0/2 — 5 total
Orc: 9/9, 1/1 — 10 total
Tol'vir: 7/7, 3/6 — 108 total
Troll: 14/14, 0/1 — 93 total
Vrykul: 5/5, 0/1 — 7 total
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this totally sucks! I have been trying for this for weeks. Have 205 commons solved. UG!
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5/6 Night Elf rares
308 NE completed.
All of you posting <308 NE completed, i have no pity for you.
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Bah i have done 90 Ne solves,and still no trinkett -.-Wowhead god give me a trinkett solve soon!
An now im on my 130solved still no damn trinkett -.- fml and F%¤K blizz!
170 NE solved still no trink. =/
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Queued mine as my 238th solve
It is my 7th NE rare
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I give blizzard credit for coming up with new ways to piss us off and make a game feel more like work instead of play. This trinket is driving me nuts, i envy everyone who gets this trinket.
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Dwarf - 21 solves: 2 rares (Pet + Dancing Dorfs)
Draenei - 0
Fossil - 55 solves: 2 rares (All)
Night elf - 120 solves: 7 rares (All)
Nerubian - 0
Orc - 0
Tol'vir - 41 solves- 2 rares (Ring and Scarab)
Troll - 36 solves - 0 rares
Vrykul 0
Got this at 119 night elf solved. At the moment I'm grinding for the AQ mount, and doing night elf to help get my Professor title. Hang in there and keep going. Night elf is definitely easier than Tol'vir, but can be just as much frustrating.
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253 NE artifacts and no doll! I want my mommy! This sucks!
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Calling on the Wowhead gods to grant me this trinket...
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I got this as my next artifact on my 58th NE artifact pop. I was farming troll sites for Zin'rokh in EK and only getting NE fragments from a site every now and then. Guess the RNG decided to make up for the 100+ troll artifacts without a Zin'rokh.
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402 and still nothing even posting here wont help so just a note to say that RNG is bad when you want something badly enough to drive you insane. At the current rate of 2-3hrs a day looking for this I may get it in about 3months time
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I pray to whichever gods people prayed to and then got this trinket.
140 NE solves and no luck, about to spend 200 fragments and if I still don't get it I'm abandoning archaeology for a loooong time.
Edit: I actually got it rofl... Whooping nonstop, neighbours must have thought I was going nuts.
Total artifacts
Dwarf: 7
Fossil: 52
Night Elf: 148
Tol'vir: 35
Troll: 18
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Okay. So I've read these comments and a lot of them I've seen said "As soon as I whine and complain I get the artifact." Well here is my plea, I've spent several days on this artifact, abundant amounts of common night elves. As well as all the rares but the latter, so Wowhead gods pity me and give me this damn artifact.
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been farming this thing none stop for 4 weeks still nothing :S. Please help :P.
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Posting here to pray to the wowhead gods to have pity on me and have it finally drop ! I'm at 150+ NE artifacts and still nothing ! This is becoming more and more frustrating everytime I complete a new one :(
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i envy all that have alrdy solved this trinkett ! this is the last thing i want from archeology://
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Hi guys. After completing my 140th common it appeared, I'm about to get started on it. I can't tell you all how excited I am, but good luck to you guys. Oh and of course thank you Wowhead gods!
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Just in case there is any truth in people getting the trinket after posting. I have one of every caster class so this would be very helpful. So please grant it to me!
These were my current solve numbers:
Dwarf: 30 (rare: 3 solved 36)
Draenei: 10 (rare: 2 solved 19)
Fossil: 14 (rare: 2 solved 52)
Night Elf: 24 (rare: 6 solved 119)
Nerubian: 8 (rare: 1 solved 11)
Orc: 10 (rare: 1 solved 16)
Tol'vir: 9 (rare: 2 solved 13)
Troll: 14 (rare: 0 solved 66)
Vrykul: 6 (rare: 1 solved 33)
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Wow, finally got this project as my 367th NElf solve. It's been a long grind, and I had actually given up a few weeks back and stopped doing archaeology after the Jar of Ancient Remedies dropped for me off of Maloriak. But today, I had nothing else to do, so I decided to dig a little. Just before I quit, I got this to proc. Needless to say, the Jar is being put on the shelf.
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It's amazing how RNG can do the strangest things to the most logical people. Now, let us all gather and pray, to the deities of Wowhead, Elune, and beyond. Best of luck to all looking for this. Let us, (read: me) be blessed!
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Seeing everyone praying to the Wowhead Gods for this glorious item, I myself would like to make a post, hoping that it would increase my chances on receiving it. I have been doing archaeology for a quite some time and I wish to get this item as it would greatly improve my current equipement status. Im currently at 119 NE solves. I am also seeing people with 350+ NE solves without the doll, and so I am wishing for them to find happiness soon in this doll before they go mad :P Please Wowhead Gods grant me and others this magnificent item. Thanks :)
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I finished all of the other rares before 100 NE solves were completed. Reading the comments of people who have gotten over 300 solves and still no doll had me very disheartened. I told myself "Well if that's what it takes". I went three days doing nothing but Kalimdor Archaeology and still no doll.
I have an average ilevel of 354 but one of my trinkets is the an ilevel 325 quest blue. I won't take anything but an Intellect trinket and none of the Heroic dungeon options would drop for me. I refused to spend my valuable VP on the Core of Ripeness if the Doll was an option.
Today I logged in where I had fallen asleep last night, over one of the NE dig sites in Felwood. I did my three artifacts and checked my total fragments. 46/45. I tried to decide whether to go do my daily dungeon and TB dailies or continue Arching. I decided I didn't have the fortitude for more Archaeology disappointment. Normally, I wait until I have almost 200 fragments before doing NE solves. This time I decided to go ahead and do just this one solve.
And the doll popped up next. 195 solves in. I'm still kind of in shock. I did not expect this at all.
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For those collecting solve data, I got mine as the 205th solve.
Something I've noticed...All the big things I've ground for (Recipe, Mount, this) proc'd when I was distracted while clicking "Solve." Maybe RNGesus doesn't like people who pay attention?
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Got this on my 144th solve on NE, after I'd already gotten all the other rares.
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9th NE solve. 84th overall solve.
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it seems to be working so this is me...praying to the gods of wowhead. goodluck to everyone in their hunt, and goodluck to me =D
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I got this today after 5 days of doing archeology with the intention to obtain this trinket. My total count: 63 NE solves, with this trinket being the last NE rare solve. My thoughts on this...yes it's RNG and while you can't control that, you can control some aspects of the hunt.
- Farm only in Kalimdor because it appears 3/4 of the dig sites are NE sites.
- Focus on just NE solves. The key is to open up as many rares as possible as quickly as possible.
- If Highborne scrolls drop for you as much as they did for me, use them up whenever possible to cut down on the grind time. I didn't care if I needed just a few more frags to get to a solve. If I had a scroll, I used it. Anything to open up the next solve faster.
- Try not to solve any non-NE ones. Save up all the other frags (fossil/troll/dwarf/tol'vir) as much as possible (unless you're also going for Tol'Vir in which case you can solve those too as they come along). Obviously, the 200 limit will get in the way at some point so solve those ONLY when needed, and only just enough to make room for more of those frags.
