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Que es lo que no les gusto de mi mensaje anterior? Lo de los elfos? Vaya que si los odian...
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en talentos les recomiendo usar furia porque en el ultimo de todos se puede usar dos armas de dos manos
si siguen los talentos en lvl 60 van a poder utilizar
ojala que os sirva
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Naa, armas tambien es bueno tienes golpe mortal, que con tus talentos y un glifo se vuelve un golpe realmente mortifero.
Ademas de aprender Filotormenta, la habilidad mas loca del wow segun yo.
Escogan lo ke kieran ningun spec es mejor que otro, ademas si utilizas 2 armas de 2 manos el daño se reduce 10%
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pero tu fuerza aumenta muchisimo ademas si usas escudo tambien podes usar una arma de dos manos + el escudo
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igual solo recomiendo
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creen que deberia usar dos espadas en las manos en ves de una en mi guerrero?
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Alguien me podria decir como se hace para tener el juego en esa forma ordenada de las habiliddades o como hacer q la barra de vida se grande. tambien ese detalle donde se ve la cara?
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De nuevo yo :P me referia al los videos
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Del guerrero hay que rescatar mucho el Tanke, mucho mas porque un tanke tambien bien armado es bueno para arenas en pvp inbajable y muy cortacast mucho stun y mero daño buena vida y hasta refleja hechizos y desarma, cosas imponetnes en un guerrero y mas en un adversario pvp uno no se espera a un tanke en arenas pero les recomiendo llevo haciendo arenas mucho tiempo y llevo indices ke sobre salen, la mejor raza para esto es la orca gracias a sus raciales pasivos y activos.
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No olvides que el guerrero armas tambien puede reflejar hechizos y cortar casteos, solo hay que dominar un poco el cambio de actitudes. Ademas, su daño es muy elevado al del tank, por nio mencionar el mortal. Lo peor del guerrero tanke en mi opinion seria que su daño solo es aceptable contra pjs que usen daños fisicos, por mucho corta casteos o stuns que tenga, es poco probable o imposible que un tanke se tire a un heal/mago/brujo decente. Tampoco olvidemos que el tank solo mitiga daño fisico. Respecto a lo del warro furia en pvp, a mi no em gusta, bien que hagan mucho daño, pero son papeles andantes, inviables a ratings altos. Salu2
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ps si usas macros , el warrior es el mas dificil de matar usas todos los poder ofensivos y defensivos solo aprende a jugarlo y no olvides tus macros...
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Pues.. a mi los guerreros me parecen una de las clases que pueden ser una de las más impenetrables, mortiferas y útiles que pueden haber en el WoW. Pero para cumplirse esto se debe de tener gran habilidad en el manejor y en el conocimiento de la clase. Digan lo que digan un guerrero es aquella clase que no tiene ninguna habilidad especial como un hechicito que te cura inmediatamente 6/7 de la vida de un golpazo, ni escudos sagrados que te hacen inmune por 30 segundos, ni hechizos de rango. Te puedes acercar cayendo del cielo (Salto Heroico), corriendo a gran velocidad por tierra (Cargar/Interceptar) y empezar a recibir la recompensa por derramar la sangre de tu adversario o bien por recibir daño sin llorar ni correr, nada más que para machacar a tu enemigo, como otras clases. Hasta el Cataclysm el guerrero tenia habilidades únicas que nos hacian sobresalir en combate, y más que sobresalir nos ponian en condiciones pares con los demás como lo era el Lanzamiento Destrozador que destruia inmunidades y el Reflejo de Hechizos para el cual no es necesario dar descripción. También la Sed de Sangre que como máximo curaba un 2% de la salud con glifo, pero que ahora, ese máximo es un 1% con aquel glifo, pero sigue podiendose mejorar. Ahora diversas clases poseen las mismas facilidades y volvemos a quedar en desventaja (es una exageración, pero uds. entienden), pero como siempre, los guerreros vuelven a ser una clase Brutal por nuestros propios meritos y habilidades! Aguante el guerrero!
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para mi, el guerre fue la primer clase ideada por blizzard
es la unica q se focaliza bien en su rol: solo hace daño fisico, nada de hechizos.
se adapta increiblemente bien a cualquier mele, y contra los casters es muy bueno porque la ira es el recurso mas eficiente para canalizar el daño recibido el daño efectuado, es como que nunca se pierde el tiempo ni se esta en una verdadera desventaja.
son increibles, son faciles de usar y dificiles de perfeccionar.
personalmente me parecen muy divertidos porque nunca corren del enemigo, sino que lo hacen correr, y no se les escapa nadie
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El warrior asesina la clase q sea! solo que hay q sabelo jugar y saber que hacer en cada situacion. :D
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eso es muy redundante:
para el caso, cualquier clase puede matar a cualquiera porque asi esta pensado el juego, sino seria un desbalance y es lo que se evita en cada expansion y parche que se lanza.
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una kosa, los warriors usan Inteceptar e Intervenir en combate?¿?¿?¿
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Sí, también es posible usar esas habilidades en combate. Muy útiles para salvar healers o casters vulnerables.
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una pregunta como puedo curar a mi warrior rapido AYUDA
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supongo que utilizando vendas o pociones, pero no sé a que te referís con "rápido".
sé más específico.
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Esta clase es muy buena, a mi parecer.
Aun no he jugado Cataclysm asi que los cambios del pj los se de las lecturas en la web y de las nuevas ramas de talentos que hay, me gustaria saber sus experiencias con estos nuevos warriors, especialmente con la rama proteccion, que aunque veo cosas buenas, tambien les han quitado cosas muy importantes. Y en lo principal, quisiera saber si por fin ya se pueden medir en igual, en una pelea contra un DK, o seguiremos siendo "piñatas" por que siguen curandose exhorbitantemente y pegando duro... jeje
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Pienso que la mejor classe sin duda es warrior tank o fury o sino druida tank se pueden regenerar i ademas pegan bien duro i con macros matas en un momento i no es dificil utilizarlo es una classe perfecta para noobs i tambien para expertos
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Super interesantes cada comentario, aunque algunos se desvían del tema central que es el warrior comentando los tank (en especifico) de otras clases.
Bueno mi opinion. Siempre he jugado con warrios y puedo decir lo siguiente: Entre las ramas prefiero al tank dado que para algunas BG en especifico como garganta grito de guerra y mazmorras siempre es necesario (al igual que el healer), comparto quien dice por ahí: Una vez que aprendes a manejarlos y mejorarlos se convierten en una poderosa amenaza. En tanto DPS como explica el comentario de wowhead, la rama de Armas que genera importante daño (aunque lento comparado con otras clases a mi parecer) no es tan significativo para representar a los warriors.
Por otro lado el profesiones es bien sencillo, si te especializas en PvP lo mejor es Ingenieria y Herrería, si eres PvE Herrería y Alquimia, entendiendo de la logica que tienes un 2do Pj con las profesiones de Minería y Herborería respectivamente y focalizado en otorgarle a tu Pj el máximo poder. Saludos ¡Por la Alianza!
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esta Guia esta un poco desactualizada.
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A ver, todos saben que a lvl 20 todas las clases y razas pueden ir a visitar a su intructor en la capital, ya sea Horda o ali, luego t mandan a buscar unos materiales para tu arma ''especial'' en el caso de la ali te dan dos 1 de una mano y la otra de dos manos, la da una mano es: espada ancha de la corona, ahora alguien me dice cual arma te dan siendo un guerrero de la horda, en mi caso orco.
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Porque no se ve el nivel de las habilidades?
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/Startattack unitid
/Equipslot 16 (Arm two hands)
/Use Seccionar
/Use !Actitud de batalla; Cargar
/Use Ira interna
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/Startattack unitid
#showtooltip Machaque colosal
/Use Machaque colosal
/Use Hender armadura
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/Startattack unitid
#showtooltip Embate
/Use Embate
/Use Golpe heroico
/Use !Actitud rabiosa
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(2 extra points)
(Warning! Inferior to Fury!)
