Notas rápidas
Capturas de pantalla

[De Darkspear Loa]

[Destroy Mueh'zala's altar and add Jani's.]
[Destroy Mueh'zala's effigy] (1)
[Replace Mueh'zala's effigy with Jani's] (1)


[Dat was not a traditional trial, but we only keep tradition if it be helping de tribe. It be our strength: to adapt to what comes. It be time to shed de past and honor those most important to us. De Darkspear was never de largest tribe, nor de strongest. We endure because we choose our path, and our allies, well. Dese loa and you all worked and sacrificed not just to help Bwonsamdi, but to protect de souls of de Darkspear. Dat be why we honor our loa... and you.]


Indumentaria: Legado de los Lanza Negra Hoja-bendición de los loa
Piedras de vuelo


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Comprueba si ya lo has completad escribiendo:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(77906))

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