Think of the it as a process of elimination. Once you've solved a rare, it can't be solved again. If you're lucky, you get the doll as one of your first rares. If not, cycle through the rares one by one and you'll eventually get it. The key is to focus solely on NE solves. That's how I did it anyway.
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Currently at 166 solves. Got all the rares except for the doll. Good luck for everyone out there and I hope the WoWhead gods will hear our cries and nerdrages soon. ;o
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Dropped this grind about a month ago after hitting 300 artifacts without the doll. 200+ of those on 6/7 rares. Started again as my alt would benefit from it and it's still a tiny upgrade for my main. 314 and going :)
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RNG was mean to me. I ended up getting this after 345.
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237 night elf solves so far and still no doll. Got the 6 other rares in the first 50.
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Reading through forums and the comments on this page made it seem like most people proc this as their next solve around 80-120 nelf artifacts. I can only assume I have no luck what so ever then. 325 and no sight of it. x3
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Just got it as 184th Night Elf Solve. What a relief!
Dwarf: 5
Fossil: 54
Night Elf: 184
Tol'vir: 34
Troll: 23
... but 4 Canopic Jars and no recipe: Vial of the Sands.
Good luck to all on the archeology grind!
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Got it after 90 NE solves as my 7th NE rare.
Good luck
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Yestertday, i was at 20 solves NE, i started 9h grind without BG/HC. So after 76solve, trinket poped.
Gl :)
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After 325 NE solves finally got this. Started at 50 NE solves at 450 skill level
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317 Night Elf Solves, and I've FINALLY gotten my trinket. IT EXISTS!
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Every time I solve a project only for the project I just solved to spawn, I die a little inside.
Necklace with Elune Pendant and Cloak Clasp with Antlers, please jump off of a bridge into a volcano.
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Shows how good this trinket realy are for a arcane mage.
Does not trigger any global CD either.
// Chiqq
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Found this as my 54th nelf solve at maxed archealogy. Had found most rares except the druid/priest fountain of knowledge (so you don't have to find all rares to get the doll!) Not trying to brag, just providing information that will hopefully help! This proves that it really is down to pure dumb luck!
Personally, my two cents worth on the doll after a friend of mine helped me with the Math:
It's not that much difference from other 359 trinkets with base int and mana regen capabilities. Just a slight improvement with about 500-600 more mana per min PROVIDED you can execute a near perfect doll activation rotation the moment the CD is up. (This is comparing it to my Darkmoon Card Tsunami usage)
Whether you go hardcore or casual on archealogy for this, keep your expectations low. If you're getting it for practical use, DMC Tsunami is better. Otherwise, get it just for bragging rights. The uberness of this trinket is the bind on account status which allows you to empower your alts.
Important thing to note: the arcane explosion that comes with it is a liability. It could potentially break CC if you are positioned incorrectly. Hope this helps!
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Well I am about ready to give up on this stupid freaking trinket. i have been archologizing for the past 4 days straight, for 18 hours a day. this trinket has obnoxiously been a waste of time. I understand it is a rare epic, but come on blizzard, make it possible for I'd to get the gear, so we can all go back to raiding and pvp, or whatever people have fun doing on this game. This is my last ditch effort, please wow and wowhead gods, please let me get this trinket soon, preferably before my raid on thursday.
Begging for mercy,
A player teetering on going insane over this trinket.
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After ZILLIONS of solves, I get this trinket... pity I don't have a leveled mage character, and am in fact trying for the Tol'vir rares. Betcha every mage who's still grinding for this got all the Tol'vir sites they could ever want, and all the rares they didn't want, already. >.< RNG, why do you torment us so?
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I have only been doing the Kalmidor arch and I agree with hating the fossil arch, its just filler and there are so many of them. I am actually writing for the good luck of getting the doll from posting. :)
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Praying to the RNGesus for a drop.
I've been working hard, its been a test, i've completed ever other artifact, ever other rare, please, give me my doll so that i may heal those that will cry when you are mean to them.
Please, i beg of you.
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well, it's seems to work for most other posters, so I have come to beg on here. I've been grinding for about 3 weeks with now luck, have all other NE rares, as well as the Tol'vir. I really need this I beg no for all to see. No more pride. Hopefully, it will proc soon. I agree with the other users, each time it doesn't come up, I die a little more knowing it is back to flying all over that god forsaken continent. My god I hate Ungoro.
On a side note, why won't Blizz let us pick the digsites we want to look for. change how they pop up, but if we want to focus solely on NE, let us! Fossil are driving me insane!
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While I love the int on this and storing 20% of my mana use seems very helpful, I wonder about the aggro impact of the AOE damage from this as a resto druid. Especially in those encounters where you need to stack to avoid massive AOE damage I would think that using this might cause enough damage to mobs to pull aggro, since I seem to pull aggro sometimes anyway. I have only had it for a little while and haven't really noticed anything, but does anyone else have any experience with aggro from this?
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Dear GM's,
I pray thee take pity and mercy on poor little me. This trinket seems to be more elusive than the +5 fishing line i gave up on after over 200 dailies. I have become an animal of anxiety do to the neverending grind this trinket has caused me to go into...i feel as tho i am in a downward spiral and i cannot stop it until i have been vindicated with the acquisition of this epic crafted trinket. Please hear my prayer. Amen
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Here I am as well. Please wowhead gods... shine down on me and provide with this bounty.
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The captcha text for this message was "flying octopus", that proves that the dumb RNG would rather give me a flying octopus than this doll...
I have a lock, a holy pala, a balance drood and a mage... so I said: "Why buy four Darkmoon Cards when I can get the doll?" And the RNG answered me: "Ha. Ha. Ha. GL with that."
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Over 340 Solves with 6/7 rears and still no f***ing doll
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What an incredibly frustrating trinket to find. Granted, I do enjoy making at least 500g on Tol'vir trinkets in the AH, and feeling like a boss one-shotting lowly mobs, but I'm still finding it hard to believe that I've yet to make this solve.
But like anything worth having, you need to work for it. In this sense, time is the victim. Unless you are one of the lucky ones, this will require a lot of grinding. A lot.
I've been looking for this trink for my holy pally. TFD, along with the Tsunami Darkmoon card is the BiS trinket pairing. For someone who is a main healer in a progression guild, any improvement will go a long way with raiding content. I just hope I can get my hands on this bad boy (girl?) prior to patch 4.2. Crazy to think that this might be a possibility, but at the rate I have been going, I wouldn't be surprised.
So for all that is holy (paladin) may this mother-trucker drop for me, wowhead gods. I understand the importance of keeping players engaged through these grinding activities, but the longer I spending flying around Kalimdor, the less I want to do anything else in game, other than /cry myself to sleep in the SW inn.
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Oh crap, I hope I don't have to wait until 200+ solves to get this. Seeing how people have gone up to 400 solves without getting it is a little daunting...
