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WoW not for sale in Australia? (Official Response)
So a lot of attention has been paid lately to the recent news that WoW was supposedly no longer legally for sale in Australia. Apparently the issue is that being an online game, WoW is not rated by the Australian ratings board—and new legislation has just been passed to prevent the sale of unrated games. WoWInsider had a story posted about it
Well, the day of the law change has passed and WoW is still on the shelves.
(and their sister site,
) claim it's because no one really cares enough about the issue to pull them, but a recent email from Blizzard seems to indicate otherwise. At Nethaera's request, I have republished the email here after the break.
Upcoming Class Changes!
All the classes have their info up! As changes are made, we'll keep this post up to date.
So Blizzard has announced some upcoming class changes which sound especially exciting! I've included the entire text of the changes in this post, all prettied up with links for you—just click the "Continue Reading" link to see. More will be added as the info is released, of course—so keep checking back!
Please keep in mind that this list is not at all comprehensive, and subject to change. :)
Elekktion Day
I'd like you to meet my good friend World of Warcraft. We've been friends for about two years now, off and on.
I could talk about all the positive qualities that my friend WoW has, that he's always available to hang out when I'm free, that he's got a bunch of other friends, invites me to parties, all those things.
More than anything though, I've always thought WoW was awesome because WoW
wants me to succeed
Client Troubles
Just a quick note to let you guys know that we're having a little bit of trouble with the Wowhead Client server. People who upload may be getting an "Authentification Failed" error. Don't panic! Your information is entered correctly! We should have the error fixed up shortly.
I'm slow today! Looks like we've got it fixed. Leave a comment if you're having further problems.
Wowhead 101 - Using Filters!
I was in our
Wowhead IRC Channel
the other day, talking to some of our regulars, when someone asked "How do I find enchantments with X stat on them?" I was thinking about this, and I started to realize that Wowhead's filters are actually a surprisingly under-utilized feature. So, in the interest of making
trip through Azeroth a little easier, I thought I'd take a minute to talk about the Wowhead filter system and how you can use it to find the info you need.
Class is now in session!
Hacked Passwords - Are You Safe?
As some of you may have read in one of our recent blogs account security is at an all-time high for World of Warcraft fans. Coming after the release of a highly anticipated expansion, and an especially busy holiday season, many players are still finding their accounts compromised. Historically, Blizzard has been able to track and shut down illegal activity, but these things are complicated and could take up to several months for a thorough investigation. Even then, not all accounts are able to be restored completely, if at all.
As we covered
, the top three culprits are shared account passwords, illegal account services (real money trading or power-leveling, etc.) and malware such as trojans or viruses. Blizzard will never ask for an account password except on the official website, the official forums or Armory, and the actual game log-in screen. Likewise, never share an account password with another person, even ones you trust.
Gearing Up IRL
All of us already know that WoW, and by extension Warcraft, is an exceedingly successful franchise. After all, we likely wouldn't be here if it wasn't. So with that in mind, I find myself wondering today about the numerous other sub-franchises that have sprung up around it.
Licensing is an amazing thing. You can get your guild crest printed on a
. You can have a three-dimensional
cast of your character, in whatever gear you're wearing at the time. You can read
about WoW. You can even play the WoW
Miniatures Game
, or the WoW
Trading Card Game
, or the WoW
Adventure Game
, or the WoW
Board Game
, or any number of other ways o
I submit to you the following question:
“Is your WoW character a violent person?”
Ostensibly, the answer would have to be yes, given that probably about 90% of what your character does involves fighting. And yet, I'm not exactly sure that needs to be the case. Is someone a “violent” character if they routinely use violence to accomplish goals that can
be accomplished through violent means?
Official Blizzard Update: Patch 3.0.8a today
Blizzard is cleaning house and clearing out the last few problems with 3.0.8 today, with a tiny patch designed to sweep up the last of the issues mentioned in the previous
on the subject. Here's the official "patch notes":
Human females Helms will no longer lift off the character's head during a Special2H animation or during a HoldRifle animation.
Death Knights
: The 5 second cooldown will now display correctly.
All Hunter
are no longer on the global cooldown that is shared with other Hunter abilities. All hunter aspects are now on a separate 1 second cooldown.
Ritual der Beschwörung
will now function as intended.
The official source is
Philosophy of a Good Player
Recently I began digging around in various forums (both here at
and at other sites) trying to find a few good replies to the question, "What does it take to be a good DPS?"
Many players are still learning, or perhaps just started the game—and with over 11 million players, surely there are questions. My goal is to provide answers of a different color. Today I'm throwing out another (hopefully) thought-provoking entry. I originally planned it around damage dealers exclusively, but this entry can be applied to many roles (and in real life). And no, it was not conceived that way because I'm suffering from an influx of
Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3
. Okay, maybe I lied. Maybe. =)
Wowhead Comic #10
Sorry it's a little late this weekend!