Berserker Stance
Defensive Stance
Battle Stance
(Warning! Inferior to Fury!)
Fury: FCFS (First Come First Serve)
Bloodthirst, Whirlwind,
-procced Slam, Heroic Strike/Cleave
Protection: FCFS
Devastate x3 (for sunder armour), Thunder Clap (for debuff)
Shield Slam, Revenge, Heroic Strike/Cleave
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Protip: your armor stat will make rogues rage.
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The only class which can dual wield two handed weapons ie if specced into
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Warriors history, always get nerfed
usually like blaming paladins
and hate all the plate wearers
Best friends: any healer but paladins
Also warriors do not feel pity or remorse or fear and they cannot be stopped unless killed... or disarmed at the 3.3.3 patch
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Protection warriors have Intervene, which allows them to intercept a friendly target and protect them from an attack.
they dont have to be prot for that ^^
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- Usually for PvP, but also PvE - Uses a two-handed weapon to cause massive burst damage. End-talent is
(Patch 3.3.3: Warriors can now be
while under this effect).
- Usually for PvE, but can be used for PvP - Dual-wields one-handers or two-handers depending on level, varying damage. End-talent is
Titan's Grip
- Usually for PvE, but for PvP situations (such as tanking in Alterac Valley or capturing the flag in Warsong Gulch) - Uses a one-handed weapon and a shield to mitigate damage. End-talent is
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: Highly mobile, great utility, add defensive and burst damage cooldowns for an awesome class! (warning! high skill cap, meaning to be great you need to know your toon inside and out)
-Prot PvP: Basically the same but less damage, more utility.
: -Protection is your tanking spec, I'd have to say the warrior is the jack of all trade tank. It's enough AoE, not a lot. A couple defensive cooldowns, not enough to chain them. They are quite good at single target threat, as the more damage you take the more rage you have for abilities (tanking a boss usually results in unlimited rage, and therefore you can use many abilities, often spamming them, which leads to high threat generation)
-Fury is the common DPS spec, and is considered superior to arms for experienced/geared players. They offer a 5% melee crit aura (feral druids offer this too)
-Arms is the other DPS spec. Althought Fury is more popular, arms is an excellent spec for fresh 80 warriors (when you don't have enough gear to support fury) and remains competetive even in endgame gear. Arms offers +30% bleed damage (also given by feral druids) and +4% physical damage (also given by combat rogues) to the entire raid, it is these raid buffs that is part of what makes Arms spec viable even in the best gear.
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A Warriors Biggist Enemey Is A Paladin
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A Warriors Biggist Enemey Is A Paladin
/hello Frost Mage
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So when are they going to put up a Warrior ARMS video? They have one video for tanks and two videos for fury, but no videos for arms.
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Ramaladni's Blade of Culling
By Ansi on 11/17/2009 (Patch 3.2.2)
This is the second item in World of Warcraft refering to Indalamar. The first item was a quest reward in the original version of Naxxramas in vanilla WoW named Ramaladni's Icy Grasp.
Indalamars full story can be found on Wowwiki:
Indalamar has been widely attributed as the cause of a series of nerfs to the warrior class during the World of Warcraft beta. He was and still is a member of the Nurfed guild. Some players on the Warrior forums have given him the flattering title of "The Warrior." Indalamar's fame stems from a discussion on the Warrior forums during the Beta testing phase of World of Warcraft. The discussion centered around the possibility that warrior damage output was far too high. Indalamar thought it was. Many disagreed, so he filmed a video of himself farming to prove his point. Within a few hours the discussion's thread had several pages worth of replies, and in the same day Blizzard nerfed the Fury tree for warriors, which was the tree Indalamar was mainly using. The changes made were in relation to the Bloodthirst and Slam abilities. The old version of Bloodthirst allowed a 100% critical chance with bonus damage after killing an enemy, which meant (as Indalamar showed) that a warrior could start every fight with a huge critical and proc Flurry every time. The Slam ability was also redesigned to become interruptible.
After beta, Indalamar was hired on by blizzard to be an item developer. His brother is Nisstyr, Guild Leader of the Nurfed guild on Blackrock.
Indalamars original movie "Warrior Killrate" can be found on YouTube:
Just a real nice tidbit about the class.
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Whats One Good Thing About Warrior Tanks?
Please Don`t Down Rate Me
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I find it weird that my Warrior lose rage from missing, getting dodged, parried or blocked since I only get angrier when this happens.
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You know what I find sad? Warrior tanks seem to be dying out... Paladin tanks are all well and good, but I think warrior tanks are much better.
Maybe its because I play alliance and more races can be pallies... I dunno. But I think warriors need some love :(
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first-release Cata Warrior PvP talent-build:
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Thought warriors getting nice talent for titan's grip what make not loseing Dps while useing grip, "Single-Minded Fury will be the counterpart of Titan's Grip. The new Fury talent will allow Warriors who spec into it to use two one-handed weapons and not lose DPS, compared to those who use two two-handers."? but when cheaking Warrior talent tree at Catalysm guide finding "increase all damage by 20% while you have one-handed weapons equiped".
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Being honest i find the Warrior atleast a REAL class.
Not rogues. They're just cowards sapping you from the back while in stealth.
Mages aren't like real. No firebolt frostbolt (although it looks cool ;P)
Warlocks are cool, but not REAL.
That point is what i'm trying to make.
Warriors ftw
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I want to make a Sword and Board PvP Warrior... what race would be best? I am thinking Dwarf since Stone-form increases your armor and thus increases your damage via the Armor to the Teeth talent. The Disease, Poison and Bleed cure/immunity is also great :) Plus with Arms Warriors getting Taste for Blood, they will be using Overpower a lot more. It is already pretty common with Glyphs allowing it to be used after Parries along with Dodges. Can Protection Warriors kill? Will it be a slow and steady wins the race sort of deal?
Maybe run something like this?
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@ aim2game
You'd better go for the tauren. I mean Maximum health increased, hello?
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I laugh when npc`s cast Mana Burn
but i always fear Rage Burn
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Warriors define all that is manly in this game.
They take hits to the face and keep on coming. They define cleave teams in arenas because they cleave like lumberjacks who are manly by default. Heck, there's a team composition in arenas call MANcleave just because it utilizes two warriors. They charge into a group of enemies alone just to kill that one pansy dress-wearing mage just to show them what a real man is all about. All of their damage is physical and they're best way to deal damage is to stack EXTRA PENETRATION! If they're not cleaving the hell out of you with their weapon, they're making you bleed out and enjoying every moment to allow them to use an overpowered ability called OVERPOWER! Even their protection specialization doesn't only protect, but in fact utilizes EXTRA PENETRATION to plow through enemies in player versus player combat.
I hope I provided anyone enough of a reason to roll a warrior if they're on the fence about it. And I wouldn't mind people adding anything else that just proves how MANLY warriors are.
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It should also be mentioned that some of the strongest characters are warriors. Brox, Saurfang, Garrosh, Varian, Thrall (Formerly, but like the Mile High Club, membership is permanent) Korfax (Woe unto those who would anger Korfax) and all those Argent Guards that are at Light's Dawn. If you have ever attack Light's Dawn you know what I'm talking about!
Edit: Lothar, the Bronzebeards, some Murlocs (Fearsome beasts!) and Algalon (The peak of warrior perfection)
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A taste of the warrior's powers:
Seriously, we are great for pvp and pve, for example in pvp, lots of people would target the glass cannon rather than the armor plated tank right? Even when they do, we strike back with power that is equal to if not more than that of a clothie, while being protected by our armor, abilities and stamina. Retribution paladins wish they could have two two handers, and after getting beaten by a rampaging warrior bladestorming them they have even tried to copy it into
Skillstorm is also a wonder when you face a legion of level one gnome zergers. You use bladestorm (plus retaliation for extra fun) and the gnomes will either:
1: die
2: flee
3: bow to the might of lolstorm
Even those of us who give up on terminatorstorm and
titan's grip can pop shield block and spam revenge followed up by a shield wall and you've got a living castle wall.