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You guys think you have it bad, watch this and listen to this guy nearly bursting out in tears
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I got all the other rare night elf items before I got this one, and then for weeks, nothing. I was only farming in Kalimdor, and my method was to farm all the points until they were all in Uldum, do everything in Uldum, and then repeat. I would solve every eligible piece at the time it became available, not save them until 200.
After a while all I kept getting were grey artifacts. I moved to Eastern Kingdoms and farmed there until I got a rare artifact from something else, once that was solved I moved back to Kalimdor, farmed night elf pieces until I got to 200 and bam, 4th artifact in.
I think after you get your last artifact in whatever race, change it up and go somewhere else. It seems like it might reset it or something once you get another race's rare item (?)
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YES! Finally got this today. It showed up on night elf solve 101, but I had a raid and couldn't get it till afterwards. So 102 night elf solves, all the night elf rares (the trinket was the last one), the raptor items,
Ring of the Boy Emperor
, and about 2000 gold. It only cost a few weeks (off and on farming) of my life and my sanity. I did test it out and I love the mana regen.
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Fossil 12/12 commons 2/2 rares 127 solves
Troll 14/14 commons 2/6 rares 79 solves
Night Elf 18/18 commons 6/7 rares 421 solves and NO **** ****** ***** Tyrande's Favorite Doll
I have watched others create and level characters because they have the trinket and items for casters while i have the characters yet havent got the items - yes i have to say that this is a depressing Profession and probably the only thing that would make me quit the game completely...
People who have this Trinket are very very lucky and for those of us who see no end in sight all i can say is good luck and keep taking the medications that keep you sane and able to spend the hours of searching for virtual items....
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I don't know where I was when the lucky charms were being passed out but I must not have been in the kitchen! 215 NE commons and counting and still no doll. So, I'm on my knees praying to the Wow Gods, "may I please have my dolly now?"
update 227 NE commons no doll, going to bed now only to see little shovels in my eyelids!
Update again- Now at 256 and no flippen doll! (NE site spawns has been 1 to 2 or 3 to the Uldum or Tanaris or fossil sites, that is just not right. I can spend an hour down south clearing site after site, finally get some up north and finish them before my 15 min hearth is up!) Still very disappointed and frustrated with this new wonderful profession!
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I feel your pain, 470 total commons, of which 216 are NE and 6/7 NE rares and still no doll. I could go my whole life and not see another Scandalous Silk Nightgown! So, your not alone, maybe we need to start a support group! Crazy, desperate wow players that can't find their dolly's!
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i want to feel the gods of Wowhead 122 solves so far and need some help. I need luck please give that luck wowhead i'm begging you ^^ ( my wow life was unlucky so i think i'll hit 500 solves to get trinket :P)
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Im at 110 Night elf solves at the moment with all rares found for Night elf race EXCEPT the trinket. Its been 5 days with 6+ hours farming for each day and still nothing. Some luck i have 8-/........
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Certainly is very random when it drops.
On 2 chars on different servers i have gotten this, first time after 136 solves, and second time after just 24 solves.
136 was a paladin
24 was a warlock
Was actually testing if i could get zin'rokh faster on a char that did not need it since i got the dwarf staff on paladin who had no use, so i thought i might get zin'rokh on my warlock who could not need that. (yeah i know its supposed to be random but your thought wander when you do arch)
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Just looted this on my 87th Night Elf solve and it was my 172th total solve.
I had 6/7 Night Elf rares, 4/5 Fossil rares, 3/7 Tol'vir rares, 0/3 Troll rares and 0/4 Dwarven rares discovered when I found this.
I actually discovered (note: discovered, not all are aquired yet) Pterrordax Hatchling, Vial of the Sands, Pendant of the Scarab Storm and Tyrande's Favourite Doll in pretty much the same hour. Must've gotten lucky?
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NE 83 and still working on this Trink. Got Boy Emperor thus far. Not QQ'ing just posting till I solve. Hopefully not at 400 geez.
NE 111
NE 173
NE 200
NE 216 Finally Ran out of Fossils. Still no Doll. Good news is that now there are allot more NE, Troll, TLV art's now.
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3rd May no end in sight - now its a case of seeing how many times i can solve and not see this proc on my screeen :(
4th May
5th May
6th May
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Got it as my 102'th solve. Never thought it'll show up. Sadly, i mostly want it for the possibility to get fewer nelf spawns.
: After you solve you last night elf rare Kalimdor turns into fossil land. :S I wish that sheild will proc fast for me this is ridiculous already solved over 8 vicious ancient fish.
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Dam Huskyetha I thought that 110 NE solves and no trink was terribad. I am curious about one thing though. Have you deleted any of the epics in BE that you made?
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Joining the queue of people still yearning for the doll
180 NE solves so far. 17 rares, not found a single one of the big rares like mount, troll sword or either of the staffs.
Little prayer and fingers crossed, if I get to 250 I think i'll have no choice but to give up.
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291 Nelf Solves - got
other Nelf rares, got the Tol'Vir mount, sword, Pendant - the fossil pets (yup, both!), mount and amber, the Chalice from Dwarfs (keep in mind I'm only farming Kalimdor which got 1 (or 2?) Dwarven digging spots! I got ....
Can't believe I'm still farming it, its outdatet veeery soon, however its still kewl having, which I think is my drive :s..
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Funny story I got with this.. been farming this trinket and was at about 150 Night Elf solves and pretty much ragequit. What happened is I thought I would get this so I wouldn't have to blow a ton of money on a Tsunami card. So a few days ago I manned up and bought a Tsunami for 10K. Today, I decided to queue up for some BGs and do archeology between queues. Needles to say, my next find was this trinket.
EDIT: This is most likely a coincidence, but if any of you out there are insane enough to buy a Tsunami and equip it and THEN try farming this....
Also mad respect for all of you who are at a crazy amount of solves.. I jumped ship at a much smaller number then what I'm seeing here.. Good luck.
EDIT2: Been using this while healing raids/heroics, and man it messes things up sometimes. Example would be using the proc and breaking a CC'd mob near me (the radius is HUGE), or pulling random stuff while running ZG/ZA.. somewhat annoying.
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Made an account to post in hopes I'd get it next, been doing Arch for weeks, have gotten every rare but doll. :(
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I guess i'm a little late for the party here. I started grinding archy about 2 days ago, and level'd to 525 in kalimdor alone. I've gotten all the rares except the doll when it comes to night elf archy. Does anyone know if not having dicovered anything but what is found in kalimdor is a factor? i saw the youtube video of the guy in the hopeless grind, and i noticed he was missing the same archy races as i was. is this a factor at all? I dont even know how many "solves" i have done but i would have expected to get this trinket before i hit 525 (considering i leveled only in kalimdor). I have only been at it about 3 days so maybe i'll get lucky. no other useful epics have dropped either. just a bunch of the useless ones. I'm sure this thing will be better than my darkmoon volcano considering i'm an arcane mage.
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I think this item kills your sanity faster than the Nerubian artifacts do! ( Well, this and Zin'Rokh )
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Must be the only one then who's thinking 4,2k mana? bit of a joke.
