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What If You Could Have Hair Under Your Hat... - Community Spotlight
04.09.2022 um 14:27
Peter Yu
, developer of the wildly popular
transmog/wardrobe/UI add on, recently posted a fun little trick that allows you to use two macros to see what your character would look like if their hair did not vanish when they donned a hat.
Trivial, you say? No sir! I have long bemoaned the amazing collection of chapeaux that I cannot wear due to the automatic hair cut. I even went so far as to ask a developer about it one BlizzCon - perhaps you were there? Perhaps you saw the video? "When," I asked, "would I be able to wear a hat without getting a haircut?" The response to my plea was was pretty much "...um, never." It was explained that doing this seemingly simple task would require touching every hat asset in the game - and there are a lot of hats. The workload would make this a task worthy of its own expansion. A Hat expansion. I resigned myself to pretty much never wearing a hat.
And then Peter Yu came along and I had to give it a try. Hope was rekindled!
Here is how you do it:
Open the Dressing Room - Ctrl+click on an item in your wardrobe
Use Macro #1:
/script local m=DressUpFrame.ModelScene;local a1,a2=m:GetPlayerActor(),m:CreateActor();a2:SetModelByUnit("player", true, true);local x,y,z=a1:IsUsingCenterForOrigin();a2:SetUseCenterForOrigin(x,y,z);TEMP_ACTORS={a1,a2};
Use Macro #2:
/script TEMP_ACTORS:SetScale(TEMP_ACTORS:GetScale());for _, a in pairs(TEMP_ACTORS) do a:SetPosition(0, 0, 0);a:SetAnimation(618, 0, 1, 0);a:SetYaw(-1.57);a:UndressSlot(16);a:UndressSlot(17);end
Now just Ctrl+click on items in your wardrobe to see how they look without removing your hair
As you can see, I have lovely flowing locks. It upsets me when I have hats - and let's face it, it's most of my hats - that give me a short back and sides. Now I look very dapper in a nice trim cut, but it's not who I am. I gotta let the hair flow, so I was most excited by this idea and gave it a whirl.
Before and After....Looking Good
Nope, nope, nope....
There are some that are amazing! ...and some that are...well...amazing? Ironically, the big issue is clipping. The idea certainly works better on a super low profile cut. Love the braid!
Before and After....
But for anything with vertical substance? Er, no.
Well...actually...Yes! Very Yes!
The upshot: this is a super fun little trick and a gas to play about with, but it also really demonstrates exactly why making this change will be such a big job. Every hat would have to be adjusted for every hairstyle for every race. And that, my friends, is no small task.
I'm still eagerly awaiting the Hat Expansion.
Hol' dir Wowhead
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