
Jin'Zil's Forest Magic

Questa missione è stata segnata come obsoleta da Blizzard e non può essere ottenuta o completata.
Witch Doctor Jin'Zil at Malaka'jin wants 5 portions of Stonetalon Sap, 5 Twilight Whiskers, 30 Courser Eyes and a Fey Dragon Scale.
Linfa di Petrartiglio (5)
Baffo del Crepuscolo (5)
Occhio di Cervo Cornuto (30)
Scaglia di Drago Fatato (1)


So excited I am!

Three little cages for three little elves! But what shall we do with our lovely tree-hugging friends? Why, let's give them a taste of... what do they call it... forest magic!

I'll need a good mess of Stonetalon sap. From those horrid felines, bring me some twilight whiskers. This calls for plenty of courser eyes, of course -- can never have enough eyes. Oh, and lest we forget, a precious scale from a fey dragon.

Hurry to Stonetalon Peak, <name>, so I can brew some forest magic!


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/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(1058))

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