Gr Heal is 5,5k mana. So it's even less then a healspell ... wooptiedoo ppl! wooptiedoo
make it 10% manapool and you have made me a happy camper! Made it worth the 574839 hours of grindfesting this item
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In a 10 minute fight it's 42,000 free mana, or more if you start with a full 4,200 buff. Not sure but I think this trinket is best in slot or very close.
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I feel all your pain. Currently at 498 NE artifacts completed. 6/7 Rare. I've made around 30k gold selling artifacts so far. This is all I do when I don't raid. I set my home point in Feathermoon Stronghold, Feralas while I duel box my friend's mage to teleport me to SW to reach Uldum, Theramore and Mount Hijal digsites.
Being a "The insane" title holder (pre-cata) I haven't had any issues grinding rep, grinding kills for rep, grinding mobs for drop for rep, chain dungeons for rep, pick pocketed thousand of NPC for Ravenholdt rep, spending countless hours farming Blood of Heroes for Shen'dralar rep, but this freaking trinket is really starting to get the best of me.
Only thing that keeps me going is the gold I'm making doing it. I've been able to buy all the new BoA Helms and capes from guild and still make a profit. Thinking on saving to buy me the alchemy mount next funded purely by doing Archeology.
Anyone who hasn't breached 500 Night Elf artifacts completion, I feel no pity for you. Keep grinding. Some of us got it worse then you.
To the rest of you, I wish you don't have the same bad luck, karma or RNG as I'm having. I wouldn't wish this on nobody. I hope you all get it on your next solve. Good luck.
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I feel for everyone that is having trouble obtaining this trinket, I'm at 150 solves and counting, slightly frustrated, but Archy has been on and off for me.
With all the "brilliant" people that work at Blizzard, I'm surprised no one has considered using drop/roll formulas that take the numbers of attempts into consideration. Since this game tracks everything you do, it would be easy to use this information to create more considerate drop rates and rolls for those that have seemingly bad luck.
Example: Currently the chance for this trinket to be your next NE solve = 1% (or whatever this is all acedemical anyway) So for every solve you have the same chance as the one before.
Much better example: Chance for next solve to be rare: 10%, if rare pick from list of rares.
Just wishing example: Chance for item to be next solve = 100% * (number of solves/some predetermined number, use 500 as an example)
In the last example the chance for you to grind infinately and not get the item is gone, while your chance of getting it on your first attempt has dimished to extremely unlikely. As you grind along your chance to get any item increases, instead of remaining constant.
In the end my chance to get the doll is much higher than my chance that someone would take a statistics class and use what they learn.
Good luck everyone!
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Text Wall! *updated 6/14/2011 (705 solves and counting)
I decided that when I reached 400 NE completions w/ no trinket yet I would make a post. From what little I've gathered here it seems once you reach an amount of completions w/ 1 race that equals 4x that of most people's entire completions your desired item will magically proc so long as you complain/give stats here! Now I didn't start keeping track of when I proc'd rares until recently, but I'll provide what little data I do have. (I primarily play a resto druid so of course I got the 2H sword and the shield without effort) Data below is all @525 skill. Also I'm shooting for 100% rare completion, and am 3 from finishing if that tells you how difficult the doll can be to obtain. These are the ones I specifically remember, or have screen shots from recent of the completion macro scroll + arch window open if anyone is still doing anything special w/ data or percentages, etc.
-Tyrande's Favorite Doll - ? 647 and counting (too much time invested to just give up)
-Extinct Turtle Shell - 113 Fossil - Queued after finishing the northrern-most Un'Goro Crater dig site
-Voodoo Figurine - 108 Fossil - Queued iirc in the Hinterlands Fossil dig site.
-Zin'Rokh, Destroyer of Worlds - 102 Troll - Queued after doing the Valley of the Watchers dig site in Tanaris. (was quite surprised)
-Bug mount - 78 Tol'Vir - Can't remember location, but queued while in Tol'Vir
-Ring of the Boy Emporer - 65 Tol'Vir - Queued after doing the dig site at the farms south of the produce/meat vendors.
-Staff of Ammunae - 137 Tol'Vir - Queued after doing the Cursed Landing dig site, and strangely enough, shortly after I made this post.
-Mummified Monkey Paw - 182 Tol'Vir - Queued after doing the pita dig w/ all the beasts at the southern river delta
-Vrykul Drinking Horn - 28 Vrykul - Queued in Voldrune (that was either howling fjord or grizzly hills)
-Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron - 10 Nerubian - Queued after doing the site north of Star's Rest Dragonblight.
*Oddly the drinking horn/puzzle box queued nearly together after I had spent 4 hours prior farming the doll with no luck. Worth mentioning.
**Finishing all rares for other races truly does help!
On Kalimdor I barely run in to fossil/troll anymore, but unfortunately it doesn't change the RNG in my favor, it just lets me roll more often. I actually get that lone Dwarf one in Southern Barrens more than troll/fossil if that tells ya how much they get reduced now.
Other than that, I suggest rolling a druid engineer to get your BoAs. I argue that it's faster than a mage's farming ability not only because of the obvious ports, but insta-flight.
I also think that Blizzard makes the final NE rare (doll for most?) the most difficult because you'd pretty much have constant Tol'Vir digs popping up (assuming your done w/ fossil/troll), which gives you more rolls. Could they be that evil?
Next post I'll start a list of helpful things / shortcuts I used while farming Kalimdor.
Good luck & happy hunting!
*edit- added some extra info to the rares listed for the people doing stats/percentages/etc.
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I didn't forget :). I'm going to type out time savers for you guys that are also tirelessly farming this trinket. 1-15 seconds of time shaved off each dig site turns in to saved minutes, hours, days?, etc. This is by no means a comprehensive guide to Kalimdor farming (*hint hint someone should take the time to make one from all the data out there) but this is just a something I wanted to type between flight paths as I continue to keep farming. Sorry for the pro Druid Engineer bias but some of this stuff is just for those types. Some of this is common sense, others you may not have tried/realized.
Scroll towards the bottom for specific digs.
Here goes...
*Whenever I say auto-flight, I mean auto-run while in the air.
Common Sense Stuff:
Have other activities to perform during flight paths!:
Common sense here, but watch movies, listen to music, play other games (or all 3!) during the flight paths. It will help nullify the boredom. Heck, to-do lists for work around the house work too. PS3/360 games are great for this. On PC, try games like the Penumbra/Amnesia series or Portal 1 & 2 to keep you mentally stimulated.
310 Flight? - Without question!
This is the single most invaluable time saver in the profession, and if you have to farm as much I do, or go for 100% rare completion, you will make back the gold investment easily from all the 50g-200g commons you farm. If you're like most, you'll have 310 flight from raid achievements or holiday achievements and make gold hand over fist from this profession. The guild perks for flight speed help out in the same way, and those are free. If you are a druid, use your noggin and use swift flight form. Don't ever waste time mounting up. Over time, those cast times add up.
Destination Planning:
As you complete a dig site and tap auto-flight towards your exit FP, quickly check your map to make sure a closer dig didn't appear when you completed the current one. IMO don't just fly to the 4 digs that you initially see on your map. Make flight plan adjustments on the fly (no pun intended) quickly before you reach your exit FP so you don't waste 2-5 seconds fumbling around with your map.
