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[Signs of a Struggle]

Cette quête est marquée comme obsolète par Blizzard et ne peut être obtenue ou accomplie.
[Ruffle through the backpack near the bloody journal.]
[Backpack ruffled through] (1)


[Judging by the markings, it appears to be a journal kept by a Shadowmoon orc.

<Hagra disappeared last night. She is the fifth in as many nights. Why do they only vanish at night?>

<I will find out. Tonight I wait for whatever manner of beast stalks our village.>

<I will bring the beast's head to Rulkan, and return my kin to their homes.>

Perhaps the beast's head is in one of the bags in the debris up ahead?]


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Vérifiez si vous l'avez déjà terminé en tapant :
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(33817))

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