In pve, there are these nasty abilities like wing buffet wich hit all in close range of the boss. Solution: you generate extra rage by taking that hit, then charge back and accumilate even more rage
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I'm not 100% on warriors (personally i prefer Hunters) but at the release of cataclysm, im planning on getting either a fury warrior or combat rogue (worgen in case you are wondering) my main question is what is the difference (if any) between combat rogue and fury warrior also, which is better
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On a different note- why does the guy in the picture have a baby?
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most people in fury need to pull about 1500-2000 in their fresh 80s which i did. and it starts going up massively from geting strength which then gets turned into attack power increasing your damage. for protection you need defense rating in mass when you get to lvl 68, geting the armor from the quests there. and for the love of god don't tank a dungeon when you just dinged to lvl 68 because i had alot of fresh 68 tanks fail because they don't have enough defense rating or they don't have any at all. for arms its allmost the same as fury, but you need more crit for doing damage and you don't need as much amor penetration as fury does.
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Does anyone know the best talent build of Fury for more dps? I just started a warrior but don't know how to build the talents properly. Thanks =)
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Warriors define all that is manly in this game.
While I'm grinding or just aimlessly running around kicking ass on my warrior I always like to play a little 'DVDA' in the background...
"What makes a man, is it the power in his hands? is it his quest for gloryyyyyyyyy! it's probably the titties!"
and then when the "Now you're a man!" part comes I usually charge into a large group that's too much to handle and then I get owned. But hot damn it's fun! XD
Warriors unite!
~Jojumbe (Sisters of Elune, For the Horde!)
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Does anyone have advice on a good way to spec for DPS now that patch 4.0.1 is out? I was something like 58/13/0 before the patch changes. I've never been very good at speccing things myself, so any advice would be welcome. Right now I'm thinking of Arms mastery and some in Fury because I'm most used to playing as Arms. Sadly for me, I had just respecced to the "best arms spec" the day before the patch came out. XD /facepalm
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Is it worth rolling a warrior? Im thinking of either Warrior or Warlock. I'm looking for PvE DPS, and on top 5 DPS on cata raids (: THanks for any advice =)
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For a long while, I couldn't play a Warrior to save my life. I dunno, it was probably because I couldn't generate enough Rage to kick ass, or I just couldn't play them. Ever since Patch 4.0.1, I cried tears of joy. Warriors are fun now, and I'm happy!
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(warning: video has qutie a bit of swearing)
Fury PvP is the best, just hit berserker rage.
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With the changes to talent tree's, abilities and overall game-play from Wrath to Cataclysm, levelling a warrior is no longer the labourious unrewarding chore it once was.
Now its a labourious unrewarding chore that goes a bit faster.
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What the warrior specs are.
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Is the Protection spec viable for leveling - and if so which heirlooms would you pick?
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You can level as protection, BUT!- random farm, and/or large pulling, grinding.
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And, come Cataclysm, warriors can be played by
race :D
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Warriors are the only class that do purely physical damage. Every other class has some magic damage attached to them (although you could argue that ferals do pretty much only physical, but technically they can shift out and moonfire, and feral is a spec, not a class =p).
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I've made a protection PvP spec for Cataclysm and i was wondering if it was any good, can anyone reply on how it is?
Here it is:
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117 Talent Points.
Now THAT just HAS to be a reference!
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Did everyone else notice how good the warrior 51-point talents combine? I mean, first you stun them with
, then you
their asses with
2 2h's
... I mean, come on, that would be just sick to have...
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I find Warriors to be the manliest class. Yes, not pallys, not Dks but Warriors!
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Why is one of the guys in the screenshots, holding a baby?
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Hi. I realize that this may be a dumb question, but looking at the list at skills a warrior can learn, I could not find dual wielding. I know the fury tree improves dual wielding, but do you HAVE to be fury to dual wield?
I am asking for lower level warriors. I realize that dual wielding as an Arms warrior at 85 wouldn't be the best idea... ><
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Warrior BG 101: You charge, you create as much chaos as possible, you die. If you did not did not do enough damage.
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I would like to no how i can use my warrior do best dps as fury/arms. also pvp. I dont have purple items yet but all i have is heroic blues. and i have placed strength in all sloths with 40 percent.
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"Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage"
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Sure there is mancleave, but is it really reliable on arenas?
Let's be honest, warriors dont have a sweet spot on most of the arena teams nowadays...
In wotlk warrior was the second less representative classes in arenas... (in the end of the season, only few arenas had warriors)
Warriors used to be invencible with a good healer covering them. Now, its just an ordinary team.
Also, with the diminishing return of charge warriors are getting kicked more than ever from arena teams. By the simple reason that having a warrior in your team totally screws the stunning system of the other classes. After 2 charges your target becomes immune to stun. So dont get surprise if you get replaced by hunters, dks etc..
Im a warrior, but we got to go clean: warriors can be easily be
outplayed by most of the classes
the worse the nerfs, greater the glory!
As Gforce once said,
heaven towards left, warriors turn right
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Swifty once said:
Now warriors are the given class. We're the lowest of all the classes in WoW... And when warriors do good, it really shows. If you can master the warrior class, you'll be the ownage... And you'll have the most fun. And is pretty much why I've been playing this game for so long...
Almost all true! Never give up on warriors! Warriors are good, no matter what spec you use, they have their benefits!
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I'm sorry but the first drawing of a orc warrior doesn't look like a orc but it is awesome!
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Take a healer a healer and pwn everything in arena
Since arena came out till the end of the world.
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Fury warriors are now gear dependent, while Arms is the set spec if you are under the caps;
8% Hit (Suggested to be 11%) > 26 Expertise (Once at 8% Hit) > Crit > Strength > More Hit (If at the 11% already) > Haste.
Arms warriors are suggested to be at about 9% hit, and expertise is optional but suggested.
Some Fury Warriors rather Strength over Critical Hit, but it is matter of opinion and I myself find Crit more helpful.
Hope this helped, patch 4.1.
Realm, Garithos.
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In my opinion you should get Fury Warrior ,yes he's slower but he's better for PvE,what you are obviously looking for a PvE char,cuz neither of 'em is for PvP.Choose wisely,pick warrior always.
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Fury = Burst Heavy, spikey deeps and rage gain, and accustomed to a small-group add enviroment as well as heavy periods on a single target.
Arms = Steady deeps and rage gain, has an appropriate ability for the current situation in a pinch, highly mobile, and does very well in large-group add situations.
Prot = Strong single target aggro capabilities, very durable, plenty of "Oh Cra-" buttons, and quite capable in group movement and positioning situations, given the right amount of experience.
You can PvP in any of these specs effectively, though the common favorite is Arms. You can Raid in any of these specs effectively, though the common favorite (for DPS) is Fury due to the easier priority system and less buffs/debuffs to worry about. People almost always want a Prot warrior or an Arms warrior for their debuffs and movement-capable abilities. If you're focused on a DPS route, people normally go Arms through dungeons, raid a bit as arms, but quickly switch over to Fury once they get a second 2-Hander of decent quality. While yes, you have another "stat stick", trying to get enough hit to have a steadier rage generation will and should be your main focus beyond the basic caps and stat priority system.
Generally speaking, most sane people don't want to level a warrior first to end-game content. It proves to be too difficult to farm items for cash, to grind levels as well as dungeons, or pay for professions since you'll most likely want Blacksmithing as well as Jewelcrafting, though generally people pick one and level Mining along with it for added ease and profitability. However, I picked warriors because they seemed cool. I picked an undead because again, it seemed cool. It was a complete pain leveling my main, but boy did it pay off in the end. (This is almost void due to Blizzard's attempts to make leveling more fun and easier on most players, but sometimes it can still hold true; pulled too much? Pallies can bubble and run. We can try to Heroic Leap away. I stress
I studied macros, stickies on specs/roles, and I had a ball of a time in PvP. Raiding proved a bit more difficult (imagine that?) especially since I leveled on my own, mostly, and didn't raid till Argent Crusader had already become boring, and was involved in a small leveling/questing/dungeon guild. After that, everything was easier. I was tougher for it and more experienced with all of my abilities for it. Should someone choose to level an alt, or main, as a warrior, know full well what you're getting into. It can be tough, it can be annoying, and it can sometimes seem unfair, but warriors are based on gear. The farther you get, the more awesome you can become.