Druid: Teleport Moonglade
- Use Moonglade/Uldum as your top and bottom extremes, setting your HS to Stormwind to quickly get to Uldum. Use Stonetalon Mountains/Northern Barrens as the cut off point between north/south, as areas below those are prone to have more scattered dig sites and you will end up closer to them when you're working up from Uldum.
**ALSO** when using your teleport, tap your Flight Form (which should be Swift ofc) repeatedly as the cast is ending so you can quickly mouse-turn south and start heading for the Moonglade flight path asap
Druid: Freefall!:
Several digsite locations, especially when not using flight paths (some zones it's faster to just fly between) have the option to simply free-fall vs fly at some points. Or some zones you may tap auto-flight and get up for a drink/bio/etc until you're close to next dig within zone (Uldum). Anyway, using Winterspring-->Azshara as an example, when leaving the southern dig site in WS, you can shave off a good 15-20 seconds by free-falling and then popping flight form closer to the ground to continue towards a dig. Hyjal-->Felwood central digsites can be another example.
Engineer ports:
This is common sense, use the Tanaris/Winterspring ports every CD and only when you have a dig in that zone (Unless you have no quicker means to get to a nearby dig/zone, like in Outlands, or the northrend portal generator zone locations)
Teleportation Items/Abilities/Guild Perks:
All you should really need for Kalimdor specifically is the perk for a 15 minute HS CD, the guild perks for flight speed were mentioned above. If you don't have access to that, there are 3 'shrouds' your guild rep can purchase to get you back to SW but the shortest CD is 2hrs so these are mainly for if you take a wrong portal or similar. There is also a Baradin Bay tabard to port you out there, which can get you back to SW quickly, but again, I believe that has a long CD too. Other than that I believe Shaman have glyphs/abilities, and scribes have scrolls that help get back home quicker. (Mage's ports go without any need for explaining)
Keys/General Digsite Info/other races/when to complete?/character spec:
After 4.2, keystones starting dropping like candy and in multiples. (not sure if there's an official confirmation of that) So use them whenever you have them, unless you don't plan to harvest Tol'Vir rares or similar and the keys sell well on your server. As it stands, I end up with more keys than I can even use for Night Elf. At your dig sites, more often than not, travel just a little bit further than you think the dig will appear. Over time, you will realize that you have saved much time by backtracking few times VS stopping short many times. You should also easily start memorizing without effort where to dig @ specific sites. As far as when to complete? As superstitious as people have become with this, it all boils down to RNG, so do whatever feels right to you. Keep in mind that if you complete all the rares for troll & fossil, those digs become scarce and you have many many more digs for Night Elf & Tol'Vir. For character spec, two things. First: Always use a DPS spec while farming especially in zones of your level. Instead of dancing around mobs near a dig, just kill the mob(s) and complete the dig. No sense doing 2-5 digs around a mob when u can perform 1 near its corpse. This is especially true for the 4-5 dig sites that are large, and full of lvl85 mobs. Second: If you can spare the spec, use any sort of movement speed increase talents you can since you will spend a lot of time moving on the ground un-mounted. The gold from commons will pay for your re-specs unless you're changing it everyday with very little farming.
Now for specific dig sites: (I will keep adding more as I remember them)
*All 'saved times' quoted are estimates. If you need specifics for data collecting, let me know.
Ruins of Feathermoon:Feralas
: If you are playing another game, or watching a movie when farming, do this: Instead of manually flying from Feathermoon Stronghold FP, use the dialog option that acts as another flight path to take you to the island. You will still have to manually fly back from it (or portal out, best case), but the flight path direct to the island shaves off at least 45 seconds.
This one is minute, but is indeed shorter. As the only dig site in Darkshore, you'd think to land at the Grove of the Ancients FP nearby. However, you can save about 5-9 seconds by landing at the Blackfathom Deeps flight path in Ashenvale and flying up north to this dig.
Ruins of Eldre'thar: Stonetalon Mountains
: For this dig don't bother landing at STM flight paths. Land at Nigel's Point, Desolace and fly northward. This will save you at least 20-30 seconds round trip even if you do have multiple digs in STM.
Continued next post....
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General Feralas Digs
: With the exception of Feathermoon & the 2 digs at and west of Dreamer's Rest, always land at The Tower of Estulan. That will cover the short range of about 4-5 different dig sites. The two that this primarily saves time with VS Dreamer's Rest FP are the 2 Dire Maul dig sites. The reason that the Tower FP is faster is simple: much less vertical flight. The less flying up/down a mountain the better vs the slight incline/decline from the tower landing.
Vir'Naal River Delta:Uldum
: This is easily one of the most hated digs. There's very little to save time here, but 3 things can help... fly to a further land mass than you think you need to and back track if needed. Go with 1 of 2 plans for landing: 1- is try to avoid the numerous beasts roaming (the one exception to the common sense rule of just killing) or 2-buff up and kill whatever is in your way. The first choice requires a little bit of agility and landing on the edges of the land pieces or in between pats. The second choice is probably faster because at almost all dig spots you will encounter a roaming beast. If you're a skinner, this area shouldn't be as much of a pain. The other thing worth mentioning is if you have a fast enough computer/connection, you can land + dig + pop flight (if Druid) before the beasts appear on your screen and you initiate combat.
North West of Obelisk of the Moon: Uldum
: Another great place for druids to free fall to save time, or even any other class if they can land in the water. Head northwest towards the exit FP and free fall down the temple towards the water. Hit flight form before hitting the water (or mount up once in the water if non-druid) and head towards the exit FP. The less vertical flight time spent the better.
Uldum digs in general
: This zone wasn't meant to be simple and quick as it's the only place to obtain Tol'Vir digs atm. You'll often end up with multiple digs at a time in this zone which end up being all the way across the map. Generally, it's going to be best to just kill whatever is in your way, and auto-flight as close to the next dig site as possible then resume control. Other than the big aggro radius on these higher level mobs, there is a lot of vertical flight to slow you down. One other thing about Uldum is for when you have multiple dig sites active, try to knock them out in a manner that will put you closest to one of the 3 flight paths out when you're done if you have digs in other zones in the lower half of Kalimdor. But ofc that would be too convenient, and another dig that's nowhere near a FP out will pop up when u think you are done.
South of Shrine of Aviana: Hyjal
: (Druid only) Another pita dig site, but here you get to play with free falling to save some time. I can't remember the exact name of this area but it's the large dig site where Blazewing paths, so sometimes when lucky you'll get his kilt if he's up that generally sells for ~1kg nowadays. Land at Aviana's Shrine and free fall down the cliff to cut off about 20-25 seconds total of vertical flight before you pop back in to flight form. This is another area where you need to decide if you will try to be stealthy, or just kill whatever is in your path. Killing should save you time here since the mobs are Cata starting-zone level.
