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[Foe Underestimation]

Cette quête est marquée comme obsolète par Blizzard et ne peut être obtenue ou accomplie.
[Slay Cromlechus in the Ancient Well.]
Cromlechus tué (1)


[<The scroll is written in an elegant script.>

With the arrival of the Legion, we will be expanding our territory far beyond the confines of Suramar.

You are to enter the ruins underneath Featherfall Village and dispose of any and all creatures that are inhabiting it.

Take heed. Our scouts have reported many creatures roaming its ancient halls, including a large crystalline giant.

Report back to Suramar after the ruins are clear.]


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Vérifiez si vous l'avez déjà terminé en tapant :
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(40848))

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