P.S. As for ratings, the special hit cap for melee is 7.5% (Spacegoats require 1% less to reach their hit cap; fury no longer gains a bonus to hit chance), and expertise is 7.5 (1% less for Orcs, Humans, Dwarves, and Gnomes using the appropriate weapon(s)). I'm not sure what amount of excess hit rating would be desired for Fury, SMF or TG, but I will remind you here and now that it's up to you and your play-style on how important the excess hit is to you as a Fury. Arms does
need more than 7.5% hit.
Don't let other people tell you how you must play the game in order to have fun.
Edit = Updating.
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Never forget this dear, dear warriors. Shattering throw breaks immunities. Ice block. Divine shield. Your playthings. When that pally thinks he's in the clear for spamming divine light be sure to throw before charging him into the dirt.
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Warriors might've been a challenging PvP class at some point. Right now any sort of faceroller can take you down in 3 GCDs.
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best class ever
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wat is the rotation for a fury warrior?
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I once had a pug with a fury warrior called NerdRage, all of his enrages were macros using /y xD
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are the best class in WoW imo ;P! haha
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was just wondering if anyone could offer me some advice to being a warrior tank please?
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Another thing I'd like to add would be that the exact hit
cap is 961. The exact expertise
cap is 781.
You should try to get as close to those numbers as possible (not below them of course!) As that way you can reforge excess hit/exp to more useful stats.
I always try to reach those exact numbers, which often takes hours and hours of doing maths (and loads of gold).
Whenever I find an add-on to make it easier to hit those caps, I'll edit this post
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If you wanna have fun while leveling warrior,pick protection.
It is really fun to level as prot,you can kill 4-5 mobs while only using helth potions,and your Revenge hits like a truck.
so...prot for the win :D
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Can i just say,
This is the best class in the whole damn game (well in my opinion anyway).
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Warriors of the World United!
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Mists of Pandaria changes:
With the full awareness that this is all subject to change, take a look at the mock-up for abilities (not talents, core abilities) that all fury warriors will get as they level from 1 to 90 in the revamped Mists of Pandaria scheme. With the announcement that Slam will be an arms-only ability, I personally suspect that Wild Strike is the replacement for Bloodsurge's Slam proc. More importantly, you'll note a few things.
One I really want to highlight at the start are the no-brainer talents that aren't talents anymore, like Flurry, Raging Blow, Bloodsurge and both Titan's Grip and Single-Minded Fury. You'll also note that you don't have to choose between TG and SMF. You get both at level 38. I used the fury abilities screenshot because that's the one I managed to get. If Blizzard did an arms or protection one, I didn't see it. But all three talent specializations are worth discussing, because we're heading into a future where your talent choices are no longer constrained by spec.
Certain abilities (like Heroic Strike, possibly also Thunder Clap, and almost certainly most Shouts) were stated to be granted to all warriors, while others will be specialization-only, the way Mortal Strike, Bloodthirst and Shield Slam are now. For example, although Plate Specialization is listed on the fury abilities page, I expect all warriors will get their own version of it, with arms and fury most likely retaining the strength one and protection getting the stamina one. We likewise know that all warriors will be able to charge in all stances and in combat, which means that we may well be losing Intercept. (It wasn't directly stated in the panel, but the Bull Rush talent only mentions Charge and Intervene, not Intercept.)
A furious attack
Fury is the proposed specialization we know the most about. In addition to the abilities listed at the opening of this post, we know that Bloodsurge will need to change, with Slam being arms only. Intercept most likely is gone with it, no longer being necessary since not only can warriors charge in all stances in combat but there being an entire tier of charge modifying talents. This makes charge, like Battle and Commanding Shout, another rage-generating attack like we speculated on last week.
bit . ly/sU8aTH (
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hey guys i made a lvl 60 fury nightelf twink and i would like to know your opinions on it ;
hope you like it
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I like warriors a lot, well, i used to, back in Wrath we were all around, we had to adapt to each class we fought to beat em, we were like normal guys fighting people full with magics and fancy skills, we were pure power of will and strenght class, we needed a lot of skill and improvisation against most classes, we met the terrible DK's and the frustrating Mages, the never-dying Holy Paladins and the annoying rogues and hunters, now its all reck+sweeping+bladestorm+trinkets to 1 shot even the walls of the arena.
In PvE regard we were the tireless tank and the crusher dps, i saved lives with Intervene and got 1st on recount.
By far the best classes are Warrior, Hunter and Rogue, pure skill (rogue its OP now actually)
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I'll say this, my first toon was a warrior and I love playing as a warrior, especially as a tank. Rolling a rogue means killing your enemy in 1.5 seconds. Rolling a warlock or hunter means killing your enemy without them ever reaching you. But rolling a prot warrior means aggro'ing over a dozen enemies at once to get your dailies done faster, or solo'ing 5-man quests against elites even when you accidentally pull 3 elites at a time. Basically, a good prot warrior will never die while questing.
That being said, I will admit that I had a considerably easier time leveling my warlock. Though that may be because I leveled my warrior to 70 in BC and started my warlock in 4.2 with full heirlooms.
Still, to all my fellow warriors, I have only two things to say: 1) "SPLIT YOUR LUNGS WITH BLOOD AND THUNDER!" 2) "Glory to the first man to die!"
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The warrior is my favorite class. A warrior doesn't need to need to stealth and sneak on people, he charges into battle. A warrior doesn't stand back and cast spells, he gets up and personal. A warrior is a true badass
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I'm here to talk about Arms dps in raiding and other PvE activities.
Arms is a very differet spec from fury, the only other dps spec for warriors. So sometimes you will want to switch things up a bit, because who doesn't?
Arms is a really simple rotation. The main thing you have to pay attention to while doing the arms rotation is your Colossus Smash procs. Colossus smash a really powerful ability. It makes your attacks pretty high damage. For Example, a Mortal Strike would do normally 11k damage non-crit. With the Colossus Smash ability, that would jump up maybe 8k higher. And because it will proc pretty often in your rotation, it is vital to know how to keep it up at all times.
I don't use addons usually, but having an addon to keep track of when your Colossus Smash is up will help a good deal. Personally, over the years I'v just grown a habit of flicking my eyes up to the debuffs of the mob and checking approximately how much time I have to do my attacks. Now because im stubborn, I don't use an addon, but if you are a starting warrior you should by all means use one. This is because you dont want to have to look at the corners of the screen, and instead be looking at what is going on in the PvE situation. This may seem like a small thing, but all the small things that you improve in your play style matters. This is key for not dying in raids, knowing when you have to do something, etc.
If you can keep track of the time of your Colossus Smash then you pretty much have 50% of the rotation mastered.
The next important thing is knowing when to use your cooldowns. When you use your cooldowns you need to have two things, a Colossus smash ready to go and Lambs to Slaughter up 3/3. Deadly Calm should be used at the start of a battle so its up when the boss is around 20% health. Near the end, Deadly Calm fuels your execute for attacks that do full rage damage + heroic strikes in the mix. This means that it is extremely useful for getting the bosses 20% health down quickly. Recklessness it good for AoEing with Bladestorm. Most warriors call it 'Reckstorming' :) For most boss battles, this should only be used when you are sure you are not about to receive any significant amounts of damage(don't get your healers mad!). Trinkets and racials should be used with Deadly calm because of the (usually) same 2min CD and so the heroic strike spam is extra strong. Usually a trinket CD will be long enough to squeeze in both Recklessness and Deadly calm in.
