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[Re-Use Me]

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[Plant a Tactical Mana Bomb on a Sunreaver ship, the Scrying Crystals, and on the most inland bridge of Dawnseeker Promontory.]
[Bomb placed on Sunreaver Ship] (1)
[Bomb placed on Bridge] (1)
[Bomb placed on Scrying Crystals] (1)
Objet fourni :
Caisse de bombes de mana tactiques (1)


[Ah, $p, just the <race> I was looking for. I have received another batch of tactical mana bombs that I need planted in key positions across Dawnseeker Promontory to the northwest.

Here, take these. It is time to give the Sunreavers a taste of their own medicine.

Plant one on the Sunreaver ships, another one on their scrying crystals, and the last on the bridge that connects to their forward base. ]


Vous recevrez :
Monnaies #392 Breloque de bonne fortune inférieure


Lors de l'achèvement de cette quête vous gagnerez :
Vérifiez si vous l'avez déjà terminé en tapant :
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(32826))

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