I have heard many tales of the new raid content being so surprisingly easy, and then the oh-so-experienced getting their bottoms handed back on a silver platter by the drake trio in
Sartharion's lair
Note: I know the paladin's
is incredibly outdated, but it's
, and you at least all know he's a paladin. That's pretty much my only reason for drawing him dressed that way.
- insert binglybingly tacky news jingle song here -
Dear Wowhead... (Episode 6)
Welcome back, dear readers! Today we have a letter from a dear friend of mine out in the Crossroads—the names have been changed to protect the people involved!
Dear Wowhead,
Lately, I have been having urges.... strong urges. When did I start getting these urges? A couple days ago my friends were hanging around
Felicia Gump
, who is the main supplier of Herbs in
Stormwind City
. What I noticed that was strange about my friends was that they had bought some
Schwarze Rose
s, and they were offering it to me. Always being a team player, I tried it.
Now, I am addicted. I can't stop. I try to stop, and I just end up doing something drastic or unpleasant. I found out yesterday that in my rage to get more, I had beaten my
!! Please, help me. I am a wreck... I need help! What do I do? HELP!!!
Black Roseee
Lunar Festival 2009 (Jan 24 - Feb 12) - Quest Guide + Information!
Welcome back readers! It's time for the Lunar Festival, so everyone break out the fireworks, show a little respect for your Elders, and come celebrate the new year!
Lunar Festival
is held every year starting on a date that typically coincides with the Chinese New Year. In 2009, the Lunar Festival will run from
January 24 - February 12
. The festival is celebrated by the druids of
with great fireworks and festive attire. Ancestors of Azeroth are praised and honored by both Horde and Alliance, who then reward players with reputation and
Münze der Urahnen
that can be used to purchase festive garb, patterns and fireworks! Also, higher level players will be able to earn a new player title -
Patch 3.0.8 Issues Resolved
Most of the major issues plaguing Patch 3.0.8 have now been resolved:
Arenas Re-enabled - All Items Removed
Death Knight Creation
Wintergrasp Instability Issues
There are still a few minor issues that still are being worked on:
Warlock's Ritual of Summoning currently has a two-minute cooldown.
Human Female Animation Errors.
Tooltip error on Howling Blast (currently doesn't indicate a cooldown).
Tamat Interviews Mia Rose
So those of you who have been reading news (and watching some of those video interviews) over at our sister site,
, will know Andrew "
" Beegle, the editor-in-chief. Since we've been working together on editorial stuff on our respective sites, I've granted Tamat blogging privileges here on the Wowhead blog, so he can let you guys know when they have a particularly awesome story running over there.
Today's particularly awesome story is an interview with miss
Mia Rose
from CES this year. I admit to being a little reluctant at first ("oh ha ha cute girl plays WoW we get it"), but the shirt sold me—and as it turns out, she's a more hardcore WoW player than I am.
Those who are offended by mildly NSFW content are probably better off not clicking. :P
The interview is up on Allakhazam
Arenas Disabled—Official Blizzard Update (2:30 PM PST)
Bad news for PvPers:
Blizzard has disabled all Arena matches
pending further investigation of calculation issues. The official link has been added to the list below.
This latest patch is a doozy, and if you're anything like me your realm is swarming with problems. Feel free to post any issues you may be having with the latest patch here, so we have a consolidated list.
Blizzard's official announcements on the subject:
Arenas Disabled
Battle For Wintergrasp Disabled
3.0.8 Major Known Issues
Death Knight Creation
Good luck, and cross your fingers that they get the kinks worked out soon. I'm going to try and keep this post updated as we find out more.
The Casual MMO?
So I've taken to reading
's news posts lately, and just recently they came out with one that I think was an especially interesting read.
You can find the full story here:
Their new editor, "Pwyff", writes a topic that has some striking similarities to the things we've been discussing
here on the blog
for the last week or so, so I thought I'd take a moment to point it out so as to add to the discussion. Feel free to post your comments and thoughts here, or in the comments thread on the story if you happen to have an Allakhazam account.
It's Patch Day! Official Venting Location
In keeping with patch-day tradition, here is a single centralized location to vent all of your patch day woes. Who wants to take bets on how long the servers stay down today?
Feel free to post questions, comments, annoyances, flames and trolls here—let's just try and keep it clean. The patch notes, as always, are located here:
Also—those of you who have hunter concerns might be interested in checking out
Did You Notice? Patch Changes in 3.0.8
Blizzard has been hard at work tinkering with professions, working on classes, and fixing a million other miscellaneous things to bring the game better in line with their vision.
In an effort to keep you guys from having to read all the boring details now that 3.0.8 (
patch notes
) is live, I've decided to to point out some changes or additions which I thought deserved extra attention. To quote Samuel L. Jackson, "Hold on to your butts!"
Find out more after the break!
Wowhead Comic #9
Hooray! Sunday.
I'm sure there are some of you out there that have no idea what this is referenced to, so here's a
Thanks to Web for writing another awesome comic.