Battle shouts should be used when rage starved or when the buff is going to fall off. It can also be used in movement phases to help you when you get back to your target. Using battle shout in your rotation would result in a dps loss. Berserker Rage should be used when you are going to take damage for extra rage or obviously when you need to get out of a fear. Shattering Throw is good for the start of fights or for execution phases. It will hinder your dps but help the rest of the raid substantially. Sweeping Strikes is preference for some warriors. If you choose to take it, it basically doubles your dps for 10 seconds when fighting more than 1 mob. The nature of Sweeping Strikes is a bit strange. You'd think, as with all other WoW physics, that it would still work when the secondary mob is just a little out of your range, but you'd be wrong. It works almost like real physics, you need to be in the center of both mobs for it to work. Inner Rage should be used when you are at 85+ rage. Spam heroic strike until you are rage starved then battle shout. It wil give you a nice burst with Heroic Strikes and spike your dps for a few seconds. Rallying Cry is a raid saver. With abilities like Nefarian's 'Electrocute', it can be a raid saver if used in the correct time. A good tactic is to keep your raid frames small in the corner of your screen so that you know when to use it. It can be key for downing that hard heroic boss! Charge as much as you can because your Mortal Strike crits give you 10% damage and Charge gives 25% extra chance to crit.
Your Glyphs are quite obvious, Mortal Strike, Overpower, and slam as primary. For secondary, it is a good idea to use the Colossus smash glyph so you dont have to worry about reaplying Sunder Armor. The rest is your choice.
Now let's talk about the Rotation. You have three 'types' of attacks in your rotation. Damage, rage dump, and damage improvers. You damaging abilities are Mortal Strike, Overpower, and Slam. These abilities are in
first to last
order priority, so use Mortal Strike whenever its up, etc. Your rage dump is heroic strike, use it when ever you are over 60 rage. For white crits that spike your rage, use inner rage to get rid of all the access. Your damage improver is Rend and Colossus Smash. Use Rend at the start for 4% raid physical and your DoT and Colossus Smash as stated above. These are Damage Improvers because their initial damage is low, but improve all your other abilities. So your rotation should be like this: Rend, Colossus Smash, Mortal Strike, Overpower, Slam, etc., with heroic strikes when needed as well as using Colossus smash procs.
The nature of the Arms warrior is a one I like. We are sort of heavy armor knights! We hack and slash with our two handed weapons and deal massive blows to our enemies. We are masters of charging into battle and devouring multiple foes. Overall, I enjoy Arms spec. It is a good switch when you are tired of Fury (because your fingers hurt lol) and when you want a little more complex rotation.
Please tell me if I said anything that is incorrect or have any suggestions to improve my post! Good luck!
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Does anybody else think that for transmog it would look really cool on a fury warrior to be dual weilding
Slayer Of The Lifeless
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Ive always been arms dps and in DS i do around 23k dps,..... many people tell me i would be doing more if i was fury but i go to fury and i only do 17k dps? Why is this? am i not getting something fury must have or what lol so ever sense BC im Arms/Prot
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I used to play hunter, but now i can't live without Charge and Victory Rush =D
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So after Mage got mind numbingly simple, I decided to bring my attention to a class I never saw very much of. I put on a wifebeater, drank a glass load of raw eggs, did 50 push ups then made a warrior. I have to tell you, of all the specs I have experimented with, Fury is by far the most fun and rewarding if you put the effort into it.
Fury is like a relic in a way. Unlike any of the other specs (besides possibly Prot going Battle to hamstring), you still very actively stance dance as Fury. You stance dance to
to initiate combat (Charging as fury, pretty cool huh? We didn't get the cooldown sharing that Arms got pinned down with). You stance dance to
Reflejo de hechizos
, to
, and even
Bloquear con escudo
(I don't care what Hoodrych says, Shield Block is still incredibly strong if you need to survive melee!).
Through my ramblings, I have even found that you can apply
Muro de escudo
as Fury then put back on your offhand with a
/equip Offhand
macro and keep the buff! This fixes the issue that Arms has with using its defensive cooldown and nerfing their damage significantly, and because their pressure is reduced, they take more damage and CC from the other team, creating a vicious cycle of being outpressured (Also works with
Reflejo de hechizos
Bloquear con escudo
Fury demands a lot of hit which is why warriors who go Fury directly from Arms (in the same gear) often say they are raged starved. They also say that
Empuñadura de titán
is the better way to go; However I disagree. I feel that
Furia redoblada
does so much more for you. Slam burst is insane if you coordinate it with
, you get a lot more white hits so more enrage procs/steadier rage generation to make up for unlucky miss streaks, and you spend a lot less conquest points getting your weapons. However, I will tell you one thing. Do NOT spec into
as SMF. It sucks and will only break
Grito intimidador
and make you a sad panda.
Fury self healing is actually very considerable if you keep
Sed de sangre
on CD. I have found myself outhealing rogues by avoiding their
cooldown (You know which one I'm talkin' bout!) and going toe to toe with them, something I never had happen when I was Arms.
So as Fury, I like to stack up a good pile of Hit and Mastery, ignoring crit and (obviously) haste. Do this and you will have considerable self healing, fantastic white damage, reliable rage generation and big fat burst. Well, this is getting pretty long, so I think I should wrap it up... Fury works, Fury is unexpected, Fury has fat burst and Fury is good plain fun! Thanks to anyone who read my wall of text!
PS: My favorite race by far is Draenei for Fury Warrior. I mean come on, an extra self heal (
Ofrenda de los naaru
) that has the same cooldown as Enraged Regeneration, 1% hit, shadow resist for
Gurthalak, Voz de las Profundidades
procs (>_>...), and most importantly the freedom to use any weapon you have. What more could you want?
PSS: Here is my spec:
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RE: to Katalo
Should roll a nightelf fury warrior. Mad macro i use in combat (pvp), switch to battstance, shadowmeld, charge..
+less hit chance and resist FTW
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warriors are awesome, to me at least
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Are warriors no longer able to shoot . . . use guns? Can't find the "shoot" spell.
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Brace yourselves! The big nerf is comming !
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Both playing my warrior and fighting them as every other class, I must say i have no idea what blizzard is doing. The last thing warriors needed nerfed was their mobility, "Damage is high--nerf mobility!" (what?)
Then control. ah yes they have great control, They've got a snare (just like everyone else) and all the CCs are on DR with each other. Grand.
The Damage is not that great, It's super high if you get 3+ stacks, otherwise it's about in line with others attacks.
The REAL problem is second wind, It heals for too much. should be 2% or even 1% health per second, If you've ever seen a blood deathknight who can keep up that runic healing thing you'd know, 3% is ALOT of health
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Patch 5.4 Changes
Battle, Berserker and Defensive Stance now have a 1.5-second cooldown (down from 3 seconds).
now also increases the damage of
by 50%.
Heridas profundas
damage has been increased by 65%.
now also triggers on critical hits from
Embate con escudo
is no longer on a global cooldown.
now also breaks roots and snares when used.
Lanzamiento destrozador
no longer costs rage.
Muro de escudo
no longer requires a shield. If the Warrior does not have a shield equipped, it will show a visual of an equipped shield.
Reflejo de hechizos
no longer requires a shield. If the Warrior does not have a shield equipped, it will show a visual of an equipped shield.
Mortal Strike now deals 215% of weapon damage (up from 175%).
now also reduces the cost of
by 10 Rage.
now deals 25% more damage, but the Rage cost has been increased by 25% as well. While
is active, Slam will deal 35% of damage dealt against the primary target to all other enemies within 2 yards, and targets affected by
receives 10% more damage.
Empuñadura de titán
now works with polearms.
now generates 20 Rage (up from 15 Rage).
is a new passive ability learned by Protection Warriors at level 76. When the Warrior dodges or parries any attack, they gain 75% of their Parry and Dodge as an additional bonus to Critical Strike for 20 seconds.
now activates from critical hits with
Embate con escudo
instead of a flat 20% chance, and the ability will make the next
be a critical hit in addition to costing no Rage.
