
[Blueleaf Tubers]

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[In Razorfen Kraul, use the Crate with Holes to summon a Snufflenose Gopher, and use the Command Stick on the gopher to make it search for Tubers.

Bring 6 Blueleaf Tubers to Mebok Mizzyrix in Ratchet.]
Tubero di Foglia Blu (6)
Vincastro per Tartasniffo (1)
Manuale di Istruzioni del Tartasniffo (1)
Cassetta Bucherellata (1)
Articolo Fornito:
Kit di Base del Tartasniffo (1)


[Blueleaf tubers are a delicacy around the world! But they're rare, very rare. The only place to find them is here in the Barrens, deep in the earth, in Razorfen Kraul.

And even then, they're impossible to find unless you know just where to look! That's why I've trained these snufflenose gophers to find them for me. They have great noses and can smell a tuber from fifty paces away.

It won't be easy, but if you get me some tubers I'll pay you handsomely.]


Piccolo Contenitore di Gemme


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(24900))

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