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[Find Helya's Horn.]
Cor de Helya (1)


[Helya's Horn Powered] (1)
Gardien helarjar tué (17)
Geir tué (7)
Gerfaut de l’effroi tué (100)
Mandebrume kvaldir tué (25)
Rôdeur maudit kvaldir tué (25)
Horreur fondesel tué (34)


Combattant indigne tué  (25) (1)
Geôlier putréfié tué (17)
Pieuvre de Hel aiguemorne tué (34)
Buveur d’âme tué (7)
Barbe-Sang tué (7)


[<nom>, we will need to bolster our army by any means necessary to have any hope of driving back the legion. The kvaldir are cursed beyond redemption, but they are fierce warriors and are a resource we should not overlook. They are bound to obey whomever posesses Helya's Horn. You must obtain it. Her so-called helarjar were tasked with guarding it. You will have to take it from them.]


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