's cooldown has decreased to 60 seconds (down from 1.5 minutes).
Arms: Bladestorm now deals 180% of weapon damage (up from 120%).
Protection: Bladestorm now deals 160% of weapon damage (down from 240%).
's snare and bleed effects are now two separate debuffs. Clearing one of the effects will no longer remove the other.
now instantly heals the warrior for 10% of their total health (up from 5%), and an additional 10% over 5 seconds (up from 5%).
now heals the Warrior for 20% of their maximum health at all times (up from 15% on attack and 20% on kills that yield experience or honor).
Descarga tormentosa
now has a duration of 4 seconds (up from 3 seconds), and has an off-hand attack for Fury Warriors.
no longer transfers damage to the Warrior. The talent now reduces amount of damage the target takes by 30% for 12 seconds.
now roots the target for 4 seconds instead of stunning them for 3 seconds. The 50% reduction to movement speed snare effect for 8 seconds remains unchanged.
Glifo carbonizado
will now cause
to root an additional 2 nearby targets.
New Major Glyphs
Glifo carbonizado
: Killing an enemy with
grants Rage.
Glifo carbonizado
Lanzamiento heroico
now leaves an axe in the target, which can be retrieved by moving within 5 yards of the target to finish the cooldown of
Lanzamiento heroico
. This effect will only occur when
Lanzamiento heroico
is cast from more than 10 yards away from the target.
New Minor Glyphs
Glifo carbonizado
gives additional Rage over time, but for that time the Warrior no longer generates Rage from auto-attacks.
Glifo carbonizado
: Removes the threat generation bonus from
Glifo del Maestro de armas
: Shout abilities cause the appearance of the Warrior's weapon to change to that of a random weapon from their primary bag for a short time.
Bug Fix
Intervene should no longer incorrectly trigger a cooldown when there isn't an allied target for the Warrior to intervene to.
Patch 5.3 Changes
now decreases damage taken by 25%, up from 15%.
Muro de escudo
's cooldown has been reduced to 3 minutes, down from 5 minutes.
no longer costs rage to use, instantly heals the Warrior for 5% of their total health, and healing an additional 5% over 5 seconds. Using the ability while Enraged doubles the healing effects to 10% of the Warrior's total health and an additional 10% over 5 seconds.
Segundo aliento
no longer generates rage when the Warrior is struck by a Stun or Immobilize effect.
Arms and Fury Warriors receive a passive ability that enables them to generate rage when struck by a Stun or Immobilize effect at level 56.
Reflejo de hechizos
is no longer consumed by spells from player pets and guardians.
now resets the cooldown on Taunt in addition to its current effects.
's damage to secondary targets should no longer be affected by Resilience or PvP power if the primary target was a player as both had already been factored in for the initial damage calculation.
Bastión de defensa
now reduces the cooldown of Shield Wall by 1 minute, down from a 3-minute reduction. For Protection Warriors, this results in no net change to Shield Wall's cooldown.
Embate con escudo
now receives a 50% bonus to attack damage from attack power (down from 100%) for Warriors below level 85.
Centinela inquebrantable
no longer increases the damage reduction of
by 10%.
Patch 5.2 Changes (
The benefit of Haste from items and consumables has been increased by 100% for all Warriors.
can no longer be disarmed.
now reduces damage by 15% (was 25%).
Centinela inquebrantable
now improves the damage reduction of
by 10% for Protection Warriors.
Ola de choque
now has a 40 second cooldown (was 20 seconds), striking 3 or more targets will reduce its cooldown by 20 seconds.
Segundo aliento
now generates 15 rage (was 20) over 10-seconds.
now reduces the target's movement by 50% for 15 seconds (8 seconds in PvP) in addition to its other effects. The 3-second stun/knockdown is now in the diminishing returns category for stuns (same as
Ola de choque
Descarga tormentosa
), and not the proc stun diminishing returns category.
now scales approximately 10% less efficiently with attack power.
Descarga tormentosa
now deals 125% weapon damage (was 100%).
now costs 30 Rage (was 60).
Deadly Calm has been removed from the game.
Glifo carbonizado
no longer procs from Deadly Calm, it now procs from Demoralizing Shout.
Glyph of Overpower is now
Glifo carbonizado
. It increases the duration of
Muerte a espada
whenever Overpower or
Tajo furioso
are used.
Glifo carbonizado
no longer increases the damage dealt by
Salto heroico
will now heal the Warrior for 15% of maximum health when they have not slain an enemy (was 10%).
has been redesigned. It now causes the Warrior to gain 2 stacks of
(maximum of 5 stacks) when
Golpe mortal
deals damage, 1 stack when the target dodges, and no longer interacts with
. It now requires level 20 (was level 50).
now deals 220% weapon damage (was 190%) and had its cost reduced to 20 rage (was 30).
Heridas profundas
damage have been increased by 100% for Arms Warriors.
now costs 20 rage (was 30) for Arms Warriors. The cost is unchanged for Fury Warriors.
Overpower now costs 10 rage.
Muerte súbita
now has a 25% chance to activate from Overpower instead of a 20% chance from auto attacks. In addition, using Execute makes Overpower free for 10-seconds.
now reduces the Rage cost of
Tajo furioso
by 30 (was 20) and its duration has been increased to 15 seconds (was 10 seconds).
The base damage of
Embate con escudo
has been increased by 150%, but these abilities now scale approximately 10% less efficiently with attack power.
Mists of Pandaria Changes
The level 87 Warrior ability is
, which has the following options:
. These provide the raid or party with various cooldowns.
Stances don't grant damage boosts anymore. Instead they affect rage generation.
generates Rage from attacks, and
generates Rage from attacks and being hit.
New ability:
. You enter a battle trance, reducing the cost of your next 3 Heroic Strike or Cleave attacks by 10 Rage.
no longer causes the player to take additional damage.
Ira rabiosa
now increases damage done by 10% instead of increased rage generation when hit.
Grito de batalla
increases attack power instead of Strength and Agility.
now increases Stamina by 10% instead of a set value--scaling better with gear.
Buffs and Debuffs
: Stamina (
), Attack Power (
Grito de batalla
), Weakened Armor (
), Physical Vulnerability (
), Weakened Blows (
), and Mortal Wounds (
Golpe mortal
Tajo furioso
Heridas profundas
is automatically applied from
Golpe mortal
Inner Rage
Protection Changes
Bloquear con escudo
has been changed a bit. Raise your shield, blocking every melee attack against you for 6 sec. These blocks can be critical blocks. It comes with 2 charges that regen every 15 seconds.
is usable in
New Ability:
. Raise your shield, absorbing damage for the next 6 sec. Consumes up to 60 Rage to increase the amount absorbed. Absorption amount increases with attack power.
Embate con escudo
now generate Rage instead of costing Rage.
Fury Changes
New ability:
Tajo furioso
. A quick strike with your off-hand weapon that deals 220% weapon damage plus 374 (+ 100% of SpellPower) and causes Mortal Wounds on the target.
Sed de sangre
now generates Rage and automatically applies
Heridas profundas
has been redesigned. It has a 20% chance of lowering the global cooldown to 1 sec and reducing the Rage cost by 20 of your next 3
Tajo furioso
Arremetida enfurecida
no longer has a cooldown, but requires you to be Enraged.
Torbellino mejorado
has been changed. Dealing damage with Whirlwind increases the number of targets that your Raging Blow hits by 1. This effect stacks up to 3 times. Using Raging Blow will consume this effect.
Arms Changes
The mechanics behind
have changed. It is usable after
Golpe mortal
, dodged attacks, and a proc from
. In addition,
doesn't cost Rage.
is only available to Arms warriors now.
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If you are trying to leveling a warrior rapidly, please continue reading... if you are not, then this probably isn't going to help you: This is not a guide as it is more of just a few suggestions to help so I will skip various tips such as how to play your warrior or overall gearing.