Azshara dig sites in general
: There are 2 pesky dig sites here that unfortunately do not host an ally flight path. You would normally land at Forest Song: Ashenvale and have to auto-flight over to the digs, which is fine, unless you had just completed the central dig site in Hyjal mentioned above or the Southern-most dig site in Winterspring. In those two cases you would just fly straight from there to the Azshara dig sites rather than wasting time getting to a flight path to head to Forest Song. This is pretty common sense though, but still worth mentioning. This is a primary place for a druid to free fall to save time, and if you planned your flight plan right, you'll end up just porting out of the zone rather than flying back out.
For the only dig site in Silithus, two things can save time. First, at least in my case, 3/4 of the artifact locations ended up being around the western edge of the dig site, so you may always want to start there. And, when leaving, if you are watching movies or playing other games, just aim straight for the tower at the exit FP and auto-flight it. Careful though because it's not too long of a flight.
That's all I can think of atm, but I will come back and edit in any other ones that I remember or discover as I continue to farm. As always good luck, and happy hunting!
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245 completed N Elf artifacts (after completing every other NE available) and still no trinket
*tosses a silver dollar in the fountain of "omg i have paid my digging dues, just give it to me already!"*
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I got this on my 8th Nelf Solve;
Yet Zin'Rokh - 352 solves and NOTHING!
RNG in the backside much blizz :(
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This RNG business is taxing ;(. I'm half tempted to level archaeology on an alt like a rogue that has zero use for the doll to see if I could get it to queue quicker than the toon I'm almost at 500 NE completes at. Because, on my druid, aside from vanity/mount stuff and a ring, I got all the other race's desirables with no effort, on kalimdor while farming for the doll. I got Zin'rokh and the fossil shield @ 100 or so completions (see above), so I do feel for the people that are working on specific items. But keep at it and good luck! Hope ya get it soon. I'll report back when (if?) I get the doll.. which I feel like is going to be somewhere near 600 completions and the final rare possible.
*edit: still no doll @ 705 completions. (only 3 rares left to obtain across all races, so it's looking like it could be my final one, "if" it queues)
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Reached the 200th NE solve mark today and honestly am feeling unsure of whether I can do this much longer. I come here humbly to beg for your blessing, wowhead. Here's my imploration in haiku:
Dear wowhead Goddess,
please grant me doll trinket, for
no more I can dig.
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Just like the people above, im at 125 NE digs. still nothing. please wow gods, either drop it for me, or at least make it obtainable with some reason of hope. TYVM
maybe it works, maybe it doesnt.
Please WoW gods, please. im now at 175 solves for night elf, and still no doll. been at this for over a month now.... there used to be fun things to do, but now all i do is search for this doll. Please, let me get back to having fun.
Thank you.
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So screw it i wanted to at least give it a shot, saw people who posted on here about it,
I pray to the wow gods please let me have this trinket, I have done 162 night elf solves, I think its enough pain and suffering i just want the trinket. *pray*
Update - less then a hour after posting this, it came up i didn't believe it at first. However i think its been proven....
Post on here begging the wow gods for something and they will reward you. =D
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Thank you, wowhead deity!
I finally got this to pop after the 218th NE solve T_T
That's only 18 solves after my prayer! Thank you!
*I also had a dream last night about getting this trinket... and guess what - after first solve today, it popped! LOL* So guys, dream hard!
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Cmon wowhead gods bless me with this trinket like u have to all the others. (seems to be working)
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50th night elf solve.
4th night elf rare.
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Im praying to the wow gods myself...
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im at 68 nelf solves, still nothing.. praying to rngesus didnt help atm, i hope i will get my trinket soon..
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Funny how you guys starting to pray at 68 NE completed. What about those near 900 NE completed? I don't see them #$%^&ing.
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While i haven't grinded this out yet. I'm trying for this dinky trinket yet again. I know how bad others luck has been, and figured i'd give putting a msg on here again a try. Thanks go out to a few people who have recomended addons to use for this stupid doll. I'm currently at 242 nelf solves, and no sign of the trinket. Hoping the wowhead gods will help me on this one. I'll update as i roll along.
270 as fo today. even opened a gm ticket, jsut to see what kind of response i would get. i suggest never ever doing this. got a very rude guy. want too happy about me bugging him apparently. oh well. gonna keep trucking along. tried maxxing out all fragments with all the differnt races. didnt seem to help at all. come wow gods isnt this a little bit beyond punishment. as for all those out there still trying for it. dotn let it beat you. we willg et this thing.
291 solves now. im still going. workin gon the other achieves assoncitaed with acrheology now. not gonna let this thing beat me. hopefully the wow-gods are reading this. maybe ill get lucky and they will take sympathy on me. we should start a club. the devout searches of great rewards. lol. keep up the grind everyone. as you can see, those who stuck it out, do eventually get lucky.
Well now at 299 night elf solves, and ive gotten all the archeology achievements. The wow-gods are still laughing, but i'll have the last laugh. I will have this thing. For the crews out there, still grinding away for this thing. Keep going, don't let the game beat you.
315 no doll. unfortunately wow time is about up and have other things to take care of. for those who have gotten it, gratz to you. as for me gonna spend some time taking care of things, than ill be back on thhunt again.
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Wish this worked for me.. I'm currently at 288 NE solves, and no doll. /sigh
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They're actually on the Profession forums, making much longer posts.
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37 Dwarf
14 Dreanei
90 Fossil
218 Night Elf
13 Nerubian
12 Orc
44 Tol'Vir
76 Troll
25 Vyrkul
Got the doll on my 219th solve!
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good job man way to stick it out :)
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6/7 rares and 120 commons later and it was mine.
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night elf:68
doll is next
also have gotten every common artifact already and this is the last rare, dunno if thats relevent or not but enjoy the hunt
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I just found my second doll (Not on same char as previous one ofc) Bleh don't really need it :P
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I can confirm that you DO NOT need to finish all NE artifacts before Doll.
Got mine after 101 total solves!
Dwarf: 17
Draenei: 6
Fossil: 14
Night Elf: 26 (4/7 before Doll)
Nerubian: 1
Orc: 5
Tol'Vir: 7
Troll: 19
Vrykul: 6
Wish you luck!
Don't give up!
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I hate you Tyrande, I really do.
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Night Elf solves and still no trinket :( Not sure how much longer I can keep trying but I feel like I've come too far to just give up. Next Tues I'll have the valor points to buy a
Core of Ripeness
, so if I don't get it by then I think Tyrande can just keep her doll.
Update: Hit
Night Elf solves tonight. Guess I have the worst luck ever on obtaining this trinket. I'm buying the valor trinket and giving up on the doll.
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Something that I have not seen posted on here I would like to clear up. I am currently
Night Elf: 237
Tol'vir 66
Troll 32
I have found every Fossil epic and uncommon but still get loads of them. I have the Sands Pattern, All of the mounts and Pets, and also the ring. Someone mentioned that once the Doll is found the contentment never proc's NE's anymore. Well if that is true, its certainly not true of Fossil. Either way, Im tossing up a hail mary to the forums in some vain hope this will help me get the doll. Hope this helps someone somehow.
Common Doll!
