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Secrets of Azeroth Epilogue - More Secrets In the Future and What's In That Chest?
16/09/2023 à 17:01
The Secrets of Azeroth event has come to an end. In the final quest, we found a mysterious chest... one that we weren't allowed to open! Just what is in that chest? In the Secrets of Azeroth Epilogue, we can discuss our findings with our Preservationist friends...
The Story So Far
Our reward for completing the Secrets of Azeroth event is
Coiffe de Pattie
, an item that teaches a alpaca mount with a little hat that's so adorable it's almost enough to distract us from the fact that we don't get to open the chest that we found... almost.
For those who don't remember (or who maybe just followed our instruction articles without reading any of the quest text...) Much of the Secrets of Azeroth event revolved not only around discovering and securing special artifacts, but also around investigating a series of mysterious artifact thefts. In the end, we discover the thief when we, well, hand an artifact over to the thief ourselves. (That's us - all brawn, no brains.)
The thief turns out to be Tithris, Valdrakken's Innkeeper. Once he has the artifact we handed him - a curious orb - he steps out "for a moment" and never returns - Marinth replaces him after that.
As it turns out, the orb can be used to access some unknown artifact(s) that Tyr locked away within Tyrhold. We retrieve the orb and use it to obtain the
Cache de curiosités cosmiques
. A big, golden chest, just the sort we usually get to open. Except... it's covered in strange engravings.
"Languages associated with order, fel, and void are engraved on the surface of the chest. It is magically sealed, without a single seam or hinge."
Seeing the languages of Order, Fel, and Void all together on one chest is unusual enough to be outright alarming, and the Preservationists decide to keep the chest in a safe place until they can learn more.
Fel, Void, and Order... Working Together?
After completing the Secrets of Azeroth questline, we can speak with Preservationist Kathos to ask more about the chest.
What happened to the Cache of Cosmic Curiosities we found?
Bobby and I brought it straight to the Valdrakken vaults.
It is nothing like I've ever seen. Preservationist Raithto is on his way to study it. He is one of our oldest members.
According to the Preservationist, the fel symbols predate Sargeras's rule over the Burning Legion - a version of the demons that we know little about, other than they were a chaotic force that had a tendency to overrun and destroy worlds.
The fel symbols, what could they mean?
It is unsettling to see. After all, the Burning Legion has threatened Azeroth time and time again.
That said, we believe this text predates the time when Sargeras ruled over the demons of the Burning Legion. Though the exact origin has yet to be discovered.
As for the Old God symbols, they get Kathos talking about Old Gods in general and how there absolutely definitely are no Old Gods in Azeroth any more. Though... she does happen to mention Xal'atath... Presumably just in case we forgot we (probably)
saw her at the end of the Dawn of the Infinite finale
What could the Old God writing signify?
There hasn't been much whisperings about the Old Gods since N'Zoth was defeated. I do remember hearing a rather odd rumor about a void creature trapped in a weapon of some sort. I shudder to think if there are other such artifacts...
This cache, though. Could it contain void energies? Such ancient, chaotic forces wouldn't mix well with demonic fel or titanic order. And so, the Old God text troubles me the most. Further research is needed, that is certain.
As it turns out, the Preservationists can't even read the Titan text - it's likely a cipher. However, Kathos believes there may be more hidden caches of artifacts to be discovered - and the group the Tithris belonged to will most certainly be hunting them... giving us all the motivation we need to have another round of Secrets of Azeroth in the future.
Was there any more you could discern from the titan text?
We know by its location that Tyr was entrusted with securing the cache. However, even with our knowledge of the titan language, the text is near impossible to translate. It appears to be a cypher of some sort.
I do wonder if there are other titan vaults out there with similar artifacts. If they were hidden as well as this one, they may still be undiscovered. However, if the group behind Tithris is actively searching for them...
It is the Preservationist's top priority to uncover and secure any other caches. And when that time comes, we may just need your help.
Artifact Thieves
Speaking of Tithris, we can question Bobby Carlisle about this group of artifact thieves. He believes they had plans to leave the Dragon Isles after the raid on Tyrhold, which does suggest to us our next encounter with this group - our next Secrets of Azeroth event - would happen after we've mostly left ourselves...
Who do you think Tithris was working with?
That's going to be a tough nut to crack.
I interviewed all of the contacts Fangli identified. All they knew is that he was planning an expedition to Tyrhold. Many think he was planning to leave the Dragon Isles afterwards.
Should we still investigate?
Well, I'm sure you're busy with other heroic deeds. The Dragon Isles has need of you yet, that I'm sure.
You leave the investigating to me. I'll let you know if I pick up any leads.
Carlisle emphasizes that the group probably is not originally from the Dragon Isles. He suggests the next time we run into them will be on the "more explored parts of Azeroth", and talks about "cosmic artifacts surfacing". We wonder what we'll end up learning about the cosmic forces...
Where will you start your investigation?
Well, we know Tithris wasn't working alone. We found a couple of notes on him that suggest he was contacted after the Dragon Isles re-awoke. That means the group probably isn't local.
And if there are other caches like the one we found, that means that there will be others like Tithris looking for them. To what ends? I don't know. But given that they're working in secret, it can't be any good.
I've been asking around a few contacts who have knowledge of fel, void, and titan magic. Not that there's many of them, mind you.
What did your contacts have to say?
Not much yet. We'll have to wait for a lead to surface.
I think this nefarious group lucked out here in the Dragon Isles. With the island being so isolated for so long, that meant no one had discovered the cache before we did. But that may not be the case in the more explored parts of Azeroth.
I wonder if there's someone out there trying to keep caches like this hidden...
The events here were pretty public, though. And the Preservationists haven't kept the cache we found a secret. I wonder if we may soon see more of these cosmic artifacts surfacing.
The Incarnates?
According to Marinth, the new Innkeeper, the group behind Tithris was the Incarnates. But what would they want with cosmic artifacts? Could this have to do with Iridikron's greater plans, the ones involving Xal'atath that he's specifically distracting us from by sending Fyrakk to threaten Amirdrassil?
We'll have to wait and see.
Where is Tithris?
You haven't heard? Seems the mad lad got caught up in some dark dealings. Had to be taken out, from what I've heard.
The details on what happened are still sketchy. I swear that Preservationist and reporter were involved, but both have been pretty tight lipped since the news hit Valdrakken.
You didn't heare this from me, but I heard Tithris was working for the Incarnates. Quite the scandal.
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