I am also going to skip some of the more obvious things like "you should have heirlooms" or "make sure you have guild perk's fast track buff"
: Always have the HIT enchants on your gear or have gear that has hit as one of its stats. I mention hit for a very specific purpose- if you miss with your
Ataque de la victoria
, you might die. You will see what I mean later on. If you are unsure about what has hit at lower levels, here are a few examples:
Precisión inferior
Anillo con perla sencillo
Amuleto de veramira
I would also say expertise is a stat you need but gear at this level does not drop expertise and there are not enchants(that I am aware of) that would help you at the lower levels.
From levels 1-22, you can do just about anything to level rapidly as long as you are actually doing
. Obviously tanking in dungeons is your best bet however, be aware that you do not get Thunderclap until level 20 so aoe may be an issue when taking for a while. I just tab targeted and used heroic strike / shield bash. It should generate enough threat to hold them long enough for the group to kill before threat becomes a problem.
So here is the big recommendation(if you are a warrior tank):
Only tanks have the ability to survive pulling massive mobs but warriors notably can do this since they have
Ataque de la victoria
which restores a fair amount of their health. Paladins and other classes may also be able to do this but maybe not in as large set of groups(I don't have a monk yet so I cant speak for that class).
At level 22, you will want to go to the catacombs in Raven Hill which is located in
Bosque del Ocaso
. This area will be guarded by
coords: 16.6 x 38.8. Easily killed by a protection warrior. From there you will find a massive mob of ghouls. If you are properly geared and familiar with your warrior, you can take ~15 at a time.
Just make sure you are concentrating on one particular guy and killing him quickly so you have a
Ataque de la victoria
up when you need it.
You should also be using thunderclap as often as possible.I like to pull a small group, get them down to about 50% hp and then pull the rest of the room.
As long as you keep your
Ataque de la victoria
up, you should be able to stay alive indefinitely.
Just know your limits. Pulling 15 at level 22 is probably too much.
At level 22, you have an xp bar of about 19k and they give about 250 xp per kill. You will have to kill about 80-90 to level depending on how much xp buffs you have. You can do this(get a level) in about 10 minutes if you do it properly. You can go from level 22 to 27 in less than hour. The mobs are level 24 so you will stop to lose any real xp gains around level 27-28.
There is another zone just like this when you get to level 50. If you go to
Las Estepas Ardientes
General Thorg'izog
. There are massive mobs in grid formation. I would suggest just taunting 1 and seeing how many pull. If you can handle those with no problem, then pull 1 closer to the center and continue to increase how many you pull as you go. Note: you will have to kill at least 200 of these to level once, possibly up to 400 even with xp buffs. You will need to be very geared and plow them down rapidly to make any kind of impact on your xp bar. Once you are done with this zone, there is another set of them on the other side of a hill. Assuming there are about 75 total, you will need to wait for 3-5 respawns before you level. This is a pretty hard grind but if you can pull enough and survive, it is worth it.
More tips to come as I continue to level my current warrior...
Edit: few typos fixed and added a few more tooltips.
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This is currently the only class that every race can be.
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I just wanted to add that another good place to look for information on different classes and spec's is
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Dont let the brutal armor and tough looking beards? fool you...
Contruary to everyone's belief(and propaganda on Blizz's forums), this was
THE 2nd weakest class in the game
, just behind warlocks at release. Surely it had special abilties like debuffing healing to 75%, had an abiltity to produce a weak chain of crits with recklesness and one of the endgame talents of Prot warrior was a 3 second stun, which couped with Shield bash and revenge stun could essentially provide a 11 second stun duration if glyped and spec'd correctly(before things like diminishing returns got implemented)
With few stuns(compared to other classes),prone to disarms and snares(altough there was a talent/gear which made you immune), bugged spells like Charge ,lacking abilities(no armor bypassing abilties like
existed, stance-dancing just to even use abilities,weak self-healing and just very, VERY gear dependant made this class more of a chore then a leisure
Damage(besides t-clap) was purely physical, which rendered this class even more useless
Prior to a few patches,(early classic)a max level protection-speced paladin could possibly hold out two warriors and eventually suceed in killing them. Altrough he would have to use his major cooldowns like Hand of Protection/stun/healing Potion/lay on hands and might even be low on mana.
Paladin's Holy Shield ability increased blocking by roughly
,(hence the reason why Warriors hated Paladins, they were absolutely powerless against a well-played paladin) which made it even tougher to score a kill. Also his seal thing made him attack much,much faster then a warrior,and it would cause a debuff to the said warrior to recieve more damage....hence why Paladins are arch-nemesis of warriors
only reason i can see why people died to Warriors was probably because they were new to the game in general; those who played MMos prior to WoW(i was a 2 year d2 "vet", and my friend played Runescape prior to release of warcraft.
it was not until mid 2005- early 2006
when Warriors actually got updated and recieved a major overhaul, and could compete with other classes on regular basis. Hence the reason why the little "arcanite reaper ho video thing is done in 2006-at the game's release, it simply would not have been possible due to the $%^&ness of this class. I cannot speak for mid 2006-TBC and on because by that time i quit and moved on to consoles
When i first rolled a warrior i was very disappointed;it was not like Diablo 2's barbarian were i got to hack and slash enemies in 2-3hits, it took rather about 7 swings for them even to die. I deleted the said character and rolled a decision ever mae.
As some said, easiest way to counter a Warrior , 1vs1 is DO NOT let them charge. Stay close to them as much as you can if you are a melee( "up in their grill" or "hugging them as i say), and as far away as possible if you are a ranged dps
If he cannot charge it is difficult for him to generate rage, as Bloodrage ability seems to be gone
downrate all you want but this is how i played
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Garrosh Hellscream
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I find it offensive that our attacks are listed under a "Spells" tab :(
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The only class with True Honor and Pride, this is what a man is supposed to be.
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Note that the URL says "class=1".
Wowhead agrees: warriors are the #1 class.
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My Thoughts on Warriors:
I have never played a Protection Warrior, but I have tried both Arms and Fury. It is a toss up to which one I prefer, but I do tend to lean toward Fury. I have always like the damage out put of a Warrior even if it has not always been the highest DPS they do have nice out put.
The best thing in my opinion about Fury Warriors is the ability
Empuñadura de titán
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Warriors look pretty good for Warlords of Draenor, still stuck between a monk and a warrior though. Anyone got an opinion?
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quite worried about my warrior in WoD with the recent changes hopefully we will have more than mortal strike and colossus smash
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I have consistently found the warrior class to be the one I end up having as my main every expansion. If you haven't tried one I would highly suggest giving it a go. Charge ftw!
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Warriors are the classic and pretty much a must have element in any game (at least its concept). Every game has a physical damage dealer close to warrior, wow, warhammer, diablo, rift etc. It's on of the first classes one thinks of in such a game along with a mage/spellcaster. Playing warrior in wow is awsome, and guess what, no matter what, warriors will never be extremely underpowered because they are a classic element.... and of course it's a class for real MEN!
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Garrosh Hellscream
Golpe mortal
Mortal Strike
Heroic Strike
Embate con escudo
Shield Slam
Bloquear con escudo
Shield Block
Commanding Shout
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Pictures 6 and 8 are the same. Would you ever remove one of those?
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I will be waiting for an up to for the Protect (Gladiator) guide. I think that the Gladiator it great add for the warrior class.
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Playing only war for 7 years. TBC was great for wars no complains. Wotlk was awsome. Cata was pretty good, I was exited for war cause of ccs they added. Mop... Yeah the damage and stuff, played great, but the problem was that blizzard didn't noticed that personally to me, if I go regular warrior build, there is no way I can beat monks or DKs. I spent a lot of nerves there crying about unbalance and stuff, they should have done that wars could have a chance to beat at least monks in return of harder game againts other classes. Everything else was ~good. Now in WoD as I play I see warriors completely scrapped. Fury can do almost something(depends on situation). Arms are comepletely useless. And prots like in old good classic times are the only playable spec for wars. They are best pvp and pve. And the thing is, I hate prot spec... Too boring. They pretty much took away everything that was fun on warriors. They keep nerfing it. Our stun on charge has been taken away, overpower taken away O.o ( War vs DK = RIP war). And sadly they buffed all others so now we have no chance beating mages, druid, paladins (RIP Shattering Throw), hunters, and also we cannot deal a single damage to priests. I want old warriors ! They used to be tanks on pvp, now even rogue can take more damage...
