And players have choice in what activity they wish to pursue for the fragments as well. Not a bad deal
I hope they don't lock storytelling behind rotating weekly quests lol
this quest is a lot more invovled than last weeks quest
You can still basically do any of the 4 choices last week during this week and complete it which is good. This is a step in the right direction.
Only for level 80. What about my alt army? Sheesh.
Lets the Devs make the game they want and we just need to shut the %^&* up. We are ruiining what was a great game bc of @#$%^ ass *!@#
Unlike last week’s quest, which could be done by sub-80 characters, this week it’s only available at level 80. (Hopefully just another error that will get fixed.)
I was able to complete this while doing the weekly quests at Hillhelm Family Farm.
sub-80 characters can do this quest, they just have to unlock the vault of memory doing the storyline quest which is super annoying to do on every character
It actually seems like it's not quite so straightforward...Those of my characters who did the multi-choice spark quest last week get offered the Titan Disc quest if they're level 80. However they need to have done some-or-all of the post-release campaign extension quests - I only did the available-on-release portion of the campaign so I'm locked out until I do more.Below level 80 characters who did last week's spark quest get offered nothing.All characters - both 80 and below - who did not do last week's spark quest get offered the multi-choice option. For those spark-less characters on NA/OCE this week, the options are World Quests, complete Spreading the Light, do Ara-kara dungeon on normal or higher, or complete Awakening the Machine.
Okay, I really liked last week's ability to choose any, so I hope that's a standard thing, but who can say this early on? We just have to wait and see what happens!
Aw. I didn't manage to complete the main campaign so I didn't even get to enjoy the choice.So this quest gives the first weekly cache but doing any of the other events rewards the others? I need a list..
It's telling me to continue further into campaign in the quest log rather than showing the titan disc frags like in above screenshot.... Do I HAVE to finish the next part of campaign quests after done with initial one and unlocking WQs?I thought they were done with locking weekly activities behind campaigns and stuff.... 😑
Do someone know how to obtain the sparkle this week?I have completed 4 chest activities and none dropped it.
This one is TERRIBLE, it can easily take you hours to complete. You get 1 fragment from treasures, which are quite difficult to find with this weekly running. The only other alternative is fighting rares, the big ones always gives you 10 and sometimes you get from regular rares so seems like rng. Same again, you need to find rares to get these fragments. Absolutely terrible design compared to the previous week.