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Ive got the doll while doing arch. on my hunter.Is it possible to get it on more than 1 toon or its limited to 1 doll per account?
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I just got this and! Ring of the boy emperor within 10 minutes of each other!, it took a whole weekend of arch though I'll happily say im never doing arch again.
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"I wake with the wings of morning
To the light of a new day <I must find the doll>
Now my eyes are open
Through the darkest times
I find you
I find you always <you damn doll>
Cover me
With your hands
Make me see
All I am <cause I NEED these purple pixels>
Though I fall
I'm willing <to search for this damn doll>
I could break
Fall back into sorrow <go insane looking for this doll>
Give me life
Make my faith much stronger <I know I will find this doll>
Now my eyes are <Nope! wasn't it>
I find a way
I find a way
I find a way to you" <MY PRECIOUS!>
264 NE solves for me.
Times of Grace - Willing -
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Hmm 200 solves and still nothing...i will come with futher news
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I'll continue to update my count on the previous posts but I had a couple comments and a question.
I'm @705 night elf solves still no luck (1 of 3 rares left of all rares total). Talked to a GM and he confirmed I could potentially farm this with no end. With that in mind, I decided to skillup arch. on a melee alt to give that option a chance. If the digs remain ideal as they have so far, then when I begin Kalimdor on the alt he'll be starting the grind @ 0 solves. I'll update if anything happens with that.
My question is this:
Any of you with similar, or higher numbers of night elf solves (700+).. have any of you finally ended up getting it? And at what number of solves did it finally happen? I'm wondering if after a certain point something bugs out with Arch b/c I've gone nearly 1 month @ 3-6 hours/day with no luck on my final 3 rares. If you have the same scenario, which are you missing? I'm missing the doll, dwarf staff, and tol'vir 1H sword.
EK is terrible for lessening dig sites for completed races, if not non-existant altogether. It's nothing like Kalimdor, which functions as the changes state. For some reason I'm getting more non-Dwarf digs on EK than Dwarf so maybe something really has bugged with my arch. I'll wait to hear about more data and similar scenarios before submitting this bs to blizzard.
Any info helpful, thanks.
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I believe that this item is not in the game...
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120 solves in 3 days...... 200 solves total >_> and still no trinket this is pissing me off my friend got on the 45th solve >_> please wow head gods help me!
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Got this on solve# 69 :)
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Just checked my Nelf artifacts, naturally this is the only one that's missing.
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Just got this, 227 solves---
GG I don't need it anymore.
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Over 400 NE solves and no trinket... I'm so lucky!
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Useful fact for shamans:
Putting down
will give you Recaptured Mana. So instead of spamcasting Healing Wave to get Recaptured mana before a boss, just drop your totems like normal and you will get 1640 mana.
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Been going after this for days, so far i have 142 solves and this is no where in sight. Hopefully the WoW gods show me some kind of break.
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The doll just queued to be my 438th Night Elf solve
The search for the mount continues
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I got this on my 94th night elf solve, and love it/use it. I'm a Fire Mage and it adds just over 1000 spellpower and is great for crowds. My only complaint is that the max hit 4200 per npc, your spellpower is not taken into account. I wear stump of time as my other. I also have darkmoon card: volcano, and mirror of borken images to choose from, but prefer the combo of doll and stump. Volcano is good too but doll's 1000 spellpower is hard to pass up.
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Please WoW Gods and Goddesses,
Help me, for looking for this doll is too time consuming!
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oh how i loathe you tyrande you and your doll from hell
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21st rare, 151st NE. I had holy spec always, 2 days I'm ret/prot and this procs. This is my last NE rare too. Off to grind mount/pet from Tol'vir :|
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Hello all,
I just spoke with a GM who confirmed (from an earlier post on here) that there is a chance your character will never see this doll. I honestly think in the time it's taken me to do all of these digs (200+ and counting) that the same amount of time could be put into farming gold to buy a better one.
-Galinae lets out a long, drawn-out sigh-
I can understand that since it's an epic, that it should be a bit of a challenge to find, but spending hour after hour, day after day... The point is, this shouldn't take as much effort as some people are having to put in. I really sympathize with the folks who spent countless hours and days looking for this trinket (and all of the other 359 rares) and are having no luck. It really draws you in, huh? You get to 100 and think "I'm gonna get it any solve now..." Then 200 hits, and you realized you've put so much time into it already, might as well do more. What a consuming, time-wasting profession... I think after every 100 solves you get, the drop chance of the rares should be increased significantly... Like 10% or 20%.
Anyway, that's my emo sob story. Still truckin' though. Good luck to you all, I wish you the best. I would recommend looking at any other options, however, before you ruin the profession and furthermore, the game for yourself. This is supposed to be fun and not mind-numbing right?
-Galinae (Terenas-US)
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Well 122 post max skill and still unlucky but will keep on grinding..
*Just incase this is my plea to the wowhead gods save my sanity*
WoW very next combine i got it Thanks WoWhead Gods
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Well it's been a while since I gave up on this trinket after hitting 300 artifacts, I recently picked it up again and have hit 363 without this trinket appearing yet. I can't say it's as bad as others but it certainly is less luck than most :/
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Adding my prayer to the WoWhead gods for this trinket. Time to keep grinding T_T
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got this for 4/5 days ago, it was my 150th solve. :D It exists, never give up!
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Got it today at my
(roflmao) solve...
Too bad i'm a Rogue. O;^P
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have completed 192 common night elfs . 6 rare... all that is left is the doll. but i am burnt out with this atm. i mean peeps getting it after there 85th dig is stupid. please help me wow!
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Almost at 200 solves over a 3 day farm fest. WoWhead Gods please give me my trinket. <3
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Update 2nd September 2011
- i have now done 495 solves
- next post will be when i reach 550 so apart from RNG what else is new
- yes a lot of people in my guild who have Archaeology have got this now so apart from websites saying this is BiS for 4 of my chars
- Nelf solves 490-495 were all Scandalous Silk Nightgown now thats RNG lol
- have also obtained 105 Highborne Scrolls so that isnt too bad if i sold them on AH but i would like to get the Doll first before selling them
I suppose a prayer to the WoWhead and RNG Gods is required.
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I obtained this as my 105th Night Elf solve, and my 311th total solve.
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I want my dollie :(
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My efforts trying to find this doll: gather 200 Night Elf fragments, solve everything using keystones whenever you can. No find? Rinse and repeat.
It really is daunting after you solve everything and the trinket hasn't come up but I like the feeling of having multiple solves ahead before having to dig mindlessly through Kalimdor again.
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110 Nelf solves and counting...I now only have rares left to find for most races so it is becoming very discouraging...even when I get a fossil or Tol'vir site their rares are not popping either! are a fickle master!
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I don't know why so many people are suggesting that this trinket is out of date, or no longer useful. As a holy pally in a 7/7 non heroic FL guild, this trinket, along with Jaws of Defeat from Majordomo, are my BIS trinkets (again, non heroic). I use a number of different sites to help me determine what gear to use and how to use it, and for all of them, those two are on the top of the list.