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My husband has a fury 2h warrior and a protect paly. until Draenor . My paly makes some major weapons now like a 300 dps 2h ax, (they sure love axes this expansion) and I am still not sure with the new low dps thing on weapons and armor. The funny thing is this ax is unique and is the only 2h weapon avail. I talked to a gm about it and he said i should just change to arms because they use one hand weapons. I had a 2h fury warrior because I liked playing and it really looked cool running around with 2 2h weapons.,now he just looks weak with one 1h and one 2h weapon. Now my question, have any heard of them getting rid of 2 2h fury warriors or fixing so they can exist in draenor? Oh, his protect paly that is 100 and great with a really hot hammer and shield he made .
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All automatically learned
glyphs by level:
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warriors are the true badasses in all three specs.
A fury warrior is a raging titan striking with duel weapons and sheer raw strength. Much like the incredible hulk, there's not a lot of ((In character)) skill behind their strikes, just sheer insane strength to make up for it. Also like the Incredible Hulk, the more you piss them off, the harder they hit, the stronger they get. They are fury unshackled.
Arms warriors are on the other side of the fence of badasses. They don't have the titan-like strength or sheer beserker bloodlust of a fury warrior, but instead they have MASTERED a two-handed weapon, striking with strength and precision to bring death to the target. For them they channel their rage into a deadly calm. They keep their head level. They are the Blademaster.
Protection warriors do not have the thick hide of a druid, the healing of a death knight, the blessed power of a paladin, or the agility and drunken dodging of a brewmaster. Just some armor, a shield, and the knowledge of how to use them. They will never be taken down, They can make a valiant last stand while managing to make raising their shield do five or six separate things depending on HOW they raise their shield. They Duel wield in an unconventional way, Their shield and Sword are BOTH defensive and offensive, Parrying with their blade, and slamming with their shield. They are THE tank.
A warrior has no magic at their hands, no spells, no poison, no sneaking around. They are badass through sheer force of will, and they can and WILL make you cower before them.
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Initial starting gear for warriors:
View in 3D
Jubón de recluta
Pantalones de recluta
Botas de recluta
Espada magna desgastada
View in 3D
Jubón de recluta
Pantalones de recluta
Botas de recluta
Hacha de batalla desgastada
Elfo de la noche
View in 3D
Jubón de recluta
Pantalones de recluta
Botas de recluta
Espada magna desgastada
View in 3D
Jubón de recluta
Pantalones de recluta
Botas de recluta
Mandoble desgastado por la batalla
View in 3D
Guerrera de recluta gilneano
Camisa de aventurero gilneano
Cinturón de recluta gilneano
Pantalones de recluta gilneano
Botas de recluta gilneano
Mandoble desgastado por la batalla
View in 3D
Jubón de alumno
Cubremuñecas de alumno
Cordón de alumno
Leotardos de alumno
View in 3D
Jubón de camorrista
Pantalones de camorrista
Botas de camorrista
Hacha de batalla desgastada
View in 3D
Jubón de recluta
Pantalones de recluta
Botas de recluta
Espada magna desgastada
View in 3D
Jubón de camorrista
Pantalones de camorrista
Botas de camorrista
Hacha de batalla desgastada
View in 3D
Jubón de camorrista
Pantalones de camorrista
Botas de camorrista
Hacha de batalla desgastada
Elfo de sangre
View in 3D
Guerrera de recluta
Pantalones de recluta
Botas de recluta
Mandoble desgastado por la batalla
View in 3D
Arnés de camorrista goblin
Guanteletes de camorrista goblin
Grebas de camorrista goblin
Botas de camorrista goblin
Martillo desgastado por la batalla
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I started out using fury warrior, which mind you is great for dps in raids/dungeons. However their is poor survivability. I don't like dying that often. Therefore, I jumped into prot, and have had a blast as a protection warrior more than anything! Even in pvp!
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Does anyone know if there will be more ability's added to the warrior class? I quite miss overpower and heroic strike
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My warrior is so angry. All the time rage. Never calm.
Why can't we hit people with calm?
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I made a guide about how to play a protection warrior HERE:
Hope it helps somebody! :)
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Each class in Legion has a long class hall quest chain — campaign. During that chain you'll raise your power and power of your class hall. You'll train followers, gear them, research your artifact and other things. Each class has diferent campaign, only few quests are the same.
There are
class hall campaign quests:
class hall campaign
Una misión importante
Volver a la Costa Abrupta
Volver a la Costa Abrupta
Odyn y los Valarjar
Armas de leyenda
First weapon chosen
Strom'kar, la Belígera
quest chain
La espada de reyes
Strom'kar, la Belígera
Espadas de Guerra de los Valarjar
quest chain
El cazador de héroes
Espadas de Guerra de los Valarjar
Escama del Guardián de la Tierra
quest chain
Legado de Rompehielo
Escama del Guardián de la Tierra
La forja
La Forja de Odyn
El Ojo de Odyn
Así comienza la guerra
Choose a zone to attack
La llamada de Odyn
El Primogénito se alza
Campeones del Bastión Celestial
Campeona: Finna Bjornsdottir
Finna Bjornsdottir
Campeón: Ragnvald Hijo de Draco
Ragnvald Hijo de Draco
Capitán Stahlstrom
Capitán Stahlstrom
Reclutar tropas
Valarjar Aspirants training
Tropas sobre el terreno
Tropas sobre el terreno
Einar el taumaturgo de runas
500 x
Recursos de la sede
Gloria de la sede
El Cuerno de Gjallar
Romper los lazos
La promesa de Svergan
Tras el rastro del gran gusano
Tras el rastro del gran gusano
Campeón: Svergan Capatormenta
Svergan Capatormenta
¡A la Cima!
Sortija de aspirante con runas
Gloria de la sede
1000 x
Recursos de la sede
Prepararse para la guerra
Ayudar a las Valkyras
Perdidos en el mar
Esclavos de gigantes de mar
Reclutar doncellas escuderas
Vrykul shieldmaidens
Hacha lo que hacha
Gran yelmo de Señor de la batalla
Hincar los codos
Start a Research Work Order
Fauce de Almas: Mensaje para Helya
Acantilados Boca Infernal
run needed
Voluntad de los Valarjar
20 WQ have to be done
Runas demoníacas
Campeón: Dvalen Runaférrea
Dvalen Runaférrea
Campeón: Thorim
Torreón Grajo Negro: Un poder mayor
Torreón Grajo Negro
run needed
Capturar el portal
Investigar el Bastión Alma Vil
Preparar nuestra llegada
Última oportunidad
El destino de Hodir
Peto de Señor de la batalla
Gloria de la sede superior
5000 x
Recursos de la sede
Una campaña gloriosa
Campeón: Hodir
El arma de un héroe
Forjado para la batalla
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Thank you for this guide.
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Thank you for taking the time to give this a read. Trying to make a community for Warriors to gather and discuss all things warrior related for all specs. As we have gone through many changes in the past. It would benefit the class to gather and pool our knowledge to help all warriors be the best they can be. Hope you all have a good day and hope to see you on the front lines.
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In the new TWW expansion, in
La Petrocámara
, in the northern part of The Singing Forge there is a forge that Warriors can interact with to obtain a nice buff,
Energía de hierro imbuido
for 10 minutes.
Calculadora de talentos
Arms Warrior DPS Guide
Fury Warrior DPS Guide
Protection Warrior Tank Guide
Shadowlands Warrior Leveling Guide
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