

Questa missione è stata segnata come obsoleta da Blizzard e non può essere ottenuta o completata.
Bring Ishamuhale's Fang to Jorn at Camp Taurajo.
Zanna di Ishamuhale (1)
Carcassa Fresca di Zevra (1)


Ishamuhale, Speartooth, is the fiercest sunscale raptor of the Barrens. He does not hunt for sport, nor for food. He hunts because hunting is his passion. He kills because it is his nature to kill.

And you will learn of his nature, <name>, for your path now follows the taloned tracks of Ishamuhale.

Begin the hunt. Slay his favorite prey, a zhevra, then bring its carcass to the dead tree northwest of Ratchet. Ishamuhale will smell the carcass and be drawn to it.

Be ready when he comes.


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(882))

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