Too bad its a pain in the neck to get this doll. Literally. My neck is starting to hurt from having to look up and pray to the WoW gods so often; it would seem they're AFK.
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Can I please, please, please have this trinket soon... or like now? Thanks you!
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I was lucky enough to acquire this item on solve #194 of Night Elf artifacts having previously acquired all other Night Elf rares. Hope this info helps - the main message is don't give up. You'll get there in the end ;)
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If anyone was wondering even after the JoTP change this trinket still has the best Mp5 of all the intellect trinks for Holy Paladins. Jaws of Defeat really depends on what you do during the proc which as a paladin probably isn't much. After the shard of woe nerf I'll probably just keep this until I get the seal and windward heart trinkets out of DS. The deathwing trinket is garbage IMO.
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I got this within 30 nelf solves while grinding for the Tolvir mount. No luck on the mount but this was one of my first rares. Oh RNG... You cruel mistress.
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Procced today as my 325th Night Elf solve, im on a roll, had Recipe: Vial of the Sands yesterday, and Zin'Rokh, Destroyer of Worlds the day before that.
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I got every rare except this :(
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If you're like me and wondered how people know how many solves they have done without counting each one individually, the below script helps a tonne:
/run print("Total artifacts"); for x=1,9 do local c=GetNumArtifactsByRace(x); local a =0; for y=1,c do local t = select(9, GetArtifactInfoByRace(x, y)); a=a+t;end local rn = GetArchaeologyRaceInfo(x); if( c > 1 ) then print(rn .. ": " .. a); end end
If it comes up blank, simply open your compelted artifacts tab and quickly scroll thorough them all, then run the script again
Happy hunting :)
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I started farming this at the begining of cata, gave up as i was at 160 or so solves and nothing, finally got this today on my 180th solve.
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Night Elf:656
Obviously this is the only remaining rare in night elf race for me to complete - yet it eludes my grasp.
It seems fitting so I'll just use Lich King's line after killing a player:
"Hope wanes..."
Edit: 56 night elf solves later - it is mine!
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This is still a great trinket for a healer just staring Cata heroics.... I started doing heroics with it on my resto shaman few days ago and it saved my ass few times when I was oom
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Finally got the doll on the 344tg NE solve. I feel awful for the guy that had 700. I almost lost my mind...
Now I just need the crawling hand from tol'vir.
How I wish they would do something for unlucky RNG people like me. I don't love a grind, but would prefer to grind with a definite end than go through the soul-crushing process that archeology has become...
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353 Nelf solves in 4.3, makes no sense at all
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Got this on my 48th night elf one.
Had no idea what it was. I figured it was a blue doll, that did junk like some other rares, until I came here. I guess I mail it to my priest, for when she hits 85.
My second Tolvir solve, first canopic jar, was Vial of the sands.
I've been impatient about not getting the bug mount, but just noticed
I'm only at 8 Tolvir solves.
So far, I've had moderately good arch. luck?
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got the doll on my 107th NE solve. It was my last NE rare to complete.
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Oh. My. God. Miracles are INSANE.
Here goes my story of how I manifested Tyrande's Favourite Doll -
Someone on Facebook added me randomly after I posted on someone's status Rollo May's quote, which was
"The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice, rather it is conformity."
Then, she posted my quote on her wall,
"Luck is for those who need it. Fortune is for those who own it."
And I was SO OVERJOYED at being acknowledged by someone I've never met before!
Did a little impromptu coaching session with my life coach to keep up the energy...
Then decided to play a little WoW. Got DC'ed from Madness of Deathwing on LFR, yet somehow I was still in the raid when they killed DW - ended up getting locked out of the loot >,< So, I decided, screw it - I'll get the title and possibly sword in next weeks raid. Went to do some Archaeology (my aim is the Bug mount!)
First solve - Troll. Unlocks -
Voodoo Figurine
. (Okay, looks like fun...)
Next solve - Nelf... Switched to the main Arch window as I was solving, as tends to be my habit..
Tyrande's Favorite Doll
shows up in the queue!
Holy. I was just.. Wow. Shellshocked. 122 Nelf solves.
Hmm. That dig unlocked Tol'vir... cmooooon bug mount...
Ring of the Boy Emperor
shows up. Still. 4 rares queued at the same time.
Oh, and I hope this helps someone - This was what I said at the end of my coaching session.
Releasing Statement For The Day:
I release my need to serve the expectations of others around me.
I choose now to do whatever it is that I want to do that truly fulfills me and expresses who I really am. So it is.
- Heiko & Selina Niedermeyer
All the best to my fellow Arch hunters... May you be in touch with the Universe's Joy and Love to get the things you want!
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On my 243rd Night Elf solve right now, still no doll. It's the last night elf rare I need.
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Working exclusively in Kalimdor, I got this on my 482nd solve--266 of which were Night Elf--while grinding my behind off trying to get the Vial of the Sands recipe.
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Finally got today, 124th night elf solve, 364th in total. last nightelf i needed. still 4 tolvir and the fossil shield to get. good luck-keep diggin!
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Finally got this after having completed every archeology achievement long ago, I have been trying for bug mount and noticed that I finally got this, here is my list of solves...
Dwarf 33
Draeniei 11
Fossil 67
Night Elf 225
Nerubian 9
Orc 11
Tol'vir 59
Troll 65
Vyrkul 15
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Got it on about 63rd complete this was my last rare i didnt really need it it was a bit better then my other one 365 It was my last rare for nightelf
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Maybe it's time to improve damage formula due new MOP patch ?
Perhaps , there should be added
scaling with spell power
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Previous archaeology epics based on lvl 60, 70 and 80 epics were made useful by changing their level requirement to be significantly lower. e.g.
Headdress of the First Shaman
Nifflevar Bearded Axe
Queen Azshara's Dressing Gown
Is it not time this was done for the lvl 85 ones? Almost all are outclassed by Mists greens now and would never be equipped at 85 (possibly except this, since str/agi/int trinkets are a little harder to come by)
Show us some archaeology love Blizz
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I think this thing is impossible to get. I've done hundreds of solves between toons and have yet to see one on any of them.
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120 night elf digs so far got all but this one, don't even want it just want less nelf digs so I can finish tol'vir rares :/
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Gah reading some of these comments like "Finally got it after my 120th solve, 70th NE solve and it was about time- I deserved it".
I wisssssssssssssh I could say that but nope, all I can say is no trinket and no mount! YAY!
Total artifacts
Dwarf: 15
Fossil: 152
Night Elf: 569
Orc: 1
Tol'vir: 194
Troll: 56
Vrykul: 1
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Before you start farming on this item, think about whether it’s worth your time. I got it a week later farm every day for four hours or so. maybe it’s becauseI got a tolvir ring an hour before
it takes so much time that I no longer have the desire to look at archeology at all
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For my fellow archeologists,
You first need to unlock the last Archeologist tier
before the schematic shows up in the artifacts craft window.
Aferwards, it seems like that
you can only receive every rare artifacts only once
, so if you keep trying at it
you will eventually
get the doll.
Took me 4 days of farming (And every other night elf artifacts).
Good luck on your journey !