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Season 6 Title & Theme Found on Diablo 4 Patch 2.0 PTR - Season of Hatred
Diablo IV
vor 6 tagen
Diablo 4 Patch 2.0 PTR
is now live, and players are already hard at work exploring, researching, and testing. One exciting discovery has just surfaced that you may have missed! Thanks to the PTR, we have now confirmed the Season 6 title and theme! According to the Patch 2.0 PTR, Season 6 will be called the "Season of Hatred".
Screenshot of the 2.0 PTR login screen.
What exactly this will mean for the latest Seasonal Questline remains to be seen, but it feels safe to assume that it will heavily revolve around the battle against Mephisto, Lord of Hatred. Diablo 4 Season 6 will be launching alongside the Vessel of Hatred expansion on October 8th, 2024.
Diablo 4 Patch 2.0 NotesVessel of Hatred Overview
Have you had a chance to play on the PTR yet? If so, have you made any interesting discoveries? Please share with us in the comments below - we want to hear from you!
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