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Angeheftete Neuigkeiten
„Prowler“-Masken, -Gugel und -Umhänge mit 11.0.5 im Handelsposten
Eine neue Reihe kosmetischer Transmogs hält mit Patch 11.0.5 Einzug in den Handelsposten - „Prowler“-Masken, -Gugel und -Umhänge in vielen Farben!
Datamined Trading Post Rewards for Winter 2024 - Sylvanas Armor, Purple Murloc Snugglesuit, Faction Earmuffs
The 11.0.5 PTR brings a fresh round of fun transmogs to the Trading Post, including Sylvanas transmog, a purple Murloc snugglesuit, Alliance and Horde earmuffs, and some new butterfly wings!
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New Toys and Consumables on the Patch 11.0.5 20th Anniversary PTR
New toys and consumables celebrating World of Warcraft's 20th Anniversary have been discovered on the Patch 11.0.5 PTR, including the return of the famous Mohawk Grenade!
„Prowler“-Masken, -Gugel und -Umhänge mit 11.0.5 im Handelsposten
Eine neue Reihe kosmetischer Transmogs hält mit Patch 11.0.5 Einzug in den Handelsposten - „Prowler“-Masken, -Gugel und -Umhänge in vielen Farben!
Festliche Winterhauch-Transmogs mit Patch 11.0.5 im Handelsposten
Halloween ist noch nicht ganz da, doch es ist an der Zeit, die Weihnachtsdekoration aufzuhängen! Wir haben neue festliche Waffen gedatamined, die mit 11.0.5 in den Handelsposten kommen.
Neue Farbvarianten der TBC Dungeon- und WotLK PvP-Ausrüstung - Neue Transmog-Ensembles in Patch 11.0.5
Wir haben einige neue Transmog-Ensembles auf dem Patch 11.0.5 PTR gedatamined - neue Farbvarianten der TBC Dungeon- und WotLK PvP-Ausrüstung.
New Battle Pets to Collect in Patch 11.0.5 - Plus Dogg-Saron Disguise
Battle Pet collectors have some fun new pets coming in 11.0.5!
Datamined Trading Post Rewards for Winter 2024 - Sylvanas Armor, Purple Murloc Snugglesuit, Faction Earmuffs
The 11.0.5 PTR brings a fresh round of fun transmogs to the Trading Post, including Sylvanas transmog, a purple Murloc snugglesuit, Alliance and Horde earmuffs, and some new butterfly wings!
Saison der Entdeckungen-Waffenmodelle auf dem 11.0.5 Retail-PTR gedatamined - Warcraft Jubiläums-Crossover Event?
Wir haben neue Waffenmodelle auf dem 11.0.5 PTR gedatamined, aber viele dieser neuen Modelle kommen uns seltsam bekannt vor. Plant Blizzard ein Crossover-Event?
Weitere kosmetische 11.0.5-Gegenstände gedatamined - Unbenutzte Waffenfärbungen und -modelle aus TBC und WotLK
Wir sind noch dabei, Patch 11.0.5 zu dataminen und nach kosmetischen Gegenständen zu suchen, und haben dabei viele Waffentransmogs gefunden, die ungenutzten Modellen und Färbungen aus TBC und WotLK ähneln.
Einzigartige Zauberanimationen für Dracthyr-Priester in 11.0.5
Mit der Erweiterung der Klassenoptionen um Priester im kommenden Patch 11.0.5 erhalten Dracthyr einzigartige Flügelanimationen für Dunkler Aufstieg und Apotheose.
New Dark Ranger Hunter Visuals - 11.0.5 Hero Talent Rework
Dark Ranger Hunters have gotten a near-total overhaul in 11.0.5, and with that comes a wealth of new Sylvanas-inspired visuals!
New and Revamped Fun Blackrock Depths Items - WoW 20th Anniversary Raid
Blackrock Depths is becoming a special raid in the upcoming WoW 20th Anniversary event, and we're looking at some of the more special piece of gear that will drop in the raid!
Revamped Blackrock Depths Boss Models - WoW 20th Anniversary Raid
With Blackrock Depths being made into a special raid for the WoW 20th Anniversary Event, a majority of the bosses have received makeovers! We're highlighting the new models for all Blackrock Depths bosses in this post.
New Battle Pet Rewards Coming in Patch 11.0.5
With the Patch 11.0.5 PTR, we've datamined a few new Battle Pet achievements and rewards for players to earn!
Dragonflight PvP Ensembles Coming with Patch 11.0.5 - Elite Ensembles Included
With Patch 11.0.5, we spotted the highlight awaited PvP Ensembles and Arsenals, allowing players to quickly learn all PvP appearances from Dragonflight. In the middle of the data, however, we also spotted something new:
Elite Arsenals
Elite Ensembles
. We don't have a lot of details about how they will work, but they exist!
Dracthyr Patch 11.0.5 New Class Animations Showcase
In Patch 11.0.5, Dracthyr will be able to roll 6 new classes - Hunter, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Warlock and Warrior. In this post, we quickly showcase Dracthyr gameplay with all new classes in Dragon form!
Classic Timewalking Commendations - Purchase Battleground and Zandalari Tribe Reputation Tokens
With Classic Timewalking, Blizzard has added new spell effects for the upcoming Commendations, which will be available with Timewalking Badges. These Commendations include tokens for the original Battleground reputations for Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, and Alterac Valley and the currently unobtainable Zandalari Tribe reputation.
Weekly Cache Rewards Buffed in Patch 11.0.5
The Weekly Cache rewards for The War Within are receiving a buff in their upgrade track at Patch 11.0.5!
Transform Into Famous Characters During the WoW 20th Anniversary Celebration
During WoW's 20th anniversary, you can dress up as the heroes and villains of Azeroth's past, such as Khadgar and Illidan, and emote to let all your friends know they are not prepared!
New Dracthyr Starting Quests - Unique Dialogue for Class Choice
With their new class options, non-evoker Dracthyr have a brief new starting area in which you encounter Emberthal, who makes a unique comment based on your class!
New Shaman Ascendance Models Coming in Patch 11.0.5
We've datamined the new Shaman Ascendance models coming in Patch 11.0.5--have a look!