Incoming hot fix. This will be nerfed and only those who manage to rush to end game will benefit with no repercussions when it’s listed as a bug. Tell me I’m wrong.
Someone discover something cool -> Redditor or Streamer make a fuss to get likes -> Wowhead publish -> Blizzard Nerf.
you kill him a couple times then thats kind of it. kill me with boredom this season
I continue to see no reason to play this season, what with them making absolutely stupid player power balance choices and single mobs like this.Hell, I don't even feel the desire to play my NON season character with the massive nerf to leveling speed in the last patch.
It's really not that broken, you sometimes get ilv 800 it's not even 100% and not to mention stats are completely random you can only roll 1 but even then spamming Nightmare dungeons will give you glyph XP plus a chance for a higher ilv than 800, wasting resources for a chance of a good 800 is not that insane, you have to clear the dungeon for a maybe boss which is also not guaranteed. It's nice to invite a full party if you have the mats for the summoning item and if you're farming better hearts. People will complain because they like to complain without a good reason. If you don't like it don't play the game. What they said at the campfire stream was good news, let's just wait and see if they deliver. Big W.
i dont see why people would consider this a makes sense for this boss to drop decent stuff.
Blizzard will nerf this. Don't forget to buy the new daily cosmetic set when you